#it's not that it's not helpful— it just doesnt mesh with my ability to absorb info
shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months
I know Quackity said "Don't stress if you can't watch every single POV and if you don't know all the lore" and all that, but it genuinely frustrates me so much that I cannot, realistically, know every single detail of the QSMP storyline. Even trying to just focus on the "main" story isn't possible since so many people are doing things tied to it, and so many unexpected things happen.
I don't really have a point to make with this post, I'm just venting my frustrations. I like knowing complete stories and knowing I can't do that with QSMP frustrates me so much.
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levantea · 2 years
➶-͙˚ ༘✶ Chiaroscuro pt 6 (end)
Pairing: idol!hyunjin x blind!y/n
Genre: fluff, healing, strangers to lovers!au
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Word Count: 4.2k
Author’s Note: This will be the end of chiaroscuro series! I hope those that read the whole series would like it, if you do, pls give a like, comment and reblog! Would greatly appreciate ~
Synopsis: “the place where light and dark meets is where miracles will rise.”
Chiaroscuro navi 🌗
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Operation day
“Congratulations y/n, your operation went successfully. You may slowly remove the gauze and gently open your eyes. Do take your time to do so as your eyes may feel dry and stingy when you first open. Blink if it helps you to feel more comfortable. Once you are ready, you can turn your gaze to other areas and let me know if you feel any extreme pain or discomfort,” your surgeon walked to your ward as you finally woke up from the whole body anaesthesia.
You body was still weak as you tried to sit up from your bed. You felt something covering your eyes and you gently touch it, telling yourself that it was just a piece of gauze wrapping around. You were hesitant to remove them because, you are worried that you still can’t see despite the doctor telling you that you are safe.
“Y/n! Come remove it! See if you can see me,” Fiona who is standing beside you lightly patted your shoulders. She has been waiting for you since the start of the operation that lasted pretty long and she can’t wait to see you being able to see the world again.
Slowly, you removed the mesh and the air touches your eyelids, making you wince abit before opening your eyes.
I can do this, i can see the world soon, take it easy y/n.
You gradually open your eyes and initially you felt your vision was blurry and your eyes were dry. You closed again and take another deep breath, opening them again and it feels clearer than the previous attempt. You repeated a few times until you fully open your eyes, absorbing the surrounding in you and you finally, can see them again.
You heard cheers beside you and you supposed it was Fiona’s, as she is the most excited person to await your comeback, other than Hyunjin. You felt more ready to shift your attention and it landed on Fiona. You saw the brim of her eyes getting red and tears started cumulating around it.
It is the tears of joy ah, y/n.
“Fiona? It’s you?” you spoke softly and weakly as you are still abit dizzy from the anaesthesia, and you saw her nodded her head vigorously as she wiped her tears away.
“Yes yes! It’s me! Oh my darling, you finally regained the power to see again, i’m so happy for you!” Fiona held onto your hands enthusiastically as you nodded your head, smiling at the latter.
Even though your eyes still hurts a bit and a little dry, it doesnt affect the ability to see and you looked at the doctor.
“Thank you Doctor Yang, you made my dream work,” you bowed slightly as he stopped you from doing so and waved his hand to show that it was nothing big.
“It’s my job y/n, im happy to see you regaining your vision as well. You can rest for 2 more days before getting discharge. For this few days, don’t overuse your eyes or expose to extreme bright light, other than that everything would be fine. I will prescribe you some eye drops and you should be able to feel comfortable after 1 month. Remember to come back again for check ups after 1 month, 3 months, half a year and a year, just to ensure the process is smooth and reduce chances of side effects,” Doctor Yang dropped his last words before leaving your ward to check on other patients.
You mumbled a ‘thank you’ before shifting your heads around to take a close look at the surrounding.
So this is how a ward looks like - white ceiling with white LED lights, white bed sheets and 4 walls, a wooden sidetable and wardrobe and a sliding door.
Words can’t explain how grateful and happy you are right now to survive through this surgery and able to see everything again. God must be blessing you and allow you to lead a better life now.
The whole recovery process was speedy as you have been taking good care of your eyes, as well as under the extra care of Fiona. You were able to discharge after 2 days like what Doctor Yang promised you and you went back to your care centre.
Everything feels so new and fresh for you when you are able to see again. Similarly, the country has also evolved from the past and you see how prosperous the country gets makes you happy too. Not to mention, when you arrived at the front of your care centre, you couldn’t help but ‘wow’ at the facilities you have always been in.
The principal came out to fetch you personally and gave you a warm hug when you cameback, as well as your other peers that have started talking to you 1 month back. You felt blissful when you are able to see their faces again and cherish them more.
The first time you did after greeting them was to go back to your room, because you wanted to see the artwork that Hyunjin drawed for you and you promised that you will see that when you first open your eyes, but sadly the hospital don’t allow other materials to be brought in.
The moment you enter your room, you saw the side frame of the drawing and a small present box placed nicely on your bed. As you walked closer, you finally saw the drawing and it just so triggered your soft spot, causing you to tear up.
The drawing was a side view of you, sitting on the bench reading, or touching the brailles on your book while gentle wind blowed your hair. You smiled slightly in the picture and you seemed like you enjoyed the moment alot.
What surprised you was, the artpiece wasn’t in colours, but in black and white. There is a strong contrast between light and dark, and thus affecting the whole composition as well as making the whole artwork look 3D.
But why is it black and white?
Nonetheless, you were very amazed by his art skills as it was very well drawn and you love it so much. You turned your head and look at the present box, seeing a tag neatly written with your name.
“To: my favourite girl, y/n
By: your eyes, Hyunjin”
You were curious of what the box contained and opened it up right away. You saw a letter neatly folded, 2 concert tickets beneath it and 2 polaroids of you and him. You chuckled at the polaroid because he was funny and you were not aware of it, since you couldn’t see then.
You placed them back in the box, except the letter which you opened and read.
“Dear Y/n,
By the time you read this letter, you are probably done and dusted with your successful surgery and i would like to commend you for being brave and congrats! You can finally see the world again :)
Firstly, i would like to apologise for being unable to be there for you during your surgery as i need to go, i really i hope i could stay but it was non-negotiable so i can only support and pray for you mentally. It was heartbreaking when i couldn’t go but i guess it’s meant to be… Well not to worry we definitely will meet again!
Thank you for being such a great listening ear and companion for me. Other than my members and my family, you are the next one who always empathise me and give me great advice. Honestly, before i met you i was really upset and solemn about my setback, or even losing the motivation to work further. Because of you, i was motivated to work harder in the future while overcoming my obstacles. You were always so patient with me and never judge me when i was being vulnerable, thank you.
And yes, i just want to say, i really like you alot, alot. I admit that i was attracted by your visual initially, but what hit me was your kind, warm, sincere heart that radiates the beauty of you, despite you had inability earlier. I have never like someone this much before and i don’t know what to do to make you feel loved so im trying my best…
Well, you saw the artpiece i hanged in your room right? Isn’t it pretty? I still remember i was sitting there for 3 hours, trying to make it as thorough as possible and this is the best i can go… forgive if there’s some flaws okay? If you are wondering why it is black and white, let me explain to you.
The method i used is called ‘chiaroscuro’, which is an art term where artists use bold contrasts of light and dark to achieve a sense of volume in modelling 3D objects and figures. I happened to see it on Google someday and i wanted to try it out, but i didn’t know what to draw, until i saw you. I felt that light and dark in our lives are inseparable, like how both of us were in the dark of our life. To you, you may felt that the lost of ability to see is like losing light in your life and you had to rely on other senses to walk through your darkness, while i was going through a tough period of my idol life. After meeting you, i realised that i was able to bring light to your life such as being your eyes, cheering you up, listening to you etc. You also brought light into my life - hope, optimism, perseverance, inspiration.
There is a saying goes “the place where light and dark meets is where miracles will rise”, and i think it is like how you and i crosspath 4 months back. I hope you like the drawing and little present i prepared for you in the box!
I’ll see you soon y/n, very soon… and thank you for healing me…”
Unknowingly, a tear fell from your eye and stained the letter he handwritten for you, causing you to quickly wipe it away before it goes through and the letter will be torn. You hid your face in your palms as all the memories you had with him gushed back into your brain and you couldn’t explain how much you miss him. You were literally laughing and crying at the same time, making you look like a poor little girl awaiting for her lover to comeback.
And yes, you will meet him very soon. Taking a look at the concert date, it is 4 months away from now and you still have plenty of time to work on your own.
It is time to start planning for your future and work towards a better life, as you have found the light that guide you out of the dark tunnel now.
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4 months later
Within a short 4 months, your life has a drastic change - you managed to move out from the care centre and now you are living with Fiona, as she is the only one in the house and the closest to you. You still remember teasing her why she didn’t get a boyfriend and she said she is still young. You laughed and asked if you could move over and she immediately agreed.
The room you had in care centre was too plain and dull, so you thought that changing an environment can spice up your life. Thanks to Fiona, you had a meticulously decorated room and you both are happily living together. You also managed to get a job as a freelance model, since you just happened to be scouted when you were on the way to grab a cup of tea at a cafe.
Being a model wasn’t your plan but since an opportunity is placed infront of you, might as well take it and get some income first. What surprises you more was, you ended up becoming a black horse in the model industry as a newbie. Professionals praised you for having a good build, good body proportion, good face and good attitude. You never tried to bootlick any of the seniors but really rely on your abilities to climb up. Maybe God saw your hardwork, you managed to feature in few top-notch magazines as well as becoming an ambassador for a few makeup and fashion brands.
Despite not having a high education, you were thankful for your street smart skills that helps you to grow. You didn’t stop here but went to take up a part time diploma, specialising in fashion design aa you realised you like clothes alot. During your rest day, you stayed home to catch up with Hyunjin’s activities and you got to admit that, the first time you saw his picture you were dumbfounded by his visual and felt like a blessing when someone who has talent, visual and personality adores you so much.
From time to time you both still contact via text, but because he was really busy with comebacks, you didn’t want to disturb him much and wait till the day you can meet him again, which is the concert. Meanwhile, you were just fangirling over him at your own time, dragging Fiona along with you.
On the actual day of the concert, you purposely wake up early again to dress yourself. You fiddled your wardrobe for half an hour and you were still undecisive on what to wear. Fiona, who woke up later than you had already gotten ready to leave until she went into your room, seeing your bed full of clothes and your messy hair.
“Oh dear, i thought a burglar ransacked your wardrobe, what’s bothering you?” she came in and gave a ‘tsk’ while she flip through the pile on your bed.
“Unnieeeeee, i really don’t know what to wear,” you run your hands through your hair, making it messier. She shook her head while trying to match some pieces together, helping you to clear your mind.
“Okay hmmmm, how about this black jeans and this black crop top? with a cropped racer jacket outside, you will look awesome man,” she matched them nicely and placed infront of you, making you lifting one of the eyebrows as you thought it would be nice too.
“Alright i listen to you this time round, imma get changed first,” you took them and rushed into your toilet while Fiona helps you to hang other apparels nicely back into your wardrobe.
You did your makeup and everything and left the house with your converse hike, walking down the vicinity to a cafe nearby to have your meal with Fiona. It was still early hence you both decided to chill abit before going to the venue.
Honestly, you were nervous and excited about meeting him again in real life, able to see him with your eyes right infront. You did your research and you realised the seats you both were given are VIP seats, which means you get to see them up close and interact.
“Y/n, you look very nervous, are you okay?” Fiona lightly shake your hands while you shifted back to reality after wondering all sorts of outcomes it would happen when you meet him. You nodded and take a sip of your tea, trying to calm your palpitating heart.
1 hour more y/n, you have 1 hour more to clear your damn heart before you meet him, get a hold of yourself, you mentally scolded yourself for being a mess.
That 1 hour was fast. The next moment you caught was entering the venue and finding your seats, to realise there are other STAYs who were already settled down, waving their fan banners and lightsticks while waiting for the concert to begin. It is your first time going to a concert, hence you only brought a lightstick which you thought every fan would have in a concert venue. The other fans around you were kind enough to give you freebies so you could bring back, not forgetting to praise how good looking you are and striked a conversation with you after they recognised you from the magazines.
The venue became dimmer and you implied that the concert will be starting soon. Your heart was racing all the time, especially when you saw them coming out for their performance, and you eyes widened when you caught him in your eyes.
He look fucking ethereal in real life, you cursed in your brain.
Fiona also had a shock of her life when she saw Hyunjin all fired up in his performance and she gasped at the sight when his facial expressions just swept fans off their feet. She were constantly patting your hands and never-ending praises about how godly Hyunjin looks other than his casual fit. You felt your cheeks flushing whenever he looked towards your direction, giving a little smirk and you were wondering if that was directed to you but oh wells, it’s a blessing for all fans.
“Sis, i didn’t know he can be so hot and pretty at the same time, you’ve earned it man,” Fiona whispered into your ears as the whole venue was blasted with their music. You rolled your eyes at her while darting your eyes back to the stage, getting a shock when he was right infront of you, staring at you, smiling at you.
The other STAYs started to follow their attention towards where he was looking at and they found you sitting there. More fans noticed that a model actually appeared in the concert and they were discussing about how pretty you were which caused you to flush harder.
How i wish the ground can eat me up right now, it’s so awkward!
You eyes were running around the surroundings as you tried to avoid eye contact with him, but you still surrendered as he didn’t break the eye contact with you even if he moved away. From time to time, you looked at him for awhile and looked away because you already found yourself melting in his gaze, even just for 1 second.
How did i even survive that 4 months with him, having such close physical contact without blushing at all? Oh yea, because i can’t see, bruh.
You got to applaud that their concert was really well done and it received standing ovation from all fans as they handled everything well and it was satisfying to watch. Sitting there for 3 hours, it never felt like a waste in every seconds and you lowkey wanted more.
The concert came to an end in a flash and the security guards started escorting fans out of the venue. You felt abit disappointed because that was the only close up you had, and you were internally hoping to talk to him after the concert but there was no news.
“Eh? That’s all? He didn’t tell you more on where to go and find him? I thought he would,” Fiona pulled you out of the place and you find both of you standing in the lobby. You letted out a soft laugh to cover your sadness, but your emotions changed again when someone ran out to stopped you from exiting the building.
“Y/n-sshi? I am Stray Kids’s manager, Hyunjin asked me to hold you back abit, do you have time for him?” He whispered into your ears as you raised one of your eyebrows. Fiona seemed to get the hint and she pointed at her phone and make a texting action, passively asking you to text her later once you have ended on your side, so you both could go home together.
You gave an ‘okay’ sign before she left. “Sure, could you give me a moment please, let me get something and i’ll comeback, where can i find him?” You replied with the same volume so it is only kept between both of you, avoiding it to be overheard by other fans who still stayed around to take pictures. The manager told you the location and you dashed out of the place to find a nearby flower shop.
Meeting him for the first time after so long is a reunion and you felt that going empty handed doesn’t look presentable. You instantly thought of buying him a bouquet of flowers to congratulate him on completing his Day 1 tour. However, by the time you reached the floral shop, they are closing soon as it is close to night time. Thankfully, they still served you before closing and you asked them if they have any flowers to congratulate someone. Sadly, they ran out of them, but they offered you other flowers and one of them is pink camellia.
“Girl, pink camellia means longing for someone and given to someone you miss. Does it suit you somehow?” The lady in her mid 50s asked you, catching you off guard.
Does it suit me?
Yes it does,
because I miss him,
so badly.
“Pink camellia it is then, thank you auntie,” you thanked the old lady courteously and she wrapped the flowers nicely for you. You quickly bid a goodbye before running back to the stadium, rushing to the exact location that the manager told you moments before.
You held onto the flowers firmly while not crushing them, breathing in the faint fragrant scent of it while lights up your smile. You recalled the time where you went to floral garden with him and he stopped by camellias as well, sharing about how the different camellias had relatable meanings and how much he like them.
You walked towards the location but you didn’t see anyone in it. You were puzzled by the absence of people and you went to a few more rooms down the corridor to see if there was anybody, but to your dismay, there was no one.
Did you missed it again?
You sighed at your encounter and slowly walk back to the exact room you were told to visit, hoping to find him coming back again. As you were walking back while looking down at the flowers with tinge of sadness, you heard the awfully familiar voice ringing again across the corridor.
“Are you looking for me?”
You raised your head to find the latter standing infront of you - tall and charismatic, while putting on a faint smile on his face. He was wearing a black leather blazer and a black leather pants that he wore during his last performance, including his smokey eyeshadow that seems like hooking onto your soul, not missing out his iconic blonde hair that made him look like a prince. Your heart started pounding badly when your gaze met his, feeling blood starting to gush up your cheeks again and making you feel warm.
Is that what they meant by heart palpitating when you meet someone you like? He look so prestigious.
“Uh, yes, didn’t see you inside-“
Before you could even finish your sentence, you saw him taking big steps towards you, eventually running up to you, crashing his soft, plump, glossy lips onto yours firmly.
He held onto the nape of your neck so gently, kneading the skin of it as he indulged himself in the session he had with you. His lips move perfectly with yours, as if they were made for one another. You threw your hands on both his shoulders, pulling him a little more closer to you as you both tasted each other deeper. You heard his heartbeat beating in sync with yours, and you smiled against his lips.
Oh, the oh-so-familiar embrace and scent of him.
Everything felt right now. The moment was right, the reunion was right, the embrace felt right, because you felt like you have found your way home, to see someone who has been waiting for you to come back to him.
You both are fated to be, perfectly shaping for each other.
“I miss you so so much y/n,” you felt his warm breath tickling your ears while he whispered in it. He hid his face into the crook of your neck, closing the distance with you a little but more to feel every part of your skin coming in contact his. “I can’t help but to keep looking at you during the concert just now. Sorry if i looked like a psychopath.”
“I understand Hyun, i miss you too,” you reciprocated his thoughts and run your hands up and down on his back, soothing him from his emotions as you heard him sniffing.
“Hyun, this is for you,” you pulled away slightly and gave him the bouquet of pink camellia that was almost crushed by him when he crashed himself to you. “Wanted to give you congratulate flowers but they didn’t have it anymore, so i got you this.”
His lips curled up as he took it over carefully, smelling and appreciating them. He looked at you lovingly again, before leaning in to kiss your eyes so gently as if you are made of porcelein.
“I’m thankful that you can see again, and now your eyes should be fixated on me and only me okay,” he jokingly said before pulling your hands along with him, walking down the corridor.
“We are not going to separate anymore, i promise.”
Of course, you have always place your trust in him because he never disappoints you with all the things he did.
“Yes, because miracles have been created when light and dark integrates together, they become one, like you and me.”
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-> thank you for reading this short story on Chiaroscuro and we have come to the end, i hope you guys like it because it is my first time working on a short story like this. If you like it, please like, comment, rb or even follow if you wish to! Would be much appreciated and motivated to do better :)
-> Another thing would be, i will consider this as one of the flower series as well, since i used pink camellia in my story, so it can be used for flower language series :) See you in my future works~
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