#it seems already ravenclaw primaries with slytherin secondaries will wind up as firebenders but im biased
lukawriting · 4 years
I loved your atla quiz!!!! I was wondering if you envisioned any correlation between the bender type you got and other personality quizzes (hogwarts house, mbti, etc.)? (For research- I got firebender on your quiz, I’m a ravenclaw primary slytherin secondary & IxTJ on Myers-Briggs- id love to know if other firebenders tend to be ravenclaws/IXTJs or its all a mix!)
Oh and no pressure to answer my previous ask- I was just wondering if it was something you thought of while writing the quiz or observed while seeing the results
first of all, thank you!!!
but to your actual question--okay @paintinglady actually did ask me the same question for the hogwarts houses. if i had to assign each house an element, how would i do it and truthfully it stumped me bc there’s a lot of overlapping qualities the elements have with different houses. Like Hufflepuffs value community as Waterbenders do, but Waterbenders are more central on the idea of their own like Slytherin does. Firebenders are focused on their own personal drive and wants which is very Slytherin, but they’re also driven by intuition which is very Gryffindor. so long story short, it’s hard to assign a single element to a single house.
For the myers-briggs, i think very generally speaking you’d find firebenders as the analysts, waterbenders as the diplomats, earthbenders as the sentinels and airbenders as the explorers. again, this is speaking very generally. you could find a bender with any personality type. for example, zuko is an INFP so he’d be part of diplomats. 
what struck me about this ask is that you said you were a firebender who was ravenclaw primary and slytherin second, which is exactly what i am. it got me thinking if maybe there would be a way to classify an element to a combination of the hogwarts houses and it seems it might be. my friend, for example, is a hufflepuff primary and slytherin secondary. that to me screams waterbender
i’d have to put more effort into sorting it out, but i’m very tempted to make a post about it now so keep an eye out for it later this week!
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