#it just hasn't quite been ripe enough to proceed with yet
loversandantiheroes · 2 years
Babe what is eldritch farm I need to know
Eldritch Farm/Field Songs/Black Briar is meant to be an original piece based loosely off of Case History, but with a proper OC/MC and with more of a horror bent. This largely came off the back of some discussions with friends of mine a couple years back about the way Stardew kind of approaches but does not fully broach some big small town gothic/horror tropes and my own love of Stephen King and cosmic horror and such, which led specifically to this little ramble:
Ok no but seriously, it’s like, think if IT had been a less hungry and malevolent thing.  Imagine this eldritch fucking demi god gets knocked out of inner/outer/other space/time and ends up buried over what becomes this small ass town.  And when people finally start wandering into the place centuries later this thing doesn’t look at them and go “FOOD” it goes “COMPANY!”  Like, lonely-ass trapped eldritch monster just wants friends and is like “IF SOME BOMB-ASS CROPS WILL MAKE YOU STICK AROUND I WILL GIVE YOU BOMB-ASS CROPS.  PLEASE STAY, THE MOLES ARE TERRIBLE CONVERSATIONALISTS.”
Only this is still some horror shit so like, this poor fuck tried granting boons and wishes and shit early on when it didn’t understand humans so well and that led to some actual fucking monstrosities roaming the hills, and it’s just made sure they can’t get out of the area because it still feels bad for making them.  So you’ve basically just got some poor schmuck that moves to the country like in every bad horror movie ever and it like aw yiss, I will be a farmer now, fuck city life, my farm totally isn’t haunted, everything’s great, hey the town doc’s pretty cute, aw fuck there’s monsters, there’s a cult, fuck me running there’s fishmen why does this always happen.  But then instead of Cthulhu you get this giant sad boy that’s like "HE WANTED TO BE A GOOD SWIMMER SO I MADE HIM A FISH MAN, I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO GO POORLY AT THE TIME, I WAS STILL LEARNING ENGLISH.  CONSEQUENTLY I DO NOT ADVISE SWIMMING IN THE LAKE.   ….DID YOU BRING ANY CAULIFLOWER?  I LIKE CAULIFLOWER.“
It's evolved a bit since then, rolling in some themes of grief, death, rebirth, nature, environmentalism, and a whole lot of godbothering, but the basic root of it is still the same.
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