#it sucks ASS since now i cant draw normally bc i use the e key for switching erasers
shokupanda · 5 months
problem: my laptop's e key (and also the F3, F4, and 3 keys for some reason) has been acting up recently and just randomly fucking stops working now and again
solution: i've installed autohotkey and made it so pressing F10, F11, and some other numpad keys inputs "e", "3", etc. etc.
problem from the solution: i have to type in a weird way with my fingers jumping to a different part of the keyboard just to type normally now
secondary problem: it specifically outputs a lowercase "e" so when im chatting and typing something in all caps for effect it comes out like "AFJGASKAeSGWFeASF YOURe JOKING" dkjfgsjkdgfsd
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