#it makes me a little sad the other charactera think hes annoying
trickstermadness · 12 days
this weeks episode of dungeon meshi was Laios experiencing ableism and then just starting to throw punches.
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Prompt Challenge
So this is my writing prompt challenge. It is a very long list, and some of the quotes are very long. Every line is from my favorite author, Sherrilyn McQueen (previously known as Sherrilyn Kenyon). Quotes that inspire fluff, romance, and/or angst
You have the optimism of a child. (Julian) Peter Pan all the way. (Grace)
Life isn't finding shelter in the storm. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
But as the Roman playwright Terence once wrote, From many a bad beginning great friendships have formed
I don't suffer from my insanity -- I enjoy every minute of it.
I marvel at the fact you’ve lived to your age and no one’s taken those rose-colored glasses and shoved them up your ass.
Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Oh contraire, mon frère. I’m able to annoy anyone in ten syllables or less. Sometimes, I don’t even have to speak at all. I just walk into the room and it rankles them.
It's easy to look at people and make quick judgments about them, their present and their past, but you'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. What a person shows to the world is only one tiny facet of the iceberg hidden from sight. And more often then not, it's lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundation of their soul.
You’re not done with me entirely, human. I’m the mother of his daughter. (CharacterA) You’re right. You are ____'s mother, poor her. But you’re wrong about one thing. (characterB) And that is? (CharacterA) I’m no longer human. I’m the Atlantie Kedemonia Theony – the guardian of the Atlantean gods. And right now there’s only one of them walking about and to save him from one more bad memory created by you, I’d bathe in your entrails, bitch. As for ___, she’s a big girl – I know, I used to live with her. She’ll survive the death of her mother. Trust me, I have firsthand experience with the subject. (characterB)
"How can anyone be afraid of love?" (CharacterA) "When you love someone... truly love them, friend or lover, you lay your heart open to them. You give them a part of yourself that you give to no one else, and you let them inside a part of you that only they can hurt—you literally hand them the razor with a map of where to cut deepest and most painfully on your heart and soul. And when they do strike, it's crippling—like having your heart carved out. It leaves you naked and exposed, wondering what you did to make them want to hurt you so badly when all you did was love them. What is so wrong with you that no one can keep faith with you? That no one can love you? To have it happen once is bad enough... but to have it repeated? Who in their right mind would not be terrified of that?" (characterB)
Aren't you an enigma wrapped in a thick coating of contradictions.
Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right.
Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent? (CharacterA) Both! (characterB) Okay, you rant and I’ll add my comments at the end. (CharacterA)
We have three kinds of family. Those we are born to, those who are born to us, and those we let into our hearts
I assure you, princess, if you saw the real me, you’d run for cover. (CharacterA) Only if I knew you’d be waiting under that cover for me. (characterB)
"Oh God, I just kissed a vampire!" "Oh Gods, I just kissed a human!"
I have a computer, a vibrator, and pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house?
Bitch please...you haven't seen mean yet.
"____! I won’t leave you here to die." (CharacterA) It’s okay, princess. I don’t mind dying for you. (characterB)
Life is a tapestry woven by the decisions we make.
If brute force doesn't work, you aren't using enough
You know the incredible thing about hearts is their unbelievable capacity for forgiveness. You’d be amazed what people will overlook when they love someone
my balls if you crawl inside a bottle and pickle yourself solid. I’ve got other things to think about now. But let me remind you of something a good friend once said to me when I was being eaten alive by feelings I didn’t understand. ‘Even when my marriage was bad, it was good.’ I had no real idea what you meant that night, but now I do and I’m grateful to the gods I can finally believe in that I took a chance on something that almost killed me. The life I have now…no, the woman I have now is worth every rotten moment of my worthless existence that led me to her door, and I would relive it all to have one kiss from her lips. You’re the one who told me that the right woman was a shelter from the storm
I wasn't born, I was unleashed.
She couldn’t very well let him join her in bed like that. Sure you could. No I can’t. Please? Hush, self, let me think.
We almost made it to thirty seconds without an insult. I think we set a new record
Get off me, you lard-ass, halitosis, flea-infested horror-movie reject! 
I thought only a wooden stake through the heart killed a vampire. (CharacterA) A wooden stake through the heart will kill just about anything. And if it doesn't, run like hell (characterB)
You’re the only thing I’ve ever done right in my entire life and if anything ever happened to you, they’d have to dig two graves ‘cause I couldn’t live a single day without my baby beside me. (parent to child)
You know, I would date, if I could find a man worth shaving my legs for. 
C'mon, Tabitha. You stabbed me the night we met without even blinking. (CharacterA) Yeah, but you were a dirtbag then. (characterB) I think I'm offended. (CharacterA)
I learned a long time ago not to judge people by what they look like, sound like, or by the clothes they wear. Just because a house is nice and shiny out front doesn’t mean it’s not rotting on the inside.
you're right ___. I am a selfish bastard. I had to be, because no one else gave a single shit about me except me
I have found my star. She is beauty and grace. Elegance and goodness. My laughter in winter. She is courageous and strong. Bold and tempting. Unlike any other in all the universe, and I cannot touch her. I dare not even try
I’m here because I know the sadness inside you. I know what it feels like to wake in the morning, lost and lonely and aching for someone to be there with me
What are you doing? (CharacterA) I'm getting into my car. (characterB) You own this?! (CharacterA) No. I'm stealing it with the key in my hand. (characterB)
So, does this make you visibly challenged? (CharacterA) No, but if you don’t lay off me, I’m going to make you breathing impaired. (characterB)
I'm the top of the food chain and well...you're the food
___ says that tragedy and adversity are the stones we sharpen our swords against ao that we can fight new battles.
Sure. My ego's had enough time to recover a modicum of dignity. Let's make sure we crush it again before I mistake myself for a god
Human will is the strongest will ever created. There are those who are born to succeed and those who are determined to succeed. The former fall into it, and the latter pursue it at all costs. They won’t be denied. Nothing daunts them.
You know when people say fine, it generally means ‘leave me the hell alone because I don’t want to talk about what’s really bothering me
Baby, I ain't trash. Trash is something you throw away. My people keep me.
We're not the damned, folks, we're the categorically fucked. 
So is there any part of you that’s not a lethal weapon? (CharacterA) No. Even my wits are sharpened. (characterB)
The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren't the ones people see on the outside. They're the ones that make us bleed internally
The past is dead. Tomorrow will become whatever decision you make it.
Strength through adversity. The strongest steel is forged by the fires of hell. It is pounded and struck repeatedly before it’s plunged back into the molten fire. The fire gives it power and flexibility, and the blows give it strength. Those two things make the metal pliable and able to withstand every battle it’s called upon to fight.
Love is deceitful and sublime. In its truest form, it brings out the best in all beings. At its worse, It's a tool used to manipulate and ruin any one who is stupid enough to hold it. Don't be stupid
Forgiveness is the best part of valor...Discretion is easy. It's finding the courage to forgive yourself and others that is hard
Even if I were lying on the sun itself, I would be freezing there without you
I learned the bad guys are not always bad, the good guys are not always good, and to quote Captain Barbossa, the parameters are like rules, mostly guidelines. And that it takes a little bit of bad boy to fight the evil in the world.
Laugh it up, asshole. But she who laughs last laughs longest, and I intend to belly roll tonight
I think infatuation is like a garden. If tended and cared for, it grows into love. If neglected or abused it dies. The only way to have eternal love is to never let your heart forget what it's like to live without it.
What? It's not my fault I stab all the fanged people. They shouldn't look like vampires. (CharacterA) I didn't look like a vampire, but you stabbed me. (characterB) Yeah, well, you looked like a lawyer so I had to kill you. It was a moral imperative. (CharacterA)
Where are you anyway? (CharacterA) I don't know. I hear some godawful kind of music from outside, horns blaring, and I'm in a house with a Mohawk cuckoo bird, a transvestite, and a knife-wielding lunatic. (characterB) Why are you at ____'s? (CharacterA)
You’re selfish and you’re cold, and I’m tired of getting frostbite when I touch you
He who lets fear rule him, has fear for a master
Be kind to dragons, for thou art crunchy when toasted and taste good with ketchup
If you have any care for ____ at all, don't leave him in darkness. It's not fair to show someone the sun and then to banish him from it. Even the devil may cry when he looks around hell and realizes that he's there alone
Have you ever wanted something that you knew was bad for you? Something that you ached for so much you could think of nothing else?
Gee, thanks Dad. I promise to be a good boy and play nice with the other kids.(CharacterA) Smart ass. (characterB) Better than a dumb ass.(CharacterA)
I'm too young, too smart and too good-looking to die.
You're so afraid of being hurt that you attack first. Only those who really care about you will weather the assault of your verbal attacks and stay. The rest will fall away.
Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live
The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.
Just how many sisters do you have? (CharacterA) Eight. (characterB) Eight? (CharacterA) What? (characterB) I'm just pitying whatever poor males lived in that house with all of you. It must have been truly frightening at least one week out of every month. (CharacterA) Was that a joke? (characterB) Merely a frightening statement of fact. (CharacterA)
There, there, baby. We'll hide her body in the trunk later.
Sorrow spares no one, and scars respect no person.
Yeah, it never fails to amaze me how a single lie can undo an entire lifetime of good
Is he a good boy? (CharacterA) No, Mom, he’s Satan incarnate. In fact, once it’s over, we’re going to get liquored up and tattooed, then find some cheap hos and have a good time with his trust fund. (characterB)
Oh no, no, no! Are you going to suck my blood? (CharacterA) Do I look like a lawyer to you? (characterB)
Hey, yummy leather guy? Can you hear me? 
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss other people. Life's too short to worry about what other people do or don't do. Tend your own backyard, not theirs, because yours is the one you have to live in
It would have really cramped my future plans had I died. 
No power from above can make one human love another. Love comes from within the heart.
There are always three sides to every memory���yours, theirs, and the truth, which lies somewhere in between the two
You don’t knock on the devil’s door, boy, unless you want him to answer.
Take care of him, ____. And remember it takes great courage and heart for a man who knows no kindness to show it to another. Even the wildest of beasts can be tamed by a patient and gentle hand.
To infinity then. (CharacterA)  What’s that mean? (characterB) It’s something my dad used to say when I was a kid. To infinity, meaning you’d see something through to the end. (CharacterA) Infinity is never-ending. (CharacterB) That’s right, which means you keep going and going no matter what happens or what obstacles you meet. Over, under, around or through. There’s always a way. And if you have to chase something to infinity, strap on your big-boy pants, hiking boots, and go. (CharacterA)
Whoa, what is this? Battle of the Sarcastic and Pissed? Should I make popcorn? Forget American Idol, man. This is much more entertaining
Life is serious. (CharacterA)  No, life is an adventure. It's thrilling and scary. Sometimes it's even a bit boring, but it should never be serious. (characterB)
You can take my life, but you'll never break me. So bring me your worst… And I will definitely give you mine.
Just remember, anger is always your enemy. You must keep your emotions in check. The moment you lose control of them, you lose the fight every time.
It’s a responsibility that I take most seriously, so excuse me for banning you from killing them because you have reverse PMS. (CharacterA) Reverse PMS? (characterB) Yeah, unlike a normal woman, you’re cranky twenty-eight days out of the month. (CharacterA)
You are the only warmth in my heart. The only sunshine my winter has ever known
I wonder why no one called the police about the rocket launcher? God knows my neighbors usually report it if I so much as fart in my backyard.
I am a socially awkward mandork. 
What else can I do to piss you off? (CharacterA) You can leave me. (characterB) I would never do that, ____. No one can live without their heart and that’s what you are to me. (CharacterA)
What planet are you from? Obviously Planet Insanity was missing a local, long-term resident.'
Actions that sometimes seem mean aren’t. Rather they are done by the ones we love in order to protect us without our knowing it.
Knock, knock. (CharacterA) Now, ain't this a bitch. Here I am, trying to kiss my girl, and you have to interrupt us. What, were you raised in a barn? By the way, touch the woman, or the Lamborghini, and you're a dead man. (characterB)
The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel... its poverty by how little
You’re human. No one cares if you sleep with a whore. (CharacterA) (characterB did something she’d never in her life done before. She slapped another person.) You ever insult ____ again and so help me, I’ll do to you what you allowed your brother to do to him. I’ll cut your tongue out for it. ____ is the man I love and no one, ever, takes issue with him without having issues with me. (characterB)
Your destiny is shaped by choice, never by chance. Beware the decisions you make, no matter how small, for they will be your salvation...or your death.
Wake up, ____. Your psychotic criminal is playing with knives.
I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever
Words are easy to say, but emotions betray the best intentions.
Because I have no boobs. My ears stand out, and I have freckles all over me. (CharacterA) Boobs? (characterB) Breasts. (CharacterA) You have very nice breasts. (CharacterB) Thanks. What about you? (CharacterA) I have no breasts. (characterB)
I love you, I love you, I love you! And if you ever die on me again, I'll kill you so dead!
I'm old enough to make you look like an embryo. 
How did you get me here? (CharacterA)I have my evil Jedi ways. The Force is strong with this one. (characterB)
Have you ever noticed that salvation, much like your car keys, is usually found where and when you least expect it?
The man may not be dead, but he was certainly stiff. And this had nothing to do with rigor mortis
He was like some wild, untamed creature that you could keep and feed for a time, but in the end you knew you'd have to let it go for its own sake as well as yours
I will fear no evil for I am the baddest bitch in the land
Ironically no one ever wants to hear what I have to say about anything. They usually argue with me to the point I want to put them through a wall. Hopefully you won’t be so dense
So you're the infamous ____. (CharacterA) Lord and Master of the great barbarian horde that roams the night. (characterB)
No one should have to pay for love in flesh or blood. 
Should I ask about the handcuffs? (CharacterA) Not unless you want to live...otherwise if anyone asks, tell them I died of a heart attack during a wild sexcapade with her. (characterB)
A flower can't grow without rain. (CharacterA) Too much rain and it drowns. (characterB) And yet the most beautiful of the lotus flowers are the ones that grow in the deepest mud. (CharacterA)
I’ve spent my entire life listening to people tell me why I can’t be loved and how I’m nothing but a worthless piece of shit. I always told myself that I didn’t care, that I didn’t need anyone else. It was a lie, you know. I do care and I want ____. If it costs me my life to be with her, it doesn’t matter. I’ve already lived past my prime, anyway. I get up every morning with more pain in my joints than the day before. If I have to die, I’d rather die knowing someone cared about me, just once. Is that really too much to ask? (CharacterA) For us? Yes. It is. We are the gutter and the gutter is all we’ll ever be. Don’t reach out for the stars. They’ll burn you until there’s nothing left. (characterB) Then let me burn. (CharacterA)
Should I warm the oven and bake you a batch of hero cookies? 
I don’t even know what to say to you. (CharacterA) Me, either. I guess we’ll just stand here and cry at each other, huh? (characterB)
Everyone cries sometimes, ____. There are some pains that run too deep for even the strongest to take without breaking. I don’t think any less of you for it.
Please nothing, she’s a vicious piranha. She looks all cute and cuddly, then she opens that mouth and lets loose so much venom she could double as a nest of scorpions
Don't worry, ___. I'm an acquired taste. Most of my best friends had to know me for years before they could even stand my presence. I'm like mold, I usually grow on you very slowly
You know, I've walked this earth for over eleven thousand years, my lady. I have seen things in my life that are unimaginable to you, and you ask me if I doubt you? Lady, I doubt the very air you breathe
(CharacterA) "You are naked."......"You are so naked" (characterB) - "I know" (CharacterA) "You are naked!" (characterB)  "We've established that." (CharacterA) "You're happy and naked." (characterB)"What?
Please don’t let it be another cop. I’m outta bail money. Wait a minute…I could sell you on eBay and make a killing. (CharacterA) Not in my current condition. You’d have to sell ___ or ____. I’m sure there’s someone willing to buy two perfectly good white boys. (characterB)
Hey!" (CharacterA) snapped as he realized (CharacterB) was about to lock him on the outside with their attackers. He pushed the door open and glared at him. "No man left behind." (characterB) scoffed. "This aint' the army, boy. It's every man for himself. Fall behind. Get eaten!"
I marvel at the fact you’ve lived to your age and no one’s taken those rose-colored glasses and shoved them up your ass.
Because I don’t feel broken when you look at me. (CharacterA) How could you feel broken? (characterB) I was shattered as a child and thrown away, like a piece of trash no on wanted. But you don’t treat me like that. You see in me the human bit and you touch that part of me. You make me feel whole and wanted. (CharacterA)
Fate is a bitch with a wicked since of humor and today I'm her punchline
If you're going to hell buddy, I'm driving the bus
I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six
If I am to be judged it will be for who I am. Not for who I'm trying to become
I will count the heartbeats until I see you again
It's official take a psycho to work day. Why else would I be here?
The bitterest pain of all is when you can only hold someone in your heart who you used to hold in your arms
Pain baptizes us all without prejudice or mercy
Whatever doesn't kill me better run like hell
True love will always find it's way through paths where even feral lorinas fear to prey
So goes my incentive to fight fairly. You want fair, play with kids. You wanna come at me, make out a will.
People who don't know me, think I'm quiet. People who do, wish I was.
Shall I show you to the door... Or would you rather go out through the wall?
Before you rattle my cage, you'd best make sure I'm padlocked in it
There are two ways out of this room. The window behind you and the door behind me..... You might survive the window.
Everyday do one thing that scares you. Or one thing that scares other people
The truth spills as quickly from furious lips as a lie. The trick is to learn which is meant to wound and which is meant to enlighten.
We all have out burdens... Just some of us have the ones that strike to kill us vindictively
If you want to see exactly how angry someone can get, tell them to calm down when they're already pissed off!
Don't be afraid to love. Yes its a weakness, but it's a source of greatest strength you'll ever know.
Because you are taking the most important parts of me with you, ___..... My heart and my soul. You are not just my wife. You are what sustains me.
Talk is cheap. Pain is free and I'm peddling the shit out of it. So you come and get some.
Why be difficult when with a little bit of effort you can be impossible
The lies we tell ourselves to survive seldom bring peace to our hearts
Destruction is good for my soul, but it sucks to be you
Family isn't perfect, just perfectly ours
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