#it happened ages ago!!! jesus christ!!! peter hit mj while she was pregnant and ben grimm hit reed richards but you wont call them abusive
brw ยท 4 years
๐Ÿ’ข, ๐Ÿ˜‘, and ๐Ÿ’– for the controversial shipping asks. And for the characters that you would die for, I would guess: Vision, Hank Pym, and Silver Surfer.
๐Ÿ’ข - Ship That Is Most Misunderstood
I would say ReedSue! Mostly because among fanon they like to characterise Reed (and Hank Pym) as abusive because of a few out of context panels. It's like, first of all those are from like 40 years ago, of course they're going to be questionable, and anyway, when he did hit Sue, she was under mind control and was attacking them. Sure, some conversation after would have been nice, but Sue wasn't in her right mind.
And honestly, Peter Parker in a more recent comic once hit a pregnant Mary Jane across the room, but nobody wants to call him out on it smh. Reed and Sue have a very tight, very close relationship, and I hate seeing it get characterised as toxic or abusive.
๐Ÿ˜‘ - Ship That I'm Indifferent To
Probably Scott/Jean. I try to get into it but every time I get interested writers usually force Jean onto Logan or kill Jean off and with the Scott/Emma thing that went on and the way writers decide that Scott never loved her and really loves Jean? Idk I can't be bothered to get invested. Also his treatment of Madelyne Pryor kinda ruined most of my goodwill towards him lmao
๐Ÿ’– - Ship That Needs More Love
These boys!
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I mean, these two have had multiple moments and have had one of the tightest, closest relationships in comics, platonic or otherwise. They've been best friends for years, have kissed on the mouth as shown there, have gone on double dates together, have watched movies together, always are shown to feel happier in each other's company, and are immsenly supportive despite their respective histories. They're very honest around each other, and are just a super underrated pairing, wherever you see them just as friends or something more.
I mean, they literally were together in an alternate universe, I don't know how much more explicit without being explicit you can be.
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send me opinions on ships!
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