#it's just that there's something morbidly fascinating in joking that awww drac cares about his boy so much
hecula-propaganda · 7 months
A snippet of my Mactor WIP that are not quite about Mactor but I still like :)
“There used to be a time when I… cherished Lord Dracula. Perhaps more than someone of my position ought to. How couldn’t I? He gave me a safe home, a purpose in life, power, affection – things I could not even dream of when I lived with humans. He… he was good with me… I wasn’t used to being special to someone.” “But ever since Lady Lisa died… I think that person died with her. It’s impossible for me to believe that the Lord Dracula who raised me and the Lord Dracula who is forcing me to execute innocents are one and the same.”
He watches Hector placing his hand on his scarred throat, and he doesn’t know whom to direct the disgust bubbling in his guts.
“He knew what I craved, and he knew exactly how to give it to me, and I’d eat it from his hand without hesitation. He has a talent for striking deals that sound fair on the surface. By the time I became but a mindless tool for slaughter, I came to fear that he tricked me, that he had lied to me all along… took advantage of me. I was led to believe that he was a demon wearing the mask of a man, and I’ve been living in shame of myself.”
I think I focused a little too much on Dracula being an abusive piece of shit that makes Hector suffer recently. It's not just about that. Hector did really care about Dracula in my vision.
Or, to quote my own message on Discord:
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(he gets better, don't worry. By this point he has already smooched Mathias and far more <3 it also leads to a cute loyalty pledging I swear it's not just torture for the sake of torture lmao)
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