#it's a yax fic but yakko and max don't interact until maybe 2.5k or 3k words in lol
jerbric · 3 years
i'm so impatient, i just want my fanfic to write itself anyway because i'm impatient you guys get this snippet of my next fic
Goofy Goof owned a baked goods and sweets shop, “Goof’s Sweet Tooth.” It was easily the best one in Spoonerville, and well known, not just for their sweets, but also for the charismatic owner of the shop. Whether people were in the mood for baked goods or not, they sometimes entered the shop just to make small talk with Goofy. Max, Goofy’s only child, spent a lot of time in the shop helping out his father (which then was only a cover up so he could eat sweets whenever he wanted). When Max was old enough, he even became an official employee at the shop, believing it would be an easy enough job since his dad owned the place. But being related to the owner only gave him more responsibility and many of his coworkers disliked him for it.
Max was going on his second year in the shop and he was still untrusted by his coworkers. No matter what he did to play nice, many of his coworkers believed Max would rat them out to his dad if they weren’t working all the time. Max wouldn’t have minded and even agreed that if he was in their position, he wouldn’t easily trust himself, but then his coworkers began to think that he was getting more than they were. They talked about him as if he wasn’t in the room, and if they didn’t have to talk to him, they wouldn’t. It hurt Max’s feelings a bit, but he wasn’t about to let them know that. So, Max usually kept to himself in the shop.
Usually Max would work the closing shifts since he was in school, but summer had just begun, and Goofy began putting Max on the morning and midday shifts. The bad part about it was that mornings were their busiest hours; the good part about it was that after noon, the store was usually empty for a few hours with only the occasional customer.
Lately, there’s been one kid that’s been coming into the shop around two in the afternoon everyday. The kid doesn’t buy anything, he only looks around at all the sweets. This wouldn’t have bothered Max, many of the kids in the neighborhood come to look around even when they don’t have money. It was a candy store, of course it’s going to attract little kids. But the boy asked Max the same question everyday, and it was starting to get on his nerves.
“Hello,” the boy greeted Max when he came up to the register. He was an odd-looking toon, with dark brown fur and a big red nose. His ears were long and they stood upward on the top of his head, and he had a tail like a cat. The boy didn’t wait for Max to respond, he simply pointed down at the display case under the register. Max already knew what the boy was pointing at without having to look down. “How much does that one cost?”
“Still the same price as yesterday, kid,” Max groaned. The boy was pointing at the “dirt cupcake” in the display case. A chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting, Oreo crumbs covered the frosting, and there were two gummy worms on top. It was a chocolate disaster and not very healthy, but it was one of the popular designs among the younger kids. “Three fifty.”
“I don’t have that much,” the boy pouted. He reached into his pocket and took out two crumpled dollar bills and a handful of pennies. He stared into the display case, probably thinking about what to do next.
Max leaned on the counter, bored. “Well, there’s a lot here you can buy for two dollars or less, kid. Unless you want to go home and ask your parents for some more money.”
“My name isn’t kid, it’s Wakko,” the boy said, sounding a bit defeated. He looked down at the display case, then he looked back up at Max. He sighed, “I’m leaving now.”
“Okay then, Wakko,” Max said, slightly amused. He watched Wakko turn around and head for the door, and when Wakko said goodbye, Max muttered to himself, “see you tomorrow.”
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