#ivan (ofmd)
stitchologist · 8 months
An encouraging love letter all the fanfic writers and artists-
Don't stop.
I don't care if Canon has gone off the rails or given us lore that directly contradicts your ideas. I want to read it. I want to see it. I want to know where you'd take these characters. I want to know what inspired you to create in the first place and I want to go on that journey with you. I want you to finish.
I want you to make it better. I want you to make it worse. Make it silly and heartbreaking and amazing. Make it everyday life and what ifs and 5&1s.
I'll be there with kudos and likes and ❤️❤️❤️ comments since this is the most articulate I've been in months.
Keep going. You loved an idea so much you've spent who knows how many hours writing and editing and drawing and posting.
I see you. Don't stop.
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coffinwoodx · 7 months
this flopped so hard on tiktok so here. my favorite OFMD BTS pictures ! (1/3)
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dimity-lawn · 10 months
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immabitqueer · 5 months
I'm just kind of fucking tired about this happening to good, funny, smart, diverse, queer shows. Ofmd has a huge fan base, a lot of potential, and became mainstream popular off of what was essentially a cold release of the first season. This show did everything right and was still not safe. I wish I could say I'm fired up or angry, but I'm just tired and sad. This was the first show I'd ever seen have a canon trans character (especially a nb person), the first show I saw with a poly relationship, the first show that basked so proudly in its racial diversity, the first show I watched that allowed for so much love for its disabled characters. This show was full to bursting with love. And they took it away from us.
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appleteeth · 1 year
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Screencaps that made me laugh x OFMD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 10
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soggycowboy · 1 year
ofmd w tumblr&twt posts
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part 1
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raz-mo · 2 years
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The new crew of the Revenge.
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
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They’re having a girls night
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trashtank · 10 months
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laceratedlamiaceae · 1 year
Things I love about this shot:
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The navy guy on the right absolutely slaying
The navy guy on the left giving us nothing
Izzy being so tiny sitting on the cannon that his feet don't even reach the ground
Ivan just chilling
Lucius's face
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beansprean · 2 years
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God I wish I could find the post that inspired this but apparently I didn't save it djdjsjsks
Edit: THE POST WAS FOUND TY @cujotheloyalheartdog
(ID in alt and under cut)
1. Roach, Ed, and Ivan standing at the edge of the ship's deck, looking down over the edge. Ivan has his arms crossed to look tough. Ed has one hand on his hip and is sighing, looking disappointed. Roach is leaning on the banister and holding up a wrapped sandwich in one hand. He wiggles it and grins down toward the sea, singing, "For the road!"
2a. Shot from above of Izzy standing alone in a rowboat, fists clenched at his side and scowling. He glances over as the sandwich flies into view towards his head. 2b. Izzy whips his head to the side and catches the sandwich between his teeth, maintaining his angry expression.
3. Back to the deck. Roach is still leaning against the banister, other hand frozen in a throwing position as he opens his mouth to shout an impressed "Yoooooo!" Ed is smiling and clapping his hands together. Ivan's brow has furrowed and he looks vaguely disturbed. /end ID
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soapbubbles511 · 7 months
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They tricked us. It was an ambush. Completely unprofessional.
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waldos-art · 1 year
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Ed's absolutely fine. It's all good.
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sky-fire-forever · 3 months
Gods, I wish we had more time to see the crew bonding
I wish we had seen Izzy training Jim, teaching them restraint while they taught him to live a little and stop being so hesitant
I wish we had seen Wee John and Frenchie reunite, with Wee John telling Frenchie he would have hated how crowded it was when the crew were all rooming together. How he missed their nook
I wish we had Archie and Oluwande interact more, maybe with them flirting or coming together as a triad with Jim properly
I wish Roach saw the Kraken Crew eating a raw seagull and was horrified! I wish he could have focused on giving them proper meals and help them enjoy eating as an act of living rather than an act of survival
I wish Frenchie could have shown more of him becoming a leader, taking charge when the captains fail and always putting his crew first
I wish Pete would have tried to impress the trauma crew by claiming he went through a ton of horrible stuff too before backing down and admitting that it isn't all about him and that he should take a back seat and listen
Can you imagine a fucking. Bachelor party for both Lucius and Pete?? Holy shit, that'd be cute
I want someone from the Bonnet crew to ask about Ivan and the Kraken Crew just look at each other. Fang tries not to cry. Izzy puts a hand on his shoulder. No one asks again
Just... bonding. Showing them as a family. I yearn for it
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Our Flag Means Death is a spectacular show! It’s quite possibly one of my most favorite of all time and deserves a Season 3! Want to help get us there? Check out the campaign website!
In the meantime, please enjoy this campaign poster, because I had SO MUCH FUN drawing it!!
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themistymountainscold · 8 months
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they are my girlfriends your honour i swear
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