#its inspired by games like Discover My Body and Water Womb World so you know its good
king-dra · 1 year
if you guys are looking for a great horror game you can beat in under an hour, i would highly highly recommend Acrophile, its pay what you want on itch and its really fucking good
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quizzzically · 4 years
here are some of my current fav ABG horror games! about 90% of these contain screamers/blood/jumpscares so treat safely. if you need more specific&thorough trigger warnings or just wanna know some more about one of these before you commit to watching a playthrough shoot me an ask! personal favs are marked with *
discover my body: a student witnesses a parasitic collective consciousness rebuild the body of a man
water womb world: a man searches for god at the bottom of the ocean
sentient: a concrete room a toy a reward and a voice in the wall and a sort of falling away from dignity not in the way a child trips but in how a man falls to his knees (from the bottom of my heart this one is beautiful and my absolute favourite on this list. explores psychological experiments in a stupidly memorable way. if youre gonna have a look at any of these let it be this one) *
start survey?: sit in a room with a secret and take the only quiz that is not here to learn from you but to teach you just how little you know about yourself (rather short but amazingly atmospheric and terrifying even if you're not the one playing it)
the open house: a postgraduate seeks a new home and discovers an online service that allows them to explore a rental property in virtual reality (my god, it's got ground beef.) *
under: a civilian desperately seeks a way out of a sinking ocean liner - and they aren't alone in their hunt (titanic if it were a horror-thriller)
strobophagia: ok listen to me. its a rave. its got a scavenger hunt. i think its got goats. you need this
SPOOKWARE: super fast paced arcade style warioware-inspired taskfiller with every horror genre on the market (has a disappointing ending but the ux is really good, have a look at it)
in somnio: five short stories based on types of dreams, intertwined with poetry, humanity and death (also another top favourite. touchingly human. itll stick with you) *
\SPEK.TAKL\: intensely atmospheric late night tv (gets pretty repetitive but the vibe is awesome in the moment. literally the only one on this list that scared me to the point of needing to pause it. i love this one) *
happy's humble burger barn: oh, you're just flipping burgers, you know? (if you liked witnessing the aching censorship of the combine in hl2, if you liked any other game with government secrets and an underground horror show and behind the scenes testing rings and the deepest, most horrible sins of humanity being tucked into printed documents and the heads of the dead, you'll love this. just stick it out til the end) *
cyan: you just haven't given your teddy enough love and it's starting to demand you repay the debt (incredibly effective and atmospheric. watch it for the graphics if nothing else. resembles fnaf)
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