#iv. connections ;; celine dion is kind of crappy (balthazar//errantsouls)
sugarandwhiskey · 10 months
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@errantsouls asked: "Please stop touching the Amulet of Unceasing Regret. It's not a toy." / Balthazar and I wish he wasn’t being serious but this is probably actually something he has
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"It looks like a toy," Sophie grumbled, pulling her hand back from the object. She was looking at the amulet itself and was about to ask where he got it when Balthazar revealed the name. Of course she'd touch something that probably cursed her, she thought, before glancing back over to him, "Am I going to regret this?"
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She turned back to look at it, head tilted as she tried to figure out why anyone would make such a thing, or why he'd want it, "Can I ask what the deal is with it? I mean, why you have it? I don't think I'd want anything that involves unceasing regret."
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