#it's not very good bc I don't wriite much
dropoutfailure · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Reader Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Trans Character(s) Additional Tags: Parent/Child Incest, Father/Son Incest, Penis In Vagina Sex, POV Second Person, Trans Porn by Trans People, Father-Son Relationship, Incest, Rough Sex, aftersex, Consensual Sex, Misgendering, mention of past physical child abuse, Revenge Sex, dubcon, Transphobia, Age Difference, No Underage Sex, Trans Male Character
POV: You’re a trans guy with conflicted feelings about your dad. You fuck him about it.
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ain · 3 years
hey mei! as always as it seems: it's been some time since you last heard of me! (feels a bit like writing to a penpal in like. 18th century and waiting weeks for responses fdgsg.) i saw your post about having round glasses and my brain went yesss me and my round glasses against the world!!! and i just have to write to you today. 2020 was a bad year for me, even if my mental state improved much from august on (i'm happy to be alive, can you believe?). i sincerely hope you had a good start into 2021 and that this year is kinder to the two of us. i actually want to thank you for having been a part of my 2020 - you and your soft, home-y blog made it a bit better! i'm happy whenever i see the selcky or the 3tears blog icon on my dash. my crush i talked to you about confused me by starting to sing or hum i don't wanna be your friend by girl in red every time she looked at me when i saw her again in november and december but i have decided to keep her as a friend bc i don't think i'd be ready for a relationship atm bc of some personal struggles and the distance. which reminds me: i don't really have any new year's resolutions for this year, except that i want to talk to people more. i made some new friends towards the end of 2020 and noticed that maybe new people... can... like me? as a friend? (wild concept i know!!!) i'm always insecure, shy and awkward and also do not really know how to text (it's stressing me out a bit that i can't see the other person!!) but i think i'm getting better at it and should just try. i'm just gonna shoot you a message sometime in the next two months if i can get over myself, would that be ok? in the meantime, how have you been? is there anything you look forward to this year? i'm sending you my love and a warm hug! ⭐🌿🍊💓🐝 - angel anon
hey angel !! i very much feel like this is a form of letter wriiting to be honest !! on every level except physical we're wearing fancy shirts/dresses in the 1800s and holding fancy fountain pens to write on our fancy parchment paper . i missed you so so so much ! your round glasses are very pretty i bet !!! the power of wearing round glasses ,, wow
2020 was bad for me too but oh my goodness i understand exactly what you mean by the being happy to be alive ! i want that too, i hope 2021 treats us both well !! at the end of the day a year isn't a sapient thing, but at the very least i hope good things happen this year for us that allow us to be as okay and happy as we can be ! i hope both of us keep liking being alive !
i'm so glad this boog helped you through things ! you're part of this home, there's a seat for you at the table, a hook to hang your coat on, a freshly peeled tangerine for you on the kitchen counter . i hope it keeps helping !
and !!! im so glad you made that choice it sounds so healthy honestly ! it makes things more fair for both of you !!! you gotta work on treating yourself the way youd want a lover to treat you before you get into a relationship, and that's a lesson i wish i'd learned before i got into one .
that's a very good and true realisation ! people can indeed like you and care for you and want to befriend you ! and sometimes you have to put yourself out of your current comfort zone to allow for new and valuable experiences ! and yeah that would be very okay !!! no actually it would be great ! you sound like such a cool person and id really love to talk to you more and maybe even be your friend ~ id love it if you did that ♡
i've oddly enough been okay !!! yesterday was such a good day ! today was bad and stressful and kind of sad for the most part . i made the mistake of texting someone who hurt me a lot, hoping they had somehow realised things - nope . but you know, they accused me of things, and they said they did everything for me, and they weren't going to see it any other way . i told them that i care about them, i told them goodnight . and then we blocked each other . "goodnight" was the last thing i said to them and somehow i feel a lot more...at peace ? im still anxious but im okay, and i feel loved, and i know people care about me, and im learning to stand up for myself !!! i like this ending more . "goodnight." i'm learning to be alright . it's a weird thing, letting go, growing up, being 18, and young, and making stupid mistakes, and feeling so old and young at the same time . i fell in love with a stranger recently, briefly, for just a moment . she's beautiful and we talked about violins and maths and i forgot that feeling, the feeling of loving someone new so much even just for a few moments ! but im so glad i felt it again ! i'm...me, and i'm happy about that :)
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