#it also may have been a diff time of day i can't remember exactly
la-cocotte-de-paris · 5 months
LOL I was thinking about a scene idea and suddenly I got a flashback (that I had more or less thought I had forgotten about) of being eight years old walking in the evening with my mom in Paris and seeing a guy drunk af fall into several tables at a café
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perceabeth · 2 years
I've been meaning to ask this for a while now but I could not remember your current username on either of your blogs lol
I don't know if you ever answered this but if you ever feel like, i would like to know what about andrew!peter specifically makes you... Hyped I guess? I just like your opinions and had time to catch up ur spidey au and got curious
lol this is actually such a funny question like i'm beyond myself that u asked but also i'm giggling a bit just bc i know u didn't expect my response lkdjflsdf. also wanna be crystal clear this is about the tasm movies and has nothing to do w my spidey fic lol
andrew garfield, for starters, is such a great actor. he was like 27, 28 when the first film came out but i think he did such a good job capturing what it's like to be just a regular teenager. i know his peter specifically gets a lot of hate for being too "cool" or "attractive" but the thing is. school isn't really like that is it. he wasn't a complete loser but he also was clearly not accepted in social circles bc looks and skateboards aren't everything. he was just a boy that's all he was and then when he got his powers instead of immediately using them for good he uses it to humiliate Flash. he's childish, impulsive, easily angered. he's not a hero. he's kind of a dick.
but the thing about andrew's peter is that he is always growing. and more importantly, he's growing because he faces consequences to his actions. he acts out with flash so ben can't pick up may. he selfishly chooses connors over his family and fights with ben. he's offended by the store clerk and refuses to help him. all of those contribute directly to ben dying. and the thing is. he doesn't even fully learn his lesson because the movie ends with him choosing gwen stacy (selfishly) because he's human!!!!!!!! he's come a long way. he's become a hero. but he has yet to learn sacrifice.
it ties in well i think with tobey's spidey in SM2 where he also undergoes such a powerful arc where he learns that as spider-man he can't have everything. he makes his peace with that without anyone getting too badly hurt, but andrew's peter learns that lesson the hard way because he also wasn't as willing to give things up as tobey was.
and this is all just about andrew!peter. which, by the way, is NOTHING without bringing up THEEEE gwen stacy.
look i know she's diff from the comics. i know she has a bit of MJ in her. but the thing is- she works. she works fabulously as a character and she's better than both, MJ in the raimiverse and MJ in the MCU because she's a fully fleshed out character. not only is it GREAT to see gwen have friends, family, ambitious outside of peter- it also really helps propel peter's own journey.
gwen's dad cares deeply for gwen. he wants his daughter- his child- to be safe so much so that he uses his last breath to ensure it. peter's entire motivation is to find a father figure in his life because he hasn't yet got to tobey's level of acknowledging ben parker but we move on and he wants what gwen has. gwen is a brilliant scientist and he needs her help with making the antidote. gwen isn't just a pretty thing on his arm, she's his partner- it makes her a real character and she grounds him, which is something peter in this universe absolutely NEEDS.
but that's all, of course, because of mr. marc webb. sorry for nerding out a bit but u cannot talk about why tasm works well despite what people say without bringing up marc webb of 500 days of summer, gifted, and only living boy in new york fame.
the man EXCELS in interpersonal relationships. he's absolutely undefeated in creating beautiful, complex dynamics which is exactly why tasm works!! was the lizard a bit strange? sure. was tasm 2 an absolute trainwreck of fucked up and superficial plotlines? ofc. HOWEVER. what was at the absolute heart of the films?
it's about peter and gwen. about how they fell in love when they knew better and it SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!!! webb uses this lens of like. an innocent teenage romance that everyone knows is dangerous-- he uses it to navigate what it means to be a hero in this world.
speaking of worlds. it did smth specifically to set itself apart from the prev. film. it's grounded in a reality. it's not campy, the vibe is very much that this could happen to you and me right here, where we stand. it's different! it's not a dystopian world; it's not aliens it's just- science, even if it's science too good to be true. i like that. im something of a sciene nerd myself. it does well for me.
and being rooted in our reality- it rly rly helps that they used these brilliant sets to shoot. that andrew garfield got to swing through nyc in his suit and that all the explosions and car crashes were real. it adds an extra layer of like. it just constantly grounds you i think. that's it.
unfortunately i can go on for even longer but i have to hit the gym so here's ur answer: i like andrew! peter bc he's entertaining. long answer: i like him because of the films he's in
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zrreed · 5 years
you've been so so nice answering my other trans asks (,,they were all me rip) and i can't tell you how much i appreciate it. i currently id as an enby lesbian, and that feels comfortable for me now, however i only rlly experience social dysphoria, and even tho i've got a binder (and miiight be buying a packer soon as i've found one that will come to like £10!) and have asked ppl to use a diff name, i don't think anyone i've told acc sees me differently, is there any way to change that
also cos i don't rlly feel comfortable talking abt this to my friends as they're all cis so i hope i'm not bothering you, but I feel weird buying a packer for some reason? like it's not my place? it took me a while to get a binder & when it did i felt great, and i've been watching binder and packer reviews for years & i'm fairly sure that ppl who don't want them wouldn't do that, but i still feel like i don't need one cos i experience more euphoria than dysphoria and yeah idk i'm overthinking it
it’s not a problem! and you’re not bothering me at all, i’m happy to help in any way that i can.
so, the social dysphoria can be a really hard thing to cope with, and while i never went out into the world as nonbinary, i can imagine it’s especially hard if you are nonbinary (or dont pass as your presenting gender). if i remember correctly you said that you told your friends you didn’t mind whatever pronouns they used for you? i also don’t know how you present (like if you dress more masculine or feminine or androgynous), so it’s hard to know exactly what kind of advice to give. 
but if you haven’t drawn distinct lines with your friends, it may be hard for them to give you the social feedback you’re looking for. if they still call you by ‘she’ pronouns, they probably are still seeing you the same way, especially if you changed your name to something gender neutral. if you really don’t mind that, that’s totally okay. but if you do want them to use ‘they’ or ‘he’ pronouns, then that’s a conversation you need to have with them (even if it’s tough). and i’m not saying you have to have a gender-specific name.
it’s just that social feedback and the way people perceive you isn’t made up of any one thing. it’s physical things - your clothing, hair style, voice, height, the way you carry yourself or stand or walk. and it’s more abstract things - the pronouns people use for you which are attached to a lifetime of preconceived expectations, the way you communicate (as men and women are often raised to communicate differently, even down to the fluctuations in your vocal pitch), your attitude, or your name (cuz when you hear the name Leslie without context you might immediately assume female, even tho men are named Leslie too).
all that being said, the best advice i can give to you at this point is to 1) enforce your identity with the people close to you/talk to them about your preferred pronouns if you have any. 2) maybe try to see if adjusting some of your mannerisms or things about your physical appearance (in ways you’re comfortable with) gets you any closer to being perceived the way you want. 3) i don’t even like hearing this, but it gets me thru some rough social dysphoria patches: know that strangers are gonna get it wrong, but then they’re gonna completely forget about you. yeah, there’s this sense of like... burning shame and disappointment when people misgender you or treat you differently based on how they perceive you. but at the end of the day, i reassure myself that they were wrong and/or misinformed and, even if i’ve taken a temporary hit to my self-esteem, they’ve really had no lasting impact on my life. and they’re not lying awake at night thinking about your gender either.
as for the packer, i totally recommend getting one. if you’re non binary, it absolutely is your place to wear it if you want to. if you’re questioning/exploring your gender, you’re absolutely allowed to see how it makes you feel. there’s no right or wrong way to do gender, and it’s good to explore things to figure out what makes you feel confident and comfortable. on that note, you dont even have to want to wear it all the time if you get one. i go without packing more often than i do. people experience dysphoria differently no matter how they identify, and a checklist of dysphorias isn’t gonna define your gender.
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