#its funny i kinda wish the mc would just call someone a faggot
animentality · 24 days
The previous ask reminded me that I also started following you for eremin. So I'm also an old fella leftover from that Era.
I didn't keep up with any of snk anymore and don't even know how it ended, let alone the ship. What was the toast ending you spoke about?
anon im sorry, but I straight up do not have it in me to talk about that ending anymore.
it was horrible and every character was butchered and tossed into a blender for the sake of a predetermined ending that no longer fit the series it was written for.
it also jerked off all the edgelordbros who just like fascist characters and jizz simultaneously every time some ubermensch wannabe Hitler stand in mentions he's going to kill everyone to save his own race.
my two least favorite ships somehow managed to be even stupider than they've always been.
but it's out of my system.
I really don't care. I don't feel anything for it, I tossed it out back and haven't looked at it since. I can't even complain about it properly anymore because that would require thinking about it, and I don't care to.
any love I might've had for that ship is completely gone too.
both characters became fucking disgusting and unlikable in the end anyway.
they deserved what they got.
actually, they deserved worse.
I was actually rooting for one or both of them to die horribly. it's a shame the coward didn't have it in him to humiliate either character death note style. but alas.
death note is better anyway.
it's kind of nice to not care about either of them or the ship, though.
like, it used to anger me, people not seeing the queer coding of those characters, but now?
that series is a fascists wet dream.
it shouldn't have any queer characters, because it was made for people who idolize the idea of global genocide for the sake of your own perfect race and nation.
that crowd doesn't really like the queers, now does it
every single person in it should be straight, actually.
and hilariously, they are.
the one and only lesbian character got killed unceremoniously off screen and the girl she cared about was heterosexual all along and didn't give a rats ass about her, and never mentioned her again. also she became nothing more than a broodmare in the end.
and the one nonbinary character died for absolutely no reason.
but anyway.
I digress.
anon, I'm glad to see you still here, after all this time.
I might not care about the ship or the show, but I still have fondness for the first mutuals I made, and the people who would listen to me screaming at my pulpit every Sunday.
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