#it truly doesn't hold a candle towards the insanity of Miraculous Youtube and Twitter
okiidokii · 2 years
IDK how to explain this well, but the Miraculous fandom seems to have a very weird relationship with criticism and analysis of the show. It’s apparently a very common  joke to call miraculous a ‘dumpster fire’ of a show, but as soon as anyone actually criticizes it, people get weirdly defensive. Not in a way of trying to push back against bad-faith criticism or simply feeling bad that someone dislikes a show you love, but in a weird moralized way.
Some fandom blogs cry about “salters” (which is honestly such a weird thing to call media criticism) like heresy. All ‘Adrien Salters’ are evil people who hate abused children, and anyone who has even the slightest criticsms of Marinette’s behaviour is written of as a misogynist or a racist (even though a lot of criticism of Marinette IS acknowledging the racism and misogyny of her writing).Even some of the ‘salt’ itself reads as a very poor understanding of how characters work and basic media literacy. Perhaps this is just normal fandom behaviour, but it’s very weird.
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