#it was a bit of an investment as the TARDIS tin is extremely rare
eighthwholove · 3 months
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So over a year ago, I had the pleasure of finding the TARDIS Tin that was made to promote the TV Movie back in 1996. Some of the contents weren't the original versions- the screening tickets are replicas, as well as the jelly babies.
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(Plus a Fox promotion card, seen on the far left of the bottom photo.)
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The set of photos (first seen in 2022) were extras to go with the listing. However, the two other photos (on the right) are legit, actually from the original kit.
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The press notes are also the og copy as well. I do believe the VHS is the real version, but the case was remade.
Ah, love little, rare treasures from the TV Movie. Little bits of Who history that make my heart squeal.
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If you want closer photos of any of the items, feel free to ask!
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