#it took me a while to figure out kaeya but then i got a lightbulb moment
kaeyachi · 1 year
modern!Kaeya wearing high fashion casually and always looking good in it
he looks like he should be on a runway with how bizarre but cool and artistic his outfits are
and sometimes, the stuff he wears should not have been wearable in the streets, and yet he looks oddly normal in them? It's the way he moves and the way he looks that make the clothes he wears truly work ( it takes confidence and proper planning to rock said outfits in the first place, and he does it so well).
People would take a double take if he ends up wearing something simple like a button up with slacks. He looks underdressed all of the sudden lmao (they legit go "Who are you and what did you do to our Kaeya?!")
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