#its looking like winter 2023/24 for a puppy
abirddogmoment · 10 months
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It's been a month without Mav, here is a jumble of thoughts about it, in no particular order:
Mav was the coolest dog in the world
He was also pretty high-maintenance (in terms of exercise specifically); my exercise has plummeted without him. I have a lot more free time and I'm not really sure what to do with myself.
It was really, really fun to dabble in sports with Mav, but the titles don't really mean anything to me now. I love thinking back at the trial experiences (specifically the mishaps - alerting on cheese, visiting the judges, stealing toys) but I don't really care about the letters or certificates anymore.
In contrast, the Top CKC Rally Brittany brings me a lot of comfort. I like that Mav will be recorded in the brittany spaniel archives. I'll be really sad when we get usurped.
I'm glad I found a good group of people for dog sports. I could have gone so many different directions, and I'm so glad I went with the "be kind to your dog above all else" and I think a huge part of that was the community I found irl.
Mav's breeder is a gem, she has checked in with me so many times and I appreciate that so much.
I wish I had known more about training and handling before I got Mav. I'm sad for the gaps in his foundations and I wish I had known more to set him up better from the beginning.
I'm so happy he got to have so many adventures - big ones and little ones. I could have done more, but I think he got a lot.
I'm pretty sure his last thought was about a cookie, which doesn't really matter, but feels very on brand for him.
I can't remember the last time I smooched his head and that makes me kind of sad. Doubtless it was at the vet's but I can't remember for sure.
I spread his ashes in the area where he most liked hiking, and every time I've gone hiking there since then, I've thought of it as visiting Mav.
I still haven't thrown out his gross kitty cat stuffy, it's still sitting on top of his crate.
I'm really grateful for the people I got to meet through Mav.
I'm really happy I was so consistent about posting on Tumblr, I have such a good archive of his whole life and I love that.
Mav was a special kind of dog.
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