#ive had a rlly fun summer holiday tho
got a week before term starts again so will probably be winding down into a hiatus in preparation for that.
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snailslunchpail · 1 year
EEE SNAIL!! i’m sorry last week was super rough on you ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ be proud you got through it!!~ i love love love banana flavoured stuff i think it’s so underrated! how were the muffins? one thing i reallyyy miss about being in school is the build up to winter/summer break. i know not everyone celebrates christmas but everyone would always be so excited up until the last day (≧▽≦) humans are cute like that
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i will not tell star she is a trend setter… psst ^^ that’s me in the snow (REAL!)
i haven’t been doing anything fun but it finally snowed!!! it never snows in the uk (-д-。) i made my parents take a walk with me while it was still snowing but i have the worlds worst cold now (T_T) promise me u will never take breathing through ur nose easy for granted…..
the figures look SO so cute!!!! i love ur list.. the re-ment + house so you can set em up in little scenes… not sure if i was the only kid that did this but i would spend hours setting up my calico critters houses just to make em look nice and then i wouldn’t even play with them (๑´ㅂ`๑) i just liked makin sure they had a cute house to live in!
would you want a modern doll house?? or a themed one? or a wooden one? Σ(・口・) i would love to be a doll or a toy and just have a little room.. something about small things… waa
+ to answer your question i would really really love the calico critters lavender rabbit family .. it’s a japan exclusive though T_T id love to have the ‘art of ghibli’ books! have you seen them? i think id want ponyo + howls moving castle versions most because i love the art of both movies SO much… rement.. tiny food.. ohehehe…. i would die for a little re-ment set…
HAIII BELOVED CAPPA IM BACK!! ⸜ (。˃ ᵕ ˂) ⸝ so sorry this took me so long to respond to !
but tysm for the sweet words!! things have definitely gotten better recently + at the time of writing this tomorrow is christmas!!! YAHOOOO ( / >ヮ< )/
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GRAHH YES i love banana flavored baked goods!!! & the muffins turned out really well! :D i should make some banana chocolate chip cookies sometime bc that sounds delicious ..
BUT YAHH the build up to christmas is always really fun in school! (minus the finals) but it was really sweet cus one of my electives is being an assistant in the counciling office and they got us hot coco and mini donuts it was sooo sweet !! ( ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ ) ♡
also that IS u in the snow, #SO REAL!
SNOWWW that is so so cool!!! but yah omg i imagine that must be uncomfortable- >_<!!
AWEEE thats so precious tho!!! they rlly just itch a certain part of my brain !!! GRAH i adore the calico critter doll houses tho id also love to have something like these i think ?? just something with an open face! AND LITERALLY OMG i would be so content as a silly little toy
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the lavender calico critters are absolutely adorable.. and the art of ghibli book sounds so cute!! i think ive seen similar ones, i bet they'd be so fun to flip though! i have a couple artbooks myself of video games i like + some artists and i adore them sm!! i really want to collect some more magazines tho (i got a bit inspired by tamakid ofc) bc the japanese kids magazines just look so fun !? AHH PONYO AND HMC THO i feel like ive said this before but ponyo is my fav and i wanna name an orange cat after her someday ^__^
ANYWAYS i love ur ideas !!! they all sound too cute and ty for the ask again it was very fun to answer :D i hope ur having a great holiday season! and merry christmas if u celebrate, i'll probably be popping in ur ask box to send u a lil christmas message soon !! :3
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banjoremade · 7 years
Every Question
🎃Pumpkin: What is your favorite season?-id like summer a lot if it wasn’t so humid so ill say either fall or winter because it’s holiday season and also crunchy leaves and snow and the air is crisp-👻Ghost: Do you get scared easily?it depends ?? Like cheap jump scares and loud noises make me jump but scary movies that are meant to be foreboding and suspenseful and are actual like,, content w/substance don’t really spook me-🎃Candy Corn: What is your favorite kind of candy?chocolate wise, probably either junior mints or those pecan clusters w/caramel, fruity candy wise probably peach rings or any non sour gummy candy -👻Vampire: What is your favorite supernatural creature?ghosts and zombies are rlly cool !!-🎃Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?probably either invisibility, telepathy (like picking up shit with my mind), or mind reading bc all of em seem cool-👻Trick or Treat: What was your favorite Halloween costume?in like 4th grade I dressed up as Batman and the costume had like foam muscles and stuff and that was fun ; also one year I dressed up as zombie billy mays-🎃Black Cat: Are you superstitious?it depends ?? traditional superstitions don’t really get me but i don’t fuck with ouija or spirits -👻Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?probably max or somethin like that (but if banjo would b an acceptable name change and it wouldn’t be “weird” in society n shit id leap on that in an instant)-🎃Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories?one time i opened up my bathroom door and found a note on the floor that said I was stinky -👻Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone?nah but i sprain stuff all the time -🎃Werewolf: What is your favorite urban legend?idk that many so idk what do say ,-👻Horror Flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favorite?hell yea ! i haven’t seen many tho because ive just now kinda realized i don’t scare easy but the it reboot was really funny and had a good balance of scary in it-🎃Haunted House: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country?definitely city-👻Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse?i can’t run for longer than ten seconds id p e r i s h-🎃Mummy: What is your biggest fear?bees/wasps, suspended stuff (elevators, bridges, tall unsturdy decks, etc) and like ,, being annoying but people just putting up w/it and complaining behind my back tbh-👻Bat: Do you have any pets?ive got 2 dogs and a cat and i love all of them -🎃Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity?potion that makes the jt machinima rap the canon undertale theme song no but really uh h h , maybe like a potion that lets u shapeshift and shit -👻Full Moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime?definitely nighttime because it’s chilly and dark and u can get cozy and stay indoors-🎃Corn Maze: What is your favorite autumn activity?i like dressing up for Halloween and carving pumpkins !-👻Broomstick: What exciting places have you traveled to?i went to bed once
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