#ive been away for so long this might not appear in ur feeds T^T
tomawrites · 1 year
I'm just really too embarrassed to suddenly appear after being gone. 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Uhm... hello, people. I have been away for far too long, and that disappearance, I admit, has become an unannounced hiatus for me. I didn’t really mean to disappear into thin air like a ghost, but I was experiencing burn out from writing, and I couldn’t quite catch what I believe is the best path for my project, Invoker. Y’all probably thought I abandoned creating an IF completely, but no, it’s just I failed to give time for it and lost the motivation for a (long) moment. And this day, I thought, maybe it is time to return.
It has been hard adjusting to my senior life in our school, and well, I have to prepare too in order to get into a good university for college. School, besides my burn out and lost of motivation, is one of the major reason why I disappeared. But! I’m here, I’m back, and I’m well and alive. And no, I’m not discontinuing this project. Definitely not. I love my story and the people living in it to just forget about it.
I cleaned my blog once again and deleted my posts because I'm going to be changing my identity (third time's a charm, hopefully) as a writer. From being a hooman to a tomato and soon, to just being a color, please bear with me. (*´・∀・`*)
Just know that currently, I am in the process of rewriting it, finally having a concrete idea where it should go. Trust the process, they say, because even slow, at least there’s progress (cope). Anyway, that’s all! Thanks to those who were with me from the start to those who stayed, to those who waited, to those who left, and to those who continue to look forward to what I can write. Y’all forever have my gratitude. Wait for me, my lovies!╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯  I promise I'll be back soon, and with better stories to tell! I've been learning, you know? (。uωu)♪
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