#ive had this open for three days thinking what to add but itd end up being 20k words lmao
minehog · 2 years
tell me (more) about the modpack Pretty please
YES this modpack has 115 mods, including cores and dependencies, which is actually on the smaller end compared to "Professional" modpacks (which often have 200+ mods on average) It's focused on adventuring and exploration with a lot of building blocks and rpg elements which suits my modded playstyle a lot more. (In vanilla i like to buckle down and build bases or gather resources, but in modded i tend to explore, raid, pillage, plunder, and prosper, as well as gather an assortment of exotic pets.)
It's about a week old if you consider its first successful boot its birthday
It's on 1.16.5 Forge, which is an interesting era to me personally because it was the first version where Forge and Fabric modloaders started to really compete. 1.12.2 was the last big era for mod updates before this, but the change between 1.12.2 and 1.14(?) to a different codebase meant a lot of the mods from that era didn't get updated, or else got picked up by a different author. (which makes them almost impossible to find. it took me years to realise someone had picked up DragonMounts after the Wyrmroost crew dropped it!) Fabric also made its appearance and its higher performance levels and easier codebase meant 1.16.5 mods tend to be a 50/50 split (i think these days its leaning furiously in Fabric's favour and will probably continue to do so until Forge becomes nearly obsolete, but 1.16.5 fabric was so new no one really knew what to do with it and a lot of people refuse to move from forge for various reasons, modders and users alike)
So far on this modpack ive had four separate worlds, the current one included. the first world got deleted because one of the mods id had in there at the time was just fucking it over (rip autism one) and the second i really liked but a butterfly killed it (rip autism....2!). the third Also crashed and i wasnt vibing so i deleted it anyway but the fourth is the current one and im loving it. its called [16M mods help no i spilt my ji](ce). 16M is the categorisation system since i have minecraft worlds on multiple separate custom modpacks running at the same time, so this one tells me its version 1165, modded. ive lost good worlds before by booting them in vanilla accidentally and vise versa.
OptiFine is funnily enough the least stable mod in the entire pack and the cause of most ofthe crashes. I only keep it on for one very important feature, which is that OptiFine lets you selectthe time period between autosaving. In vanilla, autosaving the world is no issue (for the average computer). Modded, however, tends to have a lot more Bullshit that needs to be saved, and a lot of it isnt optimised. Having the normal autosave time tends to lag a modded world out within about three hours for me, so optifine is super important and the crashes arent toooo bad
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