#it would be like the heartstopper tv show but even more because THE ARK
the-ark-is-real · 1 year
if/when an iwbft adaptation ever comes, here are some scenes / lines that will. kill. me (in no particular order):
1. “it’s different for me. being lister bird.”
2. jimmy’s panic attacks
3. “how are you going to go through the rest of your life loving nothing as much as you love a boyband?”
4. jowan
5. lister’s accident
6. “you said you hated yourself. didn’t want you to do anything bad.”
7. bliss’s entire storyline
8. jimmy and piero’s interactions
9. lister breaking his arm (this depends if they add meeting lister. please do. my life depends on it)
10. “my knife isn’t even sharp, look, you can run your finger over it and it wouldn’t even cut you.”
Y E S 😭😭😭😭😭
tbh if we ever get an adaptation i will disintegrate the moment i see it soo
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