#it's incredibly crass and none too polite lmao
okay help I have the insatiable urge to clown on someone on the internet and I am going to do that here right fast.
(under a cut for length and sheer clownage.)
so I was looking for this specific image of a chunk of cinnabar that reminded me of a picture of a blood clot under a microscope (I was just like oh wow how novel that biology and geology look similar sometimes that's so cool) and I stumbled upon this post by this random radfem seriously making a case for modern day alchemy. because they read some books where the people talking about alchemy sounded like they knew what they were talking about.
now the fact that they were a radfem isn't super important to their post's point, except to further prove that this was beyond a shadow of a doubt a fuckin imbecile.
I mean,,,, this person was really out here victor frankensteining over a modern alchemy revival like cornelius agreppa's dick needed any more sucking than the modern prometheus has already given him. As if mary shelley didn't publish an entire gothic literature classic over two centuries ago clearly depicting exactly what kind of idiot may wish to follow that path.
there's not really a point to this post other than I still cannot stop laughing at the sheer braindeadness it has to take to really believe something like "actually I think modern alchemy should be a thing that I in particular should pursue" on the basis of 'the authors sounded smart and also esoteric methods of obviously disproven sciences sound more ~accessible~ to me for ~Some Reason~ (see: critical lack of braincells)'
(really though, is there anything more telling than honestly going without a shred of self awareness 'modern day chemistry is too inaccessable and refined for my tastes, I wonder why these outdated and absolutely fictitious methods appeal to me more!' like baby that's cause modern chemistry's for people who are Smart. fucking giggling rn.)
like,,,, I'm sorry to break it to you sweetpea but victor frankenstein was not onto jack diddly shit when he dug up even Then centuries old alchemical anecdotes; he was a pretentious and facetious tool who didn't understand the weight of his own actions, the value of peer review, or know any sense of dignity or self respect. the same can be said for any radfem with the fucking balls to put their single digit IQ on blast on tumblr.com as though they're accomplishing anything more than embarrassing themselves. victor was a stupid deadbeat twink lacking two braincells to rub together, and your frictionless ass is only proving mary shelley knew Exactly what she was talking about when she wrote him.
anyway that's my laughing at stupid people on the internet for the week. like I can't even so much be mad at this person existing so much as I find it Way Too Funny that this person doesn't realize what an all around brainless tool they're spelling themselves out to be on a public platform. I almost Hope they try and defy god and prove us all wrong about alchemy just so the consequences of their actions will forever haunt them and ruin their life completely, forcibly teaching them about the limitations of human nature and thus the true meaning of horror. you wanna be victor frankenstein so bad???? go on then, ms. anti sex work! show us what you can do!!! go on, go graverobbing, I wanna see it, you stupid fucking ass!!!!
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