#it was part of why lord fourth made the 12 year age limit mandetory except in special cases
whotookmysenbon · 3 months
Hey, Shiranui— Found your file while digging around in the archives the other day, and it made me wonder what your genin days must have been like, since you're two years older than Ebisu and three years older than Gai. I'm guessing that's when the mother hen instincts started?
Jeez way to make me feel like a fossil. Actually, I got most of the mother hen traits from my dad. He was the reason I graduated at twelve rather than earlier like my genin teammates. There were whispers of war all throughout my childhood and my dad point blank refused to let me become a child soldier. He begged the academy to hold me back as long as they did.
It stung, at first. Made me think I wasn’t good enough in his eyes. Now as an adult having fought in two major wars, I almost wish I had waited longer still. And when I see genin nowadays trying to grow up so quickly they miss their own relative safety in youth… I think dear old Dad had the right idea. Kids should be kids.
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