#ive played a lot of games on easy that i couldve played on normal or even hard.
im not playing bloodborne just to learn to cope with making mistakes what
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isaacathom · 2 years
so im going on holiday, right, for an annoyingly long time (until the very end of september). and ive told all the campaigns that im in about this, because i was only MAYBE going to be available for one week of those games (while im in korea) and then completely unavailable for the other 5 (while im in canada, bc of the timezones, im australian).
and, one by one, each campaign has gone on a hiatus roughly encapsulating that length of time
im in two minds. on the one hand, it means i can continue my streak of having never missed a campaign game (i missed ONE session of my pathfinder campaign bc I was at my brothers wedding, and while I was in a restaurant afterwards I found out that rather than actually play the game they'd just looked at a player's dog, so its a .5).
on the other hand, it means that im indirectly responsible for all three campaigns having no games for the next two months :(
now, its indirect, bc there are obviously other factors. for one campaign, the gm had mentioned earlier that he might have to make it biweekly or take a break to work on his thesis - fair enough! for another, its to allow the gm to work on uni stuff, run some side sessions with smaller groups, and prep for a big mission that'll happen after I get back. for the last, its so the gm can fiddle with 'kinks' that have come up as we keep playing (since we're running an adventure path with some home rules and stuff).
but im also like. :( i specifically didn't want to be disruptive, especially considering i had no authority on how long this holiday was. It was one of the things that motivated me to quit the 4th campaign I was in when I did (in addition to other factors), because based on historical evidence I figured my "temporary absence" would cause a lot of sessions to not be run, whereas if I quit then me not being there would be normal, right, and they can run when just the other 4 show up, right? I couldve quit whenever, but I figured now was a good time so I didn't fuck over 5-6 weeks of the game. (2 of the 3 campaigns earlier are biweekly, LESS of a factor)
and like. I guess im... honoured?? that my presence is valued enough that me not being there would be a significant enough factor to prompt the gms to go 'actually yea lets just take a break instead'. but then also worried that I'm reading too much into it? and being egotistic by assuming thats whats happening? especially in one of the campaigns where theres 8 players, including me and not including the gm, right? like in the one on hiatus for thesis i can slightly inflate my ego more because im basically the party bookkeeper and notetaker, responsible for tracking the inventory of our pack mule and stuff. but mmmmm am i being an egotist. am i thinking about it too much.
i just dont wanna be a buzzkill?? I dont wanna be the reason others miss out on having fun in their fun ttrpgs? and i feel bad that i put them on hiatus?? like again yes there are OTHER reasons, but my absence *is* a factor, and i just ;-;
especially again in the 8 person campaign bc writing my character out for three games is really easy. we established that the ship she's a captain of has been pressed into service patrolling the bay in advance of an invasion by mindflayers or whatever. so shes just. on that ship. actually being its captain. instead of leaving it to her lieutenant, which has been her tactic for the majority of the time she has been captain of that vessel. even with the adventure path one i said, before the hiatus was called, that presumably my character was just ~along with the party~ until they got to the ferry we need, and then would be in their cabin on the ferry reading and completely oblivious to the outside world. sure that ones a little shakier but they did literally uncover a journal of theirs and they have amnesia so deciding to do a deep dive on that bad boy while stuck on a boat seems completely reasonable. bwuuh. (difficult to justify for the thesis campaign bc my character is a) Around, and b) has no way to simply dip for 6 entire sessions that would make sense or wouldn't just fully take him out of the campaign).
whatever. im just antsy because im really stressed about my holiday and full to the achy tit with period hormones that make me grumpy and also even MORE stressed about the holiday. so on, so forth, grumble grumble
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chichorie · 6 years
unpopular opinion: I think that the dr3's characters overall fell short of those from the previous games. It has some excellent characters, but I was uninterested in most of them.
(v3 spoilers under the cut)
i kind of agree and kind of disagree. i do think that v3 relied heavily on some tropes set up from the previous games, (this could have also been due to plot/endgame spoilers) but personally, i felt that the cast of v3 was my favorite and i honestly like every character in the game. 
a few complaints i do have tho:
kirumi: this girl has no personality AT ALL. and its such a shame because she has a cool design and an interesting talent. but they made her talent HER ONLY PERSONALITY TRAIT. shes a maid! and thats the only thing that we’re getting out of her the whole game. her freetime events? “im a maid. heres what i can do.” it doesnt even offer any reason why she became a maid or anything that she does/did before becoming a maid or in her downtime. just. “im a maid.” her love suite event? predictable. maid/master. its... sad. 
kirumi had the potential to be a badass character and they reduced her down to one trait. thats why i really liked the manga anthology- there was a comic where kirumi talked about how she used to play gacha games a lot and had to stop because she was spending so much money on them. thats character! thats personality! thats backstory! it was so refreshing to see! but in game it felt like they didnt know what to do with her, so they killed her off in chapter 2.
korekiyo: i honestly often forgot that he was a character until chapter 3 because he... didnt do anything. he didnt talk to anyone. so when he started getting involved in the investigation in chapter 3 it was very suspicious and it made it obvious that he was the killer because before that point he did absolutely nothing. i feel like the writers also kind of forgot that he was a character and forgot to make him do absolutely anything before chapter 3. but he has a cool design and personality so its rlly :( 
also cut the i*cest shit out please
himiko, tenko, and angie: i didnt care about this arc. at all. every time one of these characters started fighting over himiko i just sighed and wanted to skip it because it was SO BORING. ive never been more relieved over victim reveals because that meant i didnt have to sit through 10 more minutes of those two fighting over himiko. but then i realized id have to deal with himiko saying “im a mage” and “its magic” for the rest of the game bc of the “dead friend” immunity perk and i was like UUUGHHH. even after all that, i didnt feel like himiko changed much. at least, she didnt stop annoying me.
tsumugi: let me preface this by saying that I LOVE TSUMUGI SHIROGANE WITH ALL MY HEART but i feel like the writers did her dirty. i wish she had been more important before the chapter 6 reveal. i feel like her not doing anything until she became the mastermind made it easy for players to hate her when she actually is quite a sweet girl. also, i feel like if she had done more, say along the lines of kaito or maki, it wouldve been more devastating if she had been revealed as the mastermind because you wouldve felt betrayed. 
tsumugi was a really nice girl and i wish i couldve seen her interact more with the others instead of being content with being thrown into the background. i know she says shes plain but i think its endearing and nice because both her and shuichi and kaede have that normality in common, so i think they couldve been good friends. personally i wish she and keebo had talked more, because of team dr shenanigans, i thought it wouldve been cute if she treated him like a little brother. 
maki: i both like and dislike maki, i wish she wouldve changed more throughout the game. i think i wouldve preferred to see kaito’s reaction to maki being executed instead of the other way around. maybe she kills to protect him or something, something shes never done before. i think it wouldve been more interesting than the blatant “i have feelings for kaito” reveal at the end of chapter 5. and the fact that she couldnt actually do anything to save him- it wouldve been so cool to see maki in action is what im saying. it wouldve been nice to see maki say ”i love you” without actually having to say it, either. 
shuichi: i didnt like shuichi in chapter 1 because in comparison to the other boys, i just didnt think he was interesting at all. i think shuichi only works as a protagonist, because i didnt like him until chapter 2 when he took over for kaede and i got to see what he was thinking. this isnt a super big complaint but i thought id mention it.
keebo: they did my boy dirty. they did my boy SO DIRTY. i hate that the entire game all he does is get bullied by kokichi, which makes his “haha hes a stupid robot who yells about ‘robot rights!’” trope come to the forefront of his personality so he doesnt seem like he can do anything at all until the end of the game when he fucking kills himself. 
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steroidusr · 6 years
golden sun (chaos mode hack) part 10: “an impossible challenge”
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i'm actually having a lot of fun with this hack, it's hard enough that finally becoming strong enough to beat enemies you'd been having trouble with feels really rewarding
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tbh it always weirds me out when "monsters" in games look this humanoid (also her color palette is awful)
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anyway time to try to beat this thing again
still not strong enough! what the fuck!
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you know what, fine, im gonna level grind RIGHT HERE
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this move is cool because you get to stab the enemy with a giant magical sword that appears out of nowhere
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also it explodes
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okay, awesome, everyone's at level 13! can we beat that djinni now
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............apparently not
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JUST KIDDING I DID IT through copious save state abuse
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now that we have two mercury djinn, we can summon...
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...another anime girl! she reminds me of the time i had to participate in my high school's fall festival's "dunk a senior" game, where i had to get a huge bucket of freezing water poured on me, outdoors, in the middle of autumn, for the entertainment of tiny children. i had no say in the matter.
high school was pretty bad.
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anyway now this is happening
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using ply on the statue lifts you up the waterfall (yes), and then...
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...teleports you to the summit? not sure how that works
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there's a psynergy stone here too, but i recharge by pacing back and forth instead.
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is that what that giant floating jittery ball is
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h-haha, yeaaahh, about that...
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(if you say yes, absolutely nobody corrects you)
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.......havent we already had this exact conversation? like, at the beginning of the lighthouse?
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whooo's ready for another impossible boss fight
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wait, what are we actually hoping to accomplish by fighting him? the mercury lighthouse's already lit, shouldn’t we be going to the next one?
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how much do you wanna bet this wont really give us any advantage at all
[8:17 PM - 19 Feb 2017]
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yyyyeah, that couldve gone better
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Q: What is the RNG? A: Are you BLIND? Read what ive just typed above!
Q: Are you saying the RNG system doesn't do what its supposed to? A: Oh, GOD! YES that's what ive been trying to say! You are dumb.
Q: So technically its not an RNG, because it doesn't generate a RANDOM number! A: Well, if you want to put it that way... YES I suppose your right.
Q: Why are RNGs important? A: Because without the RNG many games wouldn't have any challenge to them eg. Gambling games and the such.
Q: Is the RNG really this important? Why make an FAQ about such a small aspect in a game? A: As mentioned in the above qustion, many games rely on the RNG to work. On the Golden Sun box, It states the game has "Gambling References" The RNG plays a big part in this. I guess what I am trying to say that the RNG is as important as any other aspect of Golden Sun.
Here are some of the questions regarding the Random Number Generator Flaw:
Q: So couldn't you cheat the RNG by using the same attacks to get the same rare item drops? A: hmmmmmmm......YES duh duh duh
Q: Wouldn't that be cheating? A: Yes, it would.
Q: How do you stumble upon these methods, are they easy to find? A: To find an RNG method, you either need a lot of luck or you need to hack the system. Don't ask me how to.
Q: These methods don't work!!! A: Trust me, they do. Remember you need to do hard, not soft resets, and you need to make sure you are doing everything EXACTLY the way it says on the method instructions.
this rng guide is sassy as fuck
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quake... sphere? so like, a giant rock
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one of the sirens just high jump kicked garet in the face. now i REALLY dont want to kill her
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okay now that's just going too far
[9:45 PM - 19 Feb 2017]
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and now everyone's at level 14! time to head back up and give that boss battle another shot
[we died again.]
[10:08 AM - 22 Feb 2017]
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oh hey, you can keep track of your stat boosts here, that's pretty helpful
(it's totally standard yet I'm surprised GS has it)
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okay, im up ridiculously early but I just finished getting everyone to lv15, let's try this again
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..."this" = "this long, unskippable cutscene"
[10:32 AM - 22 Feb 2017]
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[3:18 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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we're close, but we still cant beat saturos. back to level grinding!
[4:51 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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(wake me up) wake me up inside
[5:27 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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TWO DOWN ok healing 200hp is nice but when do we get a party-wide healing spell
[7:50 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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i swear to god if this STILL isnt enough im going to............... play something else
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ok let's try this AGAIN
[9:03 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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what the FUCK
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also i found this and managed to win 15 battles in a row before dying horribly. yay?
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anyway, i found out while fucking around with djinn setups that if you give mia a mars djinni she can learn douse early
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which you can then use to put out the fire here, letting the water freeze...
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...into a pillar...? (how does that work)
........i thought this'd allow you to access a new area but i cant find anything. fuck.
[9:54 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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Fight later enemies earlier
Southwest of Vault, there is a broken bridge leading to Kalay. If you stand on the southernmost point on the tip of land a bit east of the bridge, you will fight monsters you would normally fight later. Once Ivan gets 85 HP, it becomes much easier. (Most monsters you find in this spot like 4 or 5 types, will have Normal attacks that hit on average between 45-55 damage with mostly all heavy attacks between 70-89 damage). It is highly recommended to save after each successful battle. This earns a great amount of EXP and coins this early in the game.
saturos is an asshole so I'm looking for this now
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hey, it works!
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death head looks very #aesthetic
[11:05 PM - 22 Feb 2017]
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(cant wake up) wake me up inside
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[1:55 AM - 23 Feb 2017]
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it's almost two in the fucking morning but i got everyone to level 17
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NEXT TIME: this shit again
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this morning i watched him simply turn to his mother, "oh yeah did i tell you about the bin" - a source of financial frustrations for him. and that brief moment, that opportunity and ability to turn to someone and say hey, heres this thing at a drop of a hat. i really yearn for that. most if not all of my current connecrions eith people are totally false. theres no substance or genuine care. theres just this surface level like you dont want to see a dog withiut water but youre not going to adopt the dog. lately ive felt extremely isolated - i dont know if its even worth talking about. i dot know if talking about it will solve it or make it easier. i guess i think abiut this one tidbit of advice his mother got, its about creating and living in a new normal. what was once normal for you is over and you have to create a new normal for you. so my new normal is spending a lot of time alone. even if i worked, perhaps itd bother me less because id be distracted and tired and that in itself is sad. no matter what there is an extreme looming sadness. why the fuck does any of this matter, why do i care - why should i go on? whats the purpose of going on? what do i have besides the belief thst "everything is out there for me" as if i magixally decided to hibernste and ignore what opportunities i had available. i am a god damn termite to people. im just like.. this thing that hovers around and sucks your resources but you feel bad for it so you let it go. lately ive noticed the air of desperstion i carry. i want to be around people. i want to care and be cared for. i want to be active in someones life and have someone message me and ask me whats up on a regular basis and just.. you kbow, care. but the more i want it the more people have turned away. i offer everything for it laid out in front of me - my house, my food, what little money i have, the opportunities i manage to come up with - i just keep offering it all out so i can have it in return. or maybe just a portion of it. i believe im worthy of love. i dont live in such a state of depression; i have a variety of interests, i hold good conversations about politics and life and philosophy, i am creatively ralented and my domestic skills are top notch as are my hosting skills. i am worthy of love. but i am not receiving it. i am inherently shielded from love. like its sketchy and gross. like im a diseased animal. maybe they want to love me but they cant because im a person who cant be loved. i want to go out and do things with people but i am not invited. i dont even think its a personal thing, i think they coukd even think i wont have the means or care to be involved. sometimes i dont. but im never asked out for a coffee or a drink. my friendships come by happenstance, as they always have, and thoee hwppenstance friendships have never lasted. why am i never asked oto do interesting or fun things? not even free things? im isolated and im constantly constantly constantly reaching out for something. just wow, thank you for talking to me. like i have to beg people to hang out, double, triple check they didnt forget and once im there they busy themselves with anything but a direct connection to me. i watched this right to die documentary. it was focused towards mental and unseen health issues and the argument was made that perhaos in sone of these cases, if they expended as much energy tryi to help them live as they did helping them die, the might actully not want to die. but i think society ca be like that. they would rather help you die, little by little, piece by piece, than expend the energy to help you live. i realized i am very different from others thiugh. people tend to accept a very small amount of "help" as sonething large and amazing that they did. they donated, had a coffee eith a friend whos been down for months, did a birthday psrty gig cheap etc. but i would literally accept them into my house right now and bathe them and feed them and give them my clothes and make them a bed and listen to them cry for hours endlessly. this is without question. all they have to do is ask. maybe not even ask - ill offer if i think theyy could use it. because it hurts me not to. i feel really anxiously guilty and it will be invasive to my life knowing i didnt give everything i couldve to a person i thiught needed help that i had grown a bond eith. THATS how ive been walked on for a long time. i alloeed it, maybe asked for it, because i believe in helping. i know how bad life is. i live in the trenches of it. i dont want to see another person suffer the same way. i think id gut myself and give a kidney to someone i loved. life is too hard and i feel too much. once you know what true loneliness is, it really changes you as a person. it changes and shifts your perspective and at times i feel like i want to be the most genrrous person, thst im moved by suffering but at other times i am bitter. absolutrly bitter towards the world around me. why is there suffering and why is it sonlarge you cant do anythint abiut it. why could i say every person i know is "crazy" - no one is crazy . everyone truly is exactly the way they needed o be to survive this long. they developed their own coping skills and theyre more than likelt a total inconvinience to everyone else. which makes it "crazy" i was called neurotic. im not crazy, im neurotic. why am i bothered. why. why do i care. i dont care. thats the problem. i "care" because my environment forced me not to care to a point that everything is utterly futile. i cannot find a purpose to care. i dont care about having things. i dont. i barely care about eating. i barely care about affording smokes. these are things i "want" at rhe very least and nothing pushes me for it. nothing gets me up and solving these problems. nothing makes me feel like any of this is important eniugh to have and experience and be. why? in the end , theres nothing. i cannot get over the pure nothingness ahead of me. thats reqllt driving my anxiety. to me, i see nothing. i dont see myself with this job or career i want to be apart of, actively socializing and existing, i dont see myself living in an apartment or basement or shack or trailer, i dont see a family, no children, no reliability, no stability. is it my environment. is it the people i know. is it my city. is it the country. how do i solve this. what can i do to create purpose? i went out, i joined clubs, i put on shows, i picked up hobbies, i met new people, worked new gigs, experienced new romances but to what purpose. what do i do now. how do i enjot life? i admired his ability to enjoy life as is. like he takes joy in small things and everything is meaningful and worth value. he created purpose in his work and drive. he still does. i want that. at the very least. start small, right? i want to find wonder and joy in my world. i want to feel what he feels; going hiking, bike riding, buileing things, playing games, friendships - theres just like accomplishment in it. i try to implement this, regularly. i really try. a d being poor makes it easy because you learn to appreciate things alot more. i am so grateful for the ability to have what i have. and i create these scenarios and try to appreciate its novelty, i guess. like painting in an artists studio in a gallery. it should be an experience, something creative and inspiring. but no matter how hard i try to shine the experience, its nothing more than a gsthering space for fuck ups. i hate it. i hate it but how do i change it and what do i want. what do i want so i know the path to take for it. i willingly try new things with ease becahse i hope itll be the thing. something will click and this will be it but im 27 yrs old and ive had many experiences thst led to nothing. always nothing. and i grasp. i like cats. maybe ill work in a pet store. but thats crazy, a pet store is mearly retail and retail is nothing more than stocking shelves and talking to people. othing to do with cats. do i go to school? do i dedicate my being for the welfare of cats? is it that important to my life? do i cook? professionally? what about baking? a greenhouse? floral designer? "just get -a- job". fine. fine. fine. get -a- job, but then what? i can eat but i have no desire to. i can buy nice things, go places - have no desire to. fantastic, im not a burden to anyone - the real goal. but i have nothing. and its so hard, so fucking hard to comprehend nothing when you know something. i never imagined the reality of nothing on such a level. ever. i knew it would come, but the heavy reality of it is something i never couldve known. so no one understands having a tangible "something" and feeling nothing. what is a nice house. what is a nice car. what is luxury and why does it matter and why dont i feel the same way about it? its nice, its easy, its beautiful- i see it. but why doesnt it make me feel the same way it does him and my exs and my friends. why dont i care? i think.. 5 hours ahead of me, really. i try to think a day or so ahead but i never go through with anything i think ill do a day from now. who knows what will happen. who knows if i get an opportunity for honest interacrion, who knows if i earn money - but i know in five hours ill still be here. ill probably want weed. ill probably want food. maybe ill be tired and sleep early or nap until someone bothers to acknowledge me. maybe they wont, but thatll be for me in five hours to deal with and itll start over again. working paycheck to paycheck is nothing like living hour to hour. i am in the absolute worst position of my life, bar none. i have never been so bad off, so depressed, so hopeless for such a long period of time. i am totally lost. always. j
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