#it's fine. it's fine. i'll get thru it
paint-tastes-ok · 1 year
if you’re considering getting a PS5 for FF16... don’t
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dandyshucks · 23 days
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little man on an adventure :]
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mywritingonlyfans · 1 year
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he's so hot and soft here i can't even--
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#so like late last night i started to get rlly panicky nd upset#bc it's v much looking like im gnna fail my english class. i need to be done next wednesday which means i need to work rlly hard#nd go to school extra to have a presentation nd do tests etc etc#nd im still in pain after surgery nd im rlly depressed bc of my physical health so i just dont think i can be strong nd make it this time#in my almost breakdown i wrote a self referral to the clinic/psych department for personality disorders....#it usually takes them around 2 days to answer you but this time at like 8am they sent me a message AND called me#(i think. im not certain it's them bc i havent checked the voice message or the reply lmaooo. but it should be them)#the thing abt having avpd is now im immediately stressed af nd i regret sending it. i donr wanna check their reply#also it might be bc i wrote a lot abt killing myseld etc etc nd now im worried theyre gnna be like girlie get checked in!!!! lol T-T#i just needed to be very clear nd act frsutrted nd desperate bc i have never gotten treatment in 10yrs nd im TIRED!!!!#my initial reaction is to avoid at all costs nd just pull my covers above my head nd pretend like i dont have to check their reply lol#i dont wannaaaaaa. i take it back i dont want help!!! its fine i dont wanna try or work hard let me rot#why did i do this!!!!! fml. anyway... i'll check later today bc since its early i can still use the excuse of sleepinf thru the days#many ppl working w mentally ill ppl understand that it's normal actually to switch the day around nd sleep during the days sksksk#but also i have no idea how many typos r in here bc im not wearing my glasses whoopsie#yeah.. anyway im gonna try to go back to sleep nd not think abt it#hopefully it wasnt even them calling 🤡 i know i HAVE to check later but not now i can take a few hours#then today i need to figure out if im gnna make one last attempt w my eng class or give up idk what to do
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gotchibam · 1 year
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AHHHH THANK YOU ALL so much for the support!!! 😭 Tbh I wasn't really expecting to reach the goal so soon since I only made this post 2 weeks ago but ppl have been very supportive so tysm again!! 🙏❤️💕
Once I get paid by the end of this week I think I'll be able to get thru this month so! I'll now focus working on the comms + last year's kofi doodle reqs & post them on the coming weeks ☺️
Honestly I can’t thank you guys enough ;_; But really tho I appreciate all of you, I don’t really think I’d be able to get through it w/o everyone’s help so really thank you so much!! 🙏🙏🙏
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katamarei · 17 days
they need to make a hrt that makes me grow a dick and also make my boobs shrink and absolutely no other changes. god if you are listneing,
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infime · 28 days
i love saying i have a routine as if it means in anyway i remember what said routine is n follow it (:
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skunkg1rll · 4 months
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aurosoulart · 1 year
I feel like you've definitely done this before, but I can't find anything so I thought I'd ask. Do you know any other cool vr artists I can check out? I know it's a rare specialty on Tumblr at least, but I've never seen someone do the kind of stuff you do and I'd love to see some examples in different styles
OH MAN DO I EVER...... hold on to your hats cuz this will get long. none of these people are on tumblr but they're all worth checking out!!
anyways here's the prominent XR artists in the world right now that I know off the top of my head (note: I'm bound to miss some people, also some sell NFTs, some don't, just a PSA):
Rosie Summers - UK VR artist & one of my personal fav inspirations. if you like space and whimsy, you'll like her art!
Giant Swan - Australian VR artist. his work with color & texture is some of the best I've ever seen
Goro Fujita - prominent art director who was born in Japan and who now does VR animations in a VR animation program called Quill! really worth checking out if you are at all interested in learning 3d animation.
Piyo Master - Japanese VR artist who makes some seriously cool mech designs - among other things!!
Emma / The Spatial Canvas - US-based artist with a whole YouTube series on teaching VR art! her environment work is SUPER good.
Minhang - Vietnamese VR artist who makes INCREDIBLY detailed painting worlds
Anna Zhilyaeva / Anna Dream Brush - French VR artist and probably one of the most famous VR artist/performers in the world.
Suk - Korean VR artist with a wonderful traditional ink art style
Kudo Albus - Japanese VR artist with a VERY cute art style
Kevin Ang - US-based artist and MY GOOD FRIEND!! 💖 his work is very storybook-vibes and nature-inspired
Vaidehi / Ozymandias - UK-based artist (and also my friend!) with a crazy abstract, cubist, occasionally even dadaist art style
Yamakeiart - Japanese VR artist - and a tattoo artist as well! her tattoo design work really shines through in her VR art
SaRaN - Japanese VR artist. super detailed and magical worlds
Gaston Carballal - VR artist based in Argentina with a really unique style - his worlds look like they're made entirely of wicker and clay
Julius Kleberski - French VR artist who is very underrated - he makes detailed worlds and these gorgeous filigree-style 3d sculptures
Angeles - Spanish VR artist who is extremely skilled at creating animals and human faces!
Lucy Boyd-Wilson - US VR artist with beautiful abstract & nature-based work.
Sabby Life - US-based VR artist & educator, and a lead of the VR Art Live community! I could list even more artists at this point BUT you could also just find them yourself by joining the VR Art live Discord - it's a main hub for XR art and there's tons of community events and resources available there!! 💖
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jabeur · 3 months
question. is it possible for smut to be both hot and super fucking cringe
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orcelito · 4 months
Been finishing up act 2 of bg3. It's a good thing I find the battle systems so fun bc Hoo Boy there sure do be battles
#speculation nation#im going the epic hero direction this run. mostly bc i care about saving innocents' lives as much as possible#which means Killing Necromancers...... ugh.#cloudkill my beloathed. me n my homies hate cloudkill (used against us at least)#i got my vampire kicked into a fucking CHASM i had to reload a save 😭😭😭#he's been phenomenally unuseful in these fights bc theres so many people and so few places to hide#usually hes one of my biggest damage dealers. and sometimes he can get a good shot in#but a lot of turns hes just firing one dinky lil arrow and then hiding in the corner#...... i keep forgetting about the fancy arrows. i have so many of those. i should try to remember them when i get to the Big battle.#which. hmmm. we r gonna hope it's not Too difficult a battle. ive been able to get thru every battle so far in this game#turns out im Pretty Damn Good at this game. to the point where i'll brute force it and still end up fine.#the literal only battle i had to leave and go back for was the big spider queen thing in the bottom of the well. she was scary.#im level 9 now tho and full of so much guts n grit. and loot. holy fucking shit the loot.#im looting every body (including fallen allies. sorry guys ur gold's goin to a good cause.)#i have karlach with a like 460 carrying capacity but she STILL keeps getting encumbered. from all the armor.#im making fucking Thousands off this tower capture im gonna have so much fucking money#once i leave here and can actually. sell them all 😂#anyways i have been having fun! had to stop for the night bc it's late. but i will be killing thorny ass tomorrow. mark my words.
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izzy-b-hands · 5 months
Attempting to organise the our flag characters into levels for that complete cast challenge thing bc surely attempting this challenge on hard mode with a huge cast will help my writer's block/s
and checking imdb for all of it and just....there's a guy on here for a character named Dax, and it went uncredited and i'm just sat here like. Whomst in the fuck was Dax and where was he. How in the fuck am I gonna write for this guy and the huge list of other extras when I can't even place the fucking scene some of them were in. Like, some like Abshir I remember of course but others im just. fuckin' patrick looking under his rock like 'whomst the fuck are y'all????' I know I probably saw y'all but had no idea this is who you were meant to be playing and-
I make good decisions lmao
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ranvwoop · 7 months
i started bleeding profusely into my mask at school and had to like . be super casual as I changed it and cleaned myself off like I did not have small little package of wet blood. and also all over my face.
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piplupod · 7 months
quick post bc im fucking frustrated to tears rn over this (was just logging in to update my writing sideblog lmao) - the most infuriating and terrifying thing abt my current situation is that despite the lifelong abuse, i still cannot keep my fucking mouth shut sometimes
I've been doing what I can to keep myself up to date with what's happening news-wise without pushing myself into dangerous territory mentally/emotionally, and STILL I fucking suffer because I could not keep my mouth shut around parents TWICE now within the past couple days. and then i get into hot water with them and shit gets bad again and i lose whatever meager amounts of respect or trust or whatever semblance of human decency and kindness they had decided to give to me bc I'd "earned" it by being silent and agreeable.
all i said today was that i think Domino's might be a company to boycott bc my mother mentioned getting pizza for my brother's upcoming bday and then there was just a whole fucking awful thing and I just am so fucking angry w myself. it was so much easier and safer when i never had access to the internet bc i never knew anything that they didnt agree with so i could never say anything wrong in that regard. like at least i Know things now and can actually have opinions, but ... idk. sometimes I feel like it isnt worth it if I keep fucking myself over like this because I can't just hold my tongue.
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hoodie-prince-kid · 9 months
You ok bro?
Could be better
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eliasbouchardslut · 9 months
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