#ive specifically never seen anything like the batfamdom in any other fandom in all my years
movedthechangingman · 2 years
i see so many posts always abt why “comic fandom is weirder than other fandom!” but they sound fake caus they never get to the true point of it which is: being a casual comic fan is nearly impossible because comics dont have accurate plot writeups out there (about 90% of them dont have plot synopsis online at all!) the fandoms is divided into
ppl who have searched out and read the last 20 to 80 years of comics for their respective fave
people who have never read the source material in their life and never plan to (but feel theyre an expert on the subject anyway)
last time i dipped my toes into marvel that 2nd group was like the emceeyou people but for DC the batman subfandom itself has another subfandom of people who created their own flat tropey personalities for the characters in that group and now theres an official (but non-canon) DC-published webcomic using the fanmade personalities & family relationship
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