#its also genuinely a very fun genre mashup and a very good game series
prototypelq · 3 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
After the success of the female-led spinoff Capcom decided another one should be made (I wish) and have once again asked you to helm it. Who do you want to lead this time? What plot would this game follow?
(While writing this I decided I should specify it doesn't need to follow up on the previous one, unless that's where your mind is headed, of course.)
(sorry for being less active with the asks)
Listen, listen, I don't have strong opinions about the first Ladies Spinoff game, but the second? Has to be Lucia's. She proved herself to be a very capable protagonist, plus her devil abilities and design are very distinct from the main series, and that's a good way to explore some weirder-mechanics for the series.
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Personally, I'd like to have 1, just one, with good parkour, or, at least a smooth one. Parkour in dmc5 makes me want to tear my hair out because of the camera, and the moveset is Not optimised for it. Darksiders 2 would be the best comparison here - that game features some awesome, if not very challenging, parkour sections! Timed ones are bad, but the general room-to-dungeon-room parkour is nice. It would also fit Lucia's theme better I think, since DMC2 introduced wall-running and jumping.
At least, give us more mobility options and more level verticality, just that would be great. And Lucia. I need more Lucia.
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