#it's happeniiiiiiiing
loveexpelrevolt · 29 days
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Gambit as the Horseman of Death
Post-Credits Scene X-Men '97 1.10 | "Tolerance Is Extinction — Part 3"
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lee-jinkis-ponytail · 11 months
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
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Whaaaaaaat is happeniiiiiiiing?!?!
I fell on my way here! What's that!
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Is that Jimin or the end??
Lemme hop on Twitter bf my delulu mind gets out of hand
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This is what I'm talking about!!!!!!
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My goth lord wipe the floor with me.
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I've never been this mentally stimulated in my life sire
Tailor of chaos??? Are we in the Dreaming? Morpheus is that you??
He is such a genius my gad!
Listen, he didn't ask me, but I'm gonna dedicate a whooping century of my life to break down the all the possible meaning behind the imagery and symbols of this piece in the old fashion delulu style and discuss his artistic choices and what all that represents.
This is the part where I start tearing apart his brain cell by cell, deconstructing his every word uttered since his escape from the vagina; pull shit out of my ass and pepper it with Freud and a tad bit of armchair psychology. Who is in?🥴
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19731753701 · 1 year
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all the sexy fly babes know where the fuck its happeniiiiiiiing
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divine--tragedy · 5 years
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"All out, uhu?"
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Suthen gives Cipher a stare, with a serious looking, wondering and problably using his predicting powers to imagine what will happen next. He retracts his fangs inside the gengivals a little.
And that's how, surprisely, he acts.
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moontheyo · 3 years
Man my bisexuality is PEAKING tonight holy shit
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mondfahrt · 3 years
My brain this morning: Need to do the last edit for my Naruto fanfic. Also, let’s work on that One Piece bingo fanfic some more.
My brain now: Wilde Hühner Wilde Hühner Wilde Hühner Wilde Hühner
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skinks · 4 years
oooooooooo I’m gonna make an ithots playlist when it’s complete
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light--reef · 6 years
oh FUCK i cannot BELIEVE i want to SWOON over a FREAKING CLOWN
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theladyofskeletons · 3 years
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lee-jinkis-ponytail · 2 years
AaaaaaAAAAHHH I'm in line for Brave Girls in NYC, it's finally happeniIIIIIIING!!!
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mewo-is-god-imo · 2 years
try to find your way out of the desert
Okay. Uh... time to start the long trek, I guess. Oh, this is gonna be miserable...
hey guys i’m gonna continue to rudely interrupt- WHY IS THIS HAPPENIIIIIIIING-
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boypussydilf · 2 years
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jordswriteswords · 5 years
Clextober19: BYOB - Bring Your Own Boos
"How do I look?" Clarke asked, twirling about the living room. She was dressed in her Halloween costume, showing off her talent for makeup.
"Are you serious?" Lexa asked, mouth agape.
Clarke laughed, her hat falling down over her eyes. "Come on, don't be so offended."
"I mean, it's just…" Lexa trailed off, chewing on her lip. 
Madi bounded down the stairs, yelling a, "whoa, mom that's so witch-ist!"
"Witch-ist?" Clarke asked. 
Madi floated an apple from the fruit tray to meet her when she plopped down on the couch next to Lexa. 
"Feet," Lexa admonished her eight year old. 
Madi huffed and chomped down on the apple, a few pieces falling out of her mouth as she said, "yeah, it's prejudice against witches."
Lexa clicked her tongue at her daughter, scooping up the pieces of apple that had fallen from her mouth and wrapped them in a tissue. "No talking with food in your mouth, Mads."
"It's a joke!” Clarke said. "You guys don't even look like this. No wonder humans haven't ever been able to find you." Her face was painted green with warts on an exaggerated nose. Her head was covered by a pointy hat and she wore a long black gown. "Really, why would you ever want to look like this if you could change it with magic? Besides, it’s a rocking costume if I do say so myself.” She twirled again, and Lexa had to fight down her smile at her wife. She really, truly loved her, even if she was being highly insensitive right now.
“It’s kind of like saying that all humans are stupid and slow,” Lexa commented instead. “Like shoving our faces with the garbage some of you call food, and talking about how we’re the superior race and whatnot.”
Clarke twisted her mouth to the side in thought. “Okay, but I don't think like that,”
“Obviously, or we wouldn’t be together,” Lexa quipped.
“I just mean -- it’d be so much easier to be a witch. I mean, Madi can talk to animals, you are a superstar athlete. You’re like the spoiled brats of society.”
Lexa scoffed. Madi rolled her eyes. “I am so not a spoiled brat,” Madi chimed, more apple crumbs falling from her lips. Lexa glared at her child until Madi picked up her trash from the couch. She tried to wiggle her nose to send it to the trashcan, but Lexa snapped her fingers before she could, putting a safety lock on her nose.
"Come on!" she whined.
"You have legs," Lexa retorted. "Use them."
With a huff, Madi got up and dumped her trash into the trashcan in the kitchen. Lexa joined her, stirring the pot she had started for dinner.
Clarke continued her rant, “You kinda are. Whenever you want something you just have to poof it into existence. Lexa snaps her fingers or you wiggle your nose and there it is, whatever your heart desires.”
“What would you do if you had magical powers, babe?” Lexa asked over her shoulder. “Since you clearly have had such a horrible hand dealt to you.”
Clarke shrugged. “I’ve never really thought of it because it’s completely impossible. It’d be like a vacation, though. I'd probably make everything silent so I could just relax. Man, you guys have it so easy.”
Lexa smirked, and then winked at Madi. "Alright babe," she said, turning to her wife. "Deal." She snapped her fingers, and the costume on Clarke’s frame shrunk down to fit her snugly, and the green paint disappeared from her face.
“What the --”
“Let’s see what you got,” Lexa teased, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ve just handed over my powers. You, Clarke Griffin, are now a witch for twenty-four hours.”
“You mean to tell me that you’ve had the ability to turn me into a witch for our entire lives and never bothered to do so? Rude!”
Lexa laughed. “It’s not quite how it works. You have to have a deep emotional and physical bond with someone.”
“Like a soulmate?” Madi asked.
“Yeah, like a soulmate. Seeing that you’re my wife and also have bore my child, our connection is more than strong enough to allow me to pass my powers onto you for a short period of time.”
“So I’m legit a witch?”
“And I’m human,” Lexa replied.
“Cool! Can I be a werewolf?” Madi asked.
“No!” both parents barked at the same time.
“How does it feel to be powerless?” Clarke asked. “You do realize I’m not going to help you with any of the housework so you can get a sense of how tough it really is to grow up and have to fold your own laundry.”
“I look forward to it,” Lexa said with a small laugh.
“Wow,” Clarke said, marvelling at her hands. “How do I like, make it go?” She tried snapping her fingers and blinking excessively, but nothing happened.
Lexa chuckled. “Stop forcing it. Just let it come to you.”
“Got it, Chief,” she said, pointing her finger guns are Lexa that she typically did when she was trying to be sarcastic. With a flash of light and a poof of smoke, Lexa’s head donned a Native tribal headpiece.
Clarke’s eyes widened and she looked at her hands. “Oh, come on!” she bemoaned. “I can’t believe my trigger is finger-guns!”
Lexa bit into the dinner she had prepared, noting the meatballs ended up a little spicier than she had originally anticipated.  She stood to refill her glass of water, but Clarke held a hand up to stop her. 
“Don’t worry babe, I got this.” She finger gunned at Lexa and said, “water.”
Lexa sighed.
A sudden downpour of water fell atop Lexa's head, soaking her clothes right through.
A few seconds later, an empty glass appeared in the air, only to crash onto the kitchen floor.
“Jesus… Christ… How do I… Stop this… from… happeniiiiiiiing?” Clarke asked as she bounced up and down in the air, trying to get control of her levitation. She pointed her finger at Lexa, who sighed as she floated, and tried her best not to throw up at the sudden rollercoaster that her wife forced upon her in their living room.
Halfway through the pile of laundry, Lexa pouted at her smiling wife. “I got this, babe,” Clarke said. She finger-gunned at the last of the clothes and said, “fold,” but the already folded clothes exploded from their spot on the bed, littering the room in the family’s underwear.
“How’s it going?” Lexa asked, poking her head around the corner to Clarke’s art studio.
Clarke huffed and pouted at her wife. In front of her was a series of canvases covered in sad clowns and dreary landscapes.
“Moody,” Lexa said. 
“I don’t seem to know how to control any colour other than the black. This was easier when I was human."
Clarke was determined to master her magic, knowing that she would never hear the end of it if she came out of this day not being able to cast one proper spell. 
Lexa drove them to the store to get groceries for the week. She perused the aisles while Clarke thought and thought and thought about what she could do to get it under control. 
She thought over the words and the basic spells that Madi taught her when Lexa wasn't working, finger gunning without casting the spell aloud so she could practice her posture.
“Hey Clarke, isn’t that Harper?”
“Who?” Clarke asked, finger inadvertently pointing at her wife.
Suddenly, there was a poof of smoke and a bright flash of light, and hovering in front of her was an owl with the greenest eyes she had ever seen.
“Lexa?” Clarke gasped.
“Hoot, hoot, hoot,” the bird replied, fluttering its wings furiously. "Hoot, hoot, hoot!" The owl called. Clarke slowly backed away as the owl squawked and screeched and flew after her. 
The next morning, Clarke awoke to a platter of eggs, bacon and pancakes, and a single lily in a vase.
Lexa leaned against the doorjamb, smiling at her wife as she handed over a cup of coffee. “Come downstairs whenever you’re ready.”
Bashful and cowed, Clarke took a sip of her coffee and nodded at her wife.
After she finished her breakfast, she brought the plates downstairs and marvelled at the sparkling clean home. “Looks like someone got their powers back,” Clarke teased her wife.
“Nah, you still have a few more hours,” Lexa replied, hands busy scrubbing the pans used for breakfast.
“Really?” Clarke asked. She finger gunned in the direction of the milk container, and made the entire jug explode, coating the ceiling in dairy. She sighed. “Wheres Madi?” 
Lexa laughed and pulled out a rag from the cupboard, already moving towards the mess when she said, “At Jordan’s. It really was Harper we saw yesterday.”
“So, you’re telling me you cleaned our entire place and made me breakfast without the use of your powers?” 
“Clarke,” Lexa sighed. “I always do. I don’t want Madi to grow up thinking that her powers are the answer to everything. Everything I do at home I do as an equal to you. I only use my powers to spoil you if I can… or to fix something I broke on occasion.”
Clarke’s cheeks dusted pink at her wife’s words. “You really are something, Mrs. Griffin-Woods.”
“I’m yours, Mrs. Griffin-Woods.”
“I’m sorry for saying you were spoiled. This magic stuff is harder than I thought. I love you.”
Clarke leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her wife’s lips, and with a gentle poof of smoke and a warm flash of pink light, Clarke's magic worked properly for the first time ever, levitating her and Lexa off the ground together, high off their love.
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