#its just an extraction but mr sora is going to bundle me up in bed so i need to get my affairs in order lol
onboardsorasora · 4 months
soft dewis anon- I see you get out of my head its freaky!
I WILL respond, but I'm about to head out for dentistry so we're tabling it for a lil bit (🫣🫣sowee)
actually. since I'll be down for the count again for at least the weekend, please send me prompts!🥹🥹🥹 and I'll answer them when I can. they can be about anything! mob wife au (I literally have a mob wife au harem ask that I'm sitting on I havent forgotten!!!), baby bump gate lol, enchanted au! tennis au! what other aus do i have? vampire au?
Idk just send me things! we can make up new aus. so that when I'm giggling to my phone my husband doesn't think its the drugs lmao
*****editing to add lewis/charles/daniel anon, I SEE YOUUUUUU
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