#it's him. hugh ratman
shiftythrifting · 1 year
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radicalromanov · 5 years
Leftist Magneto Rates Popular “Hot” Men
In honor of John Legend being rated this year’s “Sexiest Man Alive,” I thought I’d share my opinion on some dudes that the world seems to think are good-looking. I’ll try to base my opinion solely on looks, rather than personality or talent (or lack thereof). 
Timothee Chalaalamalet - He kinda looks like a facial reconstruction of a long-dead person. I think he’s a skinny little rat. 0/10
Ryan Gosling - basic, boring. Not the worst but he’s just so dull. And not a good actor either but that’s beside the point. And his voice isn’t sexy enough to make up for the fact that he looks like a peanut. 3/10
John Legend - he looks like a baby 2/10
Matt Damon - 2007 must have been a dark time, because this ugly bastard was voted Sexiest Man Alive. This guy’s got the sex appeal of a houseplant. 0/10
Michael B. Jordan - I personally don’t think he’s that hot, but like if he was a good friend of mine and he said “hey fam am I hot” I’d probably say yeah and not feel like I’ve lied to him. 7/10
Hugh Jackman - Good smile, good heart. easy 10/10
Idris Elba - His natural accent sounds like he’s an American doing a fake British accent and it fucks me up. I don’t really see what’s so sexy about him tbh 4/10
Blake Shelton - I will never, ever, ever find a country singer attractive. Honestly Blake Shelton looks like some sort of tailypo-esque cryptid but in human form, like the angles and shit of his face are just off. 1/10
David Beckham - He has never been hot and if you think he has you need ya eyes checked. Another ratman. He looks like he knows something you don’t know (except that you probably actually do know it, he just has an inflated ego). 2/10
Chris Hemsworth - He seems like a fun guy, and he’s definitely the most attractive Chris, but he’s still so dull. 5/10
Channing Tatum - His parents are probably cousins, judging by his looks (I’m from Alabama, I’m allowed to say this). Ugly ugly man. 0/10
Bradley Cooper - Not to insult raccoons, but he looks like a mangey raccoon. 2/10
Johnny Depp - Awful person, awful actor, awful looks, especially in more recent years. It’s like all the misogyny and violence and alcoholism and bad personality has seeped into his skin. 0/10
Ryan Reynolds - He’s not the best-looking dude, but his wife is really gorgeous so I’ll let him have a 8/10
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