#ive healed enough to make a sandwich while someon else is in the kitchen but! were still growing baby
freakurodani · 1 year
ive got two competing scripts for my next comic so im just gonna go on pintrest and find a pose a draw some boys, maybe
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writings-of-dumpy · 5 years
If Only - IV
A/N: a scene of ALMOST parental abuse in this one, but very mild.
The four of them walked through the castle and into the courtyard where a small table was set up for two. Riya furrowed her brows.
“There are only two chairs…” she commented.
“Were you expecting others?” Scott asked with a small and confused laugh.
“Yes—Stiles and Lydia are joining us,” Riya commented to Scott’s confused expression. Riya broke away from Scott’s hold on her hand and she went to the side of the courtyard and gathered two more chairs from an observatory spot.
“Sorry, guys. This is the best I could come up with,” Riya said and motioned to the chairs.
Lydia smiled and shook her head. “It’s really no trouble, Riya.”
“You’re sitting and eating with us,” Riya said to her best friend, then turned to Stiles, whose face was somewhere between impressed and dumbfounded. “Both of you, please.”
Scott let out a laugh and motioned for Stiles to sit, and the four of them sat at the small table.
“Forgive me, I was under the impression that you and I could get to know each other,” Scott commented.
Riya shrugged. “Well, here’s something about me: I don’t like to eat when others aren’t. I think it’s rude.”
Scott nodded, “I’ll make note of that.”
Scott passed food out to the four of them and they began to eat. Riya was surprised at how much he had ordered from the kitchen, but was grateful that there was enough for Lydia and Stiles as well. Riya inspected each thing that was handed to her to make sure that she could eat it. Luckily he had packed different varieties of foods including a preserves sandwich that happened to fall into Lydia’s grasp. Lydia looked at Riya and offered the sandwich to her in exchange for Riya’s thinly sliced meat and cheese sandwich.
“Thank you,” Riya mouthed and Lydia smiled and shook her head, indicating that it was no trouble.
“So… tell me something else I don’t know about you?” Scott asked.
“You have offered nothing about yourself and yet you know a very intimate detail of my personality,” Riya said and took a bite of her sandwich.
Scott chuckled and nodded, “Fair enough. Let’s see… Oh, I know! Sometimes when I’m practicing archery, I purposefully miss so that my knights get a boost in morale.”
“Well not anymore,” Stiles mumbled with a fork full of food ready to enter his mouth.
Riya smiled and laughed at his comment. “I think your heart is in the right place, but maybe saying that in front of the Captain wasn’t such a good idea.”
Scott smiled and Riya made an effort to enjoy it. He spoke again, “Tell me about your family, maybe?”
Riya nodded slightly. “Well, I have an older brother named Derek. My dad is the king and he married my stepmother, Vera. And she’s queen now, and apparently gets to tell me what to do all the time.”
“You don’t sound too thrilled with that,” Scott commented.
“Not really, no. But it’s my job to listen to her, so I guess I have to,” Riya shrugged.
After a moment, Stiles spoke up. “Forgive me if I’m overstepping, but what happened to your mother?”
“She died while giving birth to me. A few months later, Vera took her place,” Riya told them matter-of-factly.
“I’m so sorry to hear that… Wait, months..?” Stiles said.
“Stiles, enough,” Scott warned. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to talk about it.”
Riya saw Lydia cover a laugh, then Riya looked at Scott more purposefully.
“Another thing about me: I’m the one who decides what I want to talk about,” Riya told him. Scott looked surprised and mortified, and Riya immediately felt guilty and retracted her statement. “But you’re right, I’d rather not talk about it…”
Scott looked a bit relieved after Riya’s retraction. The rest of the lunch went well and Riya decided that Scott wasn’t as bad as she thought. And Stiles was even better. Once the four of them became more comfortable, Stiles entertained them with embarrassing stories of his and Scott’s youthful adventures avoiding the guards and his father while making harmless mischief around the castle. Riya found herself laughing at most if not all of the stories Stiles told, and by the time lunch had finished, she was feeling happy.
“Well, I believe I have a meeting with my father, so I have to go. I hope to spend more time with you, Riya,” Scott said and kissed her hand gently before he and Stiles left. Stiles smiled and waved to Riya after a small wink that sent a rush through her.
Lydia began to pick up after the lunch and Riya insisted on helping.
“You’re quite stubborn, you know?” Lydia commented as they carried the dishes back to the kitchen.
“Hello, Princess!” the staff greeted her once they entered.
Riya smiled. “Hello everyone.” Riya often made trips to the kitchen and maids’ quarters to help Lydia with laundry or dishes.
“Sorry, I couldn’t get her to stay away,” Lydia apologized to her coworkers.
“It’s not like the princess isn’t a welcome presence,” a familiar voice said from somewhere in the kitchen.
“Deaton!” Riya said in surprise. Lydia took the dishes from Riya’s hand so that Ria could hug her father’s friend and advisor. Deaton had been Riya’s teacher for many years and was also the castle’s witch doctor, but he preferred the term physician with benefits. A couple years ago he left the castle with a heavy heart because Vera had deemed his practices unlawful and convinced the king that they didn’t need a physician on retainer for the castle. Before Stefan had to make any hard decisions, Deaton excused himself from the kingdom and continued his help elsewhere.
“What are you doing here?” Riya asked him once she had finished her hug.
Deaton smiled at her. “You’re getting married. You didn’t think I’d miss that, did you?”
“Well, of course not! But the wedding isn’t for another two weeks and it was just announced… something else brought you here,” Riya surmised.
Deaton sighed. “I fear you may be in danger.”
The room went silent and all eyes went to Deaton. Riya looked at him with a worried expression. “What do you mean?”
Deaton looked around and then his eyes fell back onto Riya. “I think it’s best if only you and I speak.”
Riya looked back apologetically at Lydia, who looked to be worried and nodded to wish her friend luck. Once Deaton and Riya were past the ears of everyone in the castle and farther into the gardens than Riya had gone, he spoke to her in a hushed tone.
“I had a premonition. Not too long ago, I saw you fall to the ground, not breathing. I think it was at your engagement party happening this Friday. It felt like someone close to you had done it and purposefully. I wish I could give you more information, but I brought you something,” Deaton said quickly and pulled out a sliver chained necklace with a small flower embedded in glass as a pendant. “This is a bouvardia flower; it has protection and healing properties. I cast an enhancement spell onto it so that its effectiveness on you is tenfold.”
Riya looked at the necklace and smiled widely at Deaton. “Thank you, Deaton.”
He smiled as Riya put on the necklace. “I feel better with you wearing that, but I still fear for your safety. There is a history of dark magic in the person who wants to cause you harm. Someone has it out for you, or will soon, so be careful.”
“I will, Deaton. Thank you. Will you come to dinner tonight? I’m sure father would love to see you again!” Riya smiled.
Deaton shook his head. “My presence may stir the pot. Given the lack of information about what I’ve predicted, I don’t want to make it worse.”
Riya nodded. “I understand. But I do want you to come to the ball.”
Deaton smiled and promised her to attend, then left the gardens. After a moment, Riya sighed to herself and started to wander back to have dinner.
Once she went to bed, sleep completely evaded her. The anxiety instilled in her from Deaton’s warning kept her from even closing her eyes.
“This is probably a bad idea,” she muttered to herself as she got up and began to walk around her room. She snuck out of the castle as she so often did and let her mind and feet wander. She found herself singing alone by the lake next to the stables where the horses slept and sat down next to the shore. She thought a lot about her current situation and wondered why anyone would want to kill her. She had no idea how long she was out there, but long enough to reconsider every life choice she had ever made and go through a list of people she trusted and people she didn’t. When she got to the kingdom’s current visitors, some were easier than others to place. She was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice Stiles sitting next to her until he cleared his throat and startled her.
“Shit, Stiles! Stop that!” Riya said to him, which caused him to laugh. It was then that she noticed the sun was starting to come up, and she deducted that Stiles was out for a morning stroll.
“Stop what?” he asked with a chuckle.
“This is the third time you’ve snuck up on me in two days. Don’t you think that’s a bit excessive?” Riya proposed with a quirked eyebrow.
Stiles shrugged. “It just means I know where to look. Especially when you seem so lost in your own head. Must be fun in there.”
Riya felt no inhibition and gave him a gentle shove and smiled slightly. “Stiles, you’re captain of the guard, right? So that means that when Scott marries me, you’ll be in charge of protecting me?”
Stiles fell back on his hands and let out a breath. “I hadn’t really thought about it, but I suppose so, yes. Why do you ask?”
Riya searched his eyes once more for a sign of deceit, but once more she found none. Riya’s trust was not easily earned, but after her short time with Stiles, an invisible force was telling her that he was a man of integrity and honor, so she trusted him.
“I was just wondering. You’re fun to be around, and I’d be upset if I didn’t get to see you after I married your best friend,” Riya told him. She thought she saw a glint of sadness in Stiles’ eyes, but he quickly remedied it with a smile.
“I like you too. Scott’s a lucky guy,” he said. With his statement, Riya felt a tug in her chest that nearly made her want to jump in the water in front of her and scream in anguish.
“Look, normally I don’t mind not knowing where you are, but after a cryptic visit from the most trusted prophet in the land, you had me worried sick!” Lydia said with her hands on her hips once Riya returned from her night thinking by the lake.
“Sorry, I was by the lake…” Riya told her.
Lydia nodded and sighed. “I’m just glad you’re safe… How long have you been awake?”
Riya smiled weakly and Lydia’s eyes widened. “All night?! What the hell were you doing all night?!”
Riya shrugged. “I was just thinking…”
“About what Deaton said..?” Lydia whispered.
Riya nodded. Lydia sighed and pulled Riya into a hug. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I’ll make absolutely sure of it, okay? But for now… you have to choose flowers and a cake with their majesties and his highness.”
“Will you come with me? I don’t know that I have the energy to let Vera’s comments roll off my back,” Riya asked and Lydia nodded, then helped her into her dress.
When Riya entered the dining hall that contained a massive spread—larger than any Stiles had ever seen—of foods to taste, he noticed that she looked tired. When he found her this morning, she looked to be a bit sleepy, but the lighting was better now that the sun was completely up. Upon seeing her enter, Scott swiftly walked over to her and smiled brightly, then pulled her ring-clad hand in for a kiss. Stiles was pulled from his intermittent fantasy once more with the kind gesture. Riya smiled politely and looked to Derek, who Stiles’ eyes went to as well. Derek had a stupid look on his face to make her grin, and it worked. Stiles couldn’t help but smile as she did, and he bowed as she walked past him. Riya rolled her eyes at the gesture playfully and she sat next to Scott and then urged Lydia to sit with her.
“Um, excuse me?” Queen Vera abruptly said and looked at Lydia who was sitting next to Riya nervously.
“What,” Riya said plainly in a tone Stiles didn’t recognize from her.
“The help doesn’t sit here, or have you forgotten, child? Has your simple mind finally faltered enough for you to make such a critical mistake?” Queen Vera seethed at Riya.
“I INVITED her, or did the fact that I have a mind of my own escape yours?” Riya shot back. Stiles was stunned at her harsh tone of voice and nearly lost his composure to laugh in astonishment. Vera clenched her jaw and let out a deep breath, but said nothing. Stiles was in awe of Riya now. He had never seen anyone stand up for the servants in a castle, not even Scott, who Stiles had the upmost respect for. Riya patted Lydia’s hand and Lydia smiled sweetly at Riya with tears in her eyes.
“Shall we begin, then?” King Leon suggested after an awkward silence.
Once salads and soups were decided, the entrees were brought to them and Riya sat up straight and scooted back in her seat from the seared meat in front of her. Lydia looked at Riya with a bitten lower lip and pulled her plate away, then mouthed ‘it’s okay.’ Stiles’ face tensed and he was about to alert a seemingly oblivious Scott when Queen Vera spoke up.
“What’s the matter, dear? Try it!” Vera encouraged in a sickeningly sweet tone and dug into her own serving. Stiles sensed a chill in the air with Vera’s smile at Riya.
“I… don’t think I can eat this. Serve it at the wedding, fine, but I can’t eat it,” Riya said. Stiles raised a brow and looked at her, but his attention was pulled away when Vera started to stand and shout.
“How dare you?! You ungrateful little twit! You have no idea the shame your father and I go through because of your obnoxious charade!” Vera screamed. Stiles noticed Derek and Stefan’s eyes bulge out in disbelief at her words.
“Vera, you’ve known since Riya’s childhood that she can’t have that. Remember Deaton’s diagnosis? It could kill her,” Derek said to her with a prompting tone. Stiles noticed Scott’s attention fly in Derek’s direction and he swore he could see Scott’s eyes grow wider as he spoke.
“That was so long ago, she must be over it now,” Vera reasoned. Stiles thought back to the lunch they had shared yesterday and the odd exchange of food he noticed Riya and Lydia had and suddenly understood why.
“Evidently not,” Riya glowered at her.
“I had no idea you were so averse to meat,” Scott said and gripped her hand. “I’m sorry, I truly am. Your majesty, why didn’t you tell me that your daughter has a sensitivity?”
“It was supposed to be in the description my wife sent to you, given the significance…” King Stefan said and all eyes fell to Queen Vera. Stiles was beginning to think the worst of Riya’s stepmother given the evidence building up against her. The feeling in the depths of his gut about the queen was one that made him ill… he just hoped he was wrong, but something told him he wasn’t.
“Fine, fine! I don’t know why you all insist on making this wedding a disaster, but fine! No meat will be served to the selfish bride!” Vera ceded with red cheeks and balled fists.
“I think it might be best if you sat the rest of the planning out, my dear,” Stefan commented. “It seems to be stressing you out more than it should.”
“Only because your wench of a daughter has decided to be extremely difficult and unwilling to compromise on anything but a corset!” Vera shouted again.
“Whoah, that’s uncalled for,” Derek commented and stood up in defense of his sister.
Stiles noticed Riya cock her head to the side while looking at the queen through angry, squinted eyes and opened her mouth to say something, but Scott stepped in and said, “Maybe it’s for the best, for everyone?”
Vera’s face turned a bright red and she stood up and marched around the table past Leon, Melissa, Scott, and Derek, and raised her hand to strike Riya, but Riya quickly stood and caught her assailant’s hand. Stiles had unconsciously reached for his sword and stepped forward, but once realizing that Riya had it under control, he backed down.
“Are you serious? Really? You’re THAT angry?” Riya said and let her wrist go after a moment.
“Sir Jordan, will you please escort her majesty to her chambers,” King Stefan instructed a nearby guard. The guard bowed and walked with Vera out of the dining hall.
“Welcome to the family,” Derek joked with Scott, which caused Scott to chuckle and blush. Riya sat back down and held her face in her hands.
“Hey, we don’t have to do this today… We can do it tomorrow if you’d prefer,” Scott offered Riya in a soothing tone.
Riya shook her head. “I apologize, everyone. My outburst was uncalled for, please forgive me.”
“It wasn’t your fault. You’re under a lot of stress and that was extremely rude of Vera,” Derek said. “Besides, I’ve heard you scream louder than that at me!”
Scott smiled and said to Derek, “You’ll have to tell me about that sometime.”
The rest of the meal planning went smoothly, and Stiles noticed Riya making more decisions than he had seen her do with the first two courses. The day felt more like friends gathering as Stiles and Riya shared laughs with the group. Stiles noticed, however, that Scott seemed to be more interested in Derek’s opinions. He respected Riya’s, of course, but whenever Derek spoke up, Scott’s eyes were on him. Stiles made a mental note to ask about that later.
At the end of the day when they all sat down for dinner, Vera entered the room calmly and sat at her place next to King Stefan. She looked around the table and curled her lip up much like a dog would upon seeing both Lydia and Stiles sat next to their friends. She was only quieted by Stefan placing a hand on her arm and shaking his head.
The dinner was awkward, so Stiles decided to notice Riya’s plate for the first time: sure enough, there was no meat on it. While the rest of them chowed down on the steak that was prepared, Riya had plentiful helpings of greens, beans, and nuts. Stiles smiled at her and made note to wash his hands before going near her again. The feelings that were growing within him were solidifying and he felt affection toward her that he could no longer deny. And with two days until the engagement ball, he was royally screwed.
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