#it's fine if you agree with the fandom consensus after you've given it some thought of your own
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
I Feel Like Explaining This A Bit (Scrapped)
No one was asking, but I’ve had it on my mind for a bit.
So, when I say I reject the 10/10 fanon names out of spite, that’s only half true. The spite part comes from my assertion that I refuse to let any fandom change how I choose to interpret the text. I don’t want to get caught up in that kind of nonsense. If you use 'em, and you like ‘em, that’s fine. I don’t have anything against you. This isn’t a “me vs. sheeple” kinda thing. I recognize the usefulness and utility of giving them names: it makes it easier to refer to them individually, and it’s a little more humanizing to call them by the fanon names rather than their hair colors, but that’s the other half of why I reject them: giving them individual names humanizes them.
Although I like some interpretations where 1010 are individuals (one of my own AUs revolves around that idea), part of their appeal to me is that they’re lifeless mass-produced robots. I just think that’s a more interesting theme to explore than just letting them be pretty boys at face value. Again, there’s nothing “wrong” with that, but it’s not what I like, so it’s not what I do.
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