#its so hard to find where buttons even are on this overcomplicated interface sometimes
tumblunni · 5 years
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Compared to One Sin And A Thousand Good Deeds, this new one has a really short entry? I’ve done all the research on it and nothing else ever seems to unlock.
The concept of an ordinary bird just deciding to become an eldritch being one day and actually achieving it is really badass! And it seems really innocent and non evil, even though its fairly dangerous. Its just a well intentioned cutie who still has the brain power of a small bird so it doesnt exactly fully comprehend the justice or punishments its meant to uphold.
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I find it interesting tho that these two Abnormalities seem to be the same thing that just came from different places. Like i guess punishing bird is sorta like a baby One Sin And Hundreds Of Good Deeds? Or else theyre funny sitcom rivals, lol. “nuuu! I wanna be the punisher!!” “well you should have checked if the job was already taken before you transcended mortality”
I wonder if this wise elder punishbeast could help mentor the birb and teach it right from wrong? You could probably neutralize the birb’s danger just by letting them be roommates. And also building them some comfy bunkbeds and letting them decorate their corner of the room with stickers and just I WANNA BE KIND TO ALL THE MONSTROS EVEN IF IT KILLS ME, DAMMIT
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Aww, its got a belly mouth! Thats so cute! I wanna feed crackers to its spoopy tummy fangs
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And I love how its flavour text continues to remind you its kind of a dumbass underdog even as its warning you about how deadly it is. poor lil guy!
Anyway I’m only on the second day so far. Our employees are Joshua (the randomly generated first one i got) and Bunni (the custom me). Joshua won the rare drop flower crown thing from One Sin And Hundreds Of Good Deeds and Bunni won the wings from the bird but then josh died so i had to reset that day over, alas! hope someone can get those again cos theyre supa cute~
I’ve been headcanoning a bit with Joshua so far and I’ve decided he’s the one officially in charge of One Sin And Hundreds Of Good Deeds. they still send other guiltier employees over there whenever it needs to eat, but cinnamon roll Josh is like its best buddy main handler. He’s just constantly giving it brushie brushie and reading it stories and bringing it mcdonalds and being all ‘aww you~’ at its cute reactions to trying new stuff like that. I feel like the corporation probably initially tried to imprison this thing with force and extract its energy through more evil means, and Joshua was just the first person to realize it wasnt fighting back, and it was a goodhearted creature who would be happy to help humans if they just treated it with empathy. So now he’s officially the district manager for cuddling giant skulls! He still wants to try and pass a proposal to let him take it for walks outdoors though. Its really fascinated by modern stuff and rattles its teeth excitedly when he talks about this mysterious ‘fast food’ place where the donuts come from. “I MUST WITNESS THIS HOLYNESS!!” I feel like the poor thing has been alive for millenia but not really seen much of the world, its used to just self isolating and living for nothing except its Grand Purpose of judging sins. Josh is trying to convince it to express its individual personality and take a chance on truly experiencing life and trying to do what makes it happy. Like “why are you punishing yourself the most when youre the only one here who didnt do anything wrong?” And maybe its mentor/student parent/child relationship with Punishing Bird could also help with that, cos it would ease the burden of judging sins if they could share it. And seeing this confused lil chirper’s misinterpretations of sin and justice could help it realize that sin and justice arent necessarily easy to define anyway, and maybe talking about it with actual mortals could help figure out a better way to do this job. In this AU eventually Joshua would also ascend into a punisher abnormality through his love for them, and join them in giving his own new perspective on the moral dilemma. and then they’d all go YOLO and bust out the wall and go get a mcflurry or something. JUDGMENT FAMILY FOREVER!!!!
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