#it's in canon but the spirk people have really taken it and run with it
whirligig-girl · 2 years
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This is like if she’d ran up to her new human study buddy and kissed her on the lips with tongue.
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seraph5 · 2 years
You know what's funny. I think Roddenberry accidentally created the greatest love story in Spock and Kirk. The more I look into how he created them and why they are such a unit every creative choice was him creating a metaphor for soulmates or showing the markers of relationships. I've run across many accounts of their creation and understanding the creative process I imagine all of them are, to an extent, true.
- Kirk and Spock being a single character broken into 2 (soulmates/call me by your name phenomenon)
- allowing those parts of the self to commune and contemplate and react to each other in an intimate way because there is automatically an intimacy between two halfs of the one whole. They literally complete each other.
- kirk representing the passion and Spock the logic (you kind of see this a bit in relationships sometimes when one person is like the loud one and the other one is like the one that plans haha it seems like a wishy washy point but I believe it stands)
- in response to Spock's popularity (in my belief particularly because he reflected humanities struggle with emotion, emotional acceptance/ honesty and truth) Gene asked Issac Asimov how to ensure Kirk didn't fall into the background and Asimov responded "make them a team so when people think of Spock they think of Kirk". Good relationships are like a team of 2. When you think of Spock you think immediately of kirk. No other person or thing really comes between them in terms of "what comes first in each other's lives" except maybe the ship but that is something they both share/cherish and care for and would also both sacrifice for each other.
- gene had wanted to include a gay relationship on screen but assumed he would be taken off air and while his reactions to the idea of Kirk and Spock being together have varied it's never been a definitive no absolutely not. As we know there's even been a few times where he's added nods to the possibility with the invention of Th'y'la and his admission that their love for each other was sufficient for sexual intimacy.
Less salient points in support of Spock and Kirk as an actual real thing
- this is obviously a side point not really about thier creation but paramount gave the thumbs up to the most homoerotic subtext in the star trek pulp series. Did they say it was not canon? Yes. But did they approve Spock giving Kirk a naked mind meld that made Kirk melt into him? Yes. Did they approve a poem that is strongly suggested is written by Spock where his love for his captain is written on his heart? Yes. Did they give a thumbs up to Spock and Kirk rolling around in the grass while Spock is in heat? Yes. COME ON.
- there's a lot of interpretations of kirks sexuality but for me the first time I saw it, without any context of spirk and the broader star trek lore, I assumed Kirk was a very sexual person and that he was not bound by gender/race/alien type. The impression was very much 'if they're compatible then I'm down". He's a very touch based person. He's cheeky to the extent that it really comes off as flirty with most people. I wanna say he dresses provocatively but it's not his fault the uniforms fit him like th-(not relevant). Do I think he's a womanizer? No. Do I think he's a sexual pan/bi guy that doesn't go wanting? Yes.
Anyway in conclusion greatest accidental and legitimate love story.
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panicatthediaz · 4 years
Star Trek TOS, McKirk and for the character Spock :P
Star Trek: The Original Series
Favorite character: Bones!! Grumpy-but-caring-under-facade? Please, I love him.
Least Favorite character: ... Well, this is Least Favorite, not most hated so I guess... Sulu? I dunno, they could’ve done a bit more with him, I feel.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): McChapel, McSpirk, Spones... I don’t actually have that many TOS ships huh
Character I find most attractive: Bones. Honestly, look at DeForest Kelley. Look at him!! Blue eyes that somehow match his damn uniform????
Character I would marry: ... Really? Bones.
Character I would be best friends with: I feel like it’s either Jim and/or Chekov here... I’d be out there to create chaos.
a random thought: Whacky 60s show that I love, wish you had some form of continuity and/or overarching issue.
An unpopular opinion: ... I prefer AOS characters. There is somewhat more to explore in terms of non-ship fics, I feel, and I’m all for that independent character development. In TOS, they all feel... Developed, already.
my canon OTP: Is Scotty/Uhura actually canon?
Non-canon OTP: In TOS? Either Spones or McChapel. I ain’t that much of a shipper, folks XD
most badass character: I was half-jokingly gonna say Bones, considering the shit he went through (forced meld, torture, “incurable” disease) and came out on top of, but then again, most of the time Chapel is running medbay on that crazy ship by herself so this goes to her.
pairing I am not a fan of: Spirk. Sorry not sorry, y’all.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Have any of you seen the stuff cut, regarding Bones and Joanna??? Overall, I think everyone would’ve benefitted from some character-driven overarching stories.
favourite friendship: Triumvirate.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I want to adopt a tribble, Chekov, be adopted by Sulu (and learn fencing)
when of if I started shipping it: I’m pretty sure I just stumbled upon it through fics one fine day in the end of 2018. Mostly AOS.
my thoughts: I don’t see McKirk happening in TOS, but these two in AOS are my disaster babies.
What makes me happy about them: They are a mess helping each other through their messes. Fight me on that. Bones’ seemingly unending well of tolerance and patience when it comes to Jim’s past (boy has baggage)
What makes me sad about them: The above. The fact that, primarily Jim, needed to go through all that to start picking himself up and deal with his darn baggage.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: ... I really don’t like reading breakups... (not just on McKirk, tbh) And one-sided 
things I look for in fanfic: ... Angst with a happy ending? Character development??? Give me some goddamn plot!
My kinks: Sorry, lovelies, asexual here. No kinks that I can think of XD
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Carol Marcus. Not sure which one of them, it could go either way. I def also ship Bones/Carol, and Jim/Carol did happen at some point in the Prime universe so I’m not opposed.
My happily ever after for them: Retiring back to Earth, maybe to some farmhouse (both are farm boys, fite me) in either Georgia or Iowa, I don’t care. No one fucking dying of anything but old age.
How I feel about this character: Emotionally confused baby.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Bones and Uhura.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jim. They are great friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Once I rewatched Star Trek 09 and watched the rest of the AOS movies, and then moved to TOS... My initial reaction was “overrated”. I do like them, but I think a lot of things are exaggerated...As usual.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: LET THIS BOY DEAL WITH HIS GODDAMN TRAUMA. He had a rough childhood, then fucking lost his planet!!!
my het ship: Spuhura
my fem/slash ship: ...? The fuck does this mean?
my OTP: Don’t make me choose between Bones and Uhura!
my OT3: You know what, I think the three of them together would be great. I think Mi and I have taken to calling it McSpuhura or something. Needs work. 
my cross over ship: How much of a cheapstake am I for saying John Grimm/Spock? I have no fucking other crossovers, damn it.
my kink: Nop
a head cannon fact: I never stopped to think of headcanons for Spock, heh
my gender bend: I assume this is about like... who would play a genderbent Spock? I have nothing. I only have one for like, Bones.
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