#it needed a few readjustments through the night but nbd
nctjpeg · 2 years
now that i think about it if i ever need a last minute cosplay now I can just bust out the old Sexy Garfield Costume™️
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Running another Training Plan, hopefully Spellbound will be out as expected~
Aug. 8
I technically pulled an allnighter to finish that Remus pixel portrait. After finishing it and doing a bit of faffing about, I took a 1-2 hr nap to recharge a little bit.
One of the first things I did after said nap was make today’s Hello Fresh meal. Chickpea-powered couscous. Liked the toothiness of the couscous today - and the overall flavor. Everyone like it well enough. Might throw the paprika into the couscous next time, instead of coating the chickpeas (mostly on bro’s suggestion.)
Did some dishes, chatted, and spent a good while updating fit logs.
First, today’s DD. 1′ flutter kicks with EC. I counted 108 reps by the end. Intense trying to keep head up and find a tenable pace.
Last, Day 1 of the Gladiator Training Plan, “Gargoyle“. Strength Workout. Level 1, no EC. With Level 1 being as tough as it was, no way in hell I’m going to force my sleep-deprived ass to overexert. Oof.
Then spent time updating/documenting fitness stuff, chatting and making that Creativitwins juxtaposition post.
I got to bed on the late side - but early by my recent standards.
Aug. 9
I woke up around 11AM.
Did a bit of Tumblr and chatting before doing today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 thigh taps with EC. Manageable.
Last, Day 2 of the GTP, “Rock Hard Abs”. Casual Training / Ab Workout. Level 1, no EC. Probably could have done a bit more... but energy levels and it being “casual training” made me go, eh. Level 1 is sufficient. A bit of neck strain - but doable.
Spent much of the rest of the day watching the first 2 Indiana Jones movies with friend and chatting it up.
I went to bed later than yesterday.
Aug. 10
I woke up around 11AM.
After a bit of tumblr and music-listening, I did today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 30 roll-ups with EC. A fun ab exercise, albeit arms felt it more than my abs.
Last, Day 3 of the GTP, “Monster Hunter”. Upperbody Workout. Level 2, no EC.I liked this sequence/load pretty well. Stomach wasn’t super happy about the W-extensions - but at least I didn’t eat much beforehand. :Ic
Didn’t get a whole lot else done - was in kind of an unfocused haze.
I went to bed pretty much the same time as yesterday.
Aug. 11
I woke up around 11AM.
After a bit of tumblr, I got started on today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 30 single leg deadlifts with EC. This was pretty fun and breezy.
(After a few errands...)
Last, Day 4 of the GTP, “Gentleman”. Lowerbody Workout. Level 2, no EC. Cossack squats aren’t the most fun - placing so much weight into the heels like that. But mission accomplished. Also, a bit aerobic.
Sketched my next art project, took a shower, did some dishes, before getting back on that new project. Chatted and listened to music while I did that for the rest of the night.
I went to bed later, but a couple hours earlier than yesterday.
Aug. 12
I woke up around 10AM.
Watched some YouTube and got ready for today’s dental appointment. Which went alright.
Got home, watched a bit of YouTube before doing today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 bridge taps with EC. Manageable and relatively fun. Was a bit awkward negotiating my floor space. But nbd.
Last, Day 5 of the GTP, “Verity”. Casual Training / Ab Workout. Level 1, no EC. I probably could’ve done a few more sets, but naaah. I’m just happy I got what I did done.  (Plank work is not a fave, but I know it’s value.)
Spent rest of night working on art, listening to music, and chatting.
I went to bed later than yesterday.
Aug. 13
I woke up around noon.
After a bit of YouTube, I started on today’s exercise.
First, today’s DD. 1′ alt arm/leg raise plank hold with EC (30″/30″). Took a lot of focus to remain balanced and the switch was p tough. But I was able to manage.
Last, Day 6 of the GTP, “Bold Choice”. Strength Workout. Level 2, no EC. Since the ct was on the small side for ‘em, took the opportunity to do better quality push-ups.
Spent rest of night working on art, listening to music, and chatting.
I went to bed late, but earlier than yesterday.
Aug. 14
I woke up after 1PM, today.
One of the first things I did today was a bit of exercise.
First, today’s DD. 2′ wall-sit with EC. Was getting a bit hungry/distracted. But I managed. I just focused on breathing deep and loudly as a distraction from burning thighs.
(Then did 2 rounds of dishes and today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Wasabi zinger salmon. I was so focused on trying to make sure the salmon was fully cooked that I undercooked the green beans. Ah well, it was alright. Bro did remark that the wasabi sauce preparation really cut the edge off the wasabi - somewhat disappointingly. But I think that would be easy to adjust.)
Last, Day 7 of the GTP. Casual Training / Old DDs with EC. Did 5 more.
Jan. 20, 2016 - 60 climber taps. I decided to do this pretty fast. Felt it more in hip adductors than abs at that pace. But done!
Jan. 22, 2016 - 20 diamond push-ups. Doable, still have more confidence in my form for this variation. But I did things a bit fast to get through it.
Feb. 19, 2016 - 100 hip rolls. This was pretty manageable. A bit awkward though, due to invariably winding up shimmying across the floor and needing to readjust positioning while rolling. Might also lightly bruise the waist a bit, rolling on top of the waist band repeatedly. :P
Feb. 23, 2016 - 40 full bridge reaches. This was challenging. Felt it more in my glutes and quads - but arms felt it too. It got a bit more real in the last 10 or so reps.
Feb. 28, 2016 - 3′ scissor chops. I counted 408 reps in the duration. Oof, I’m happy I managed to hit at least 400 and maintain a pace above 2/sec.
With that, I managed to EC 1637 out of 1710 completed DDs.
I then spent the rest of my night finishing up that Remus horror art. (And a bit of chatting/music-listening.)
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