#isamar mendez
shesthespinstersimmer · 7 months
Fiesta (2)
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CARMEN: Why you hiding out over here?
EMANNUEL: I'm just watchin'.
Mmm hmm. You s'pposed to be enjoying yourself; you family too.
Look here - tomorrow we're gonna celebrate the family, that's y'all too. I already talked to everybody; we have nothing but peace tomorrow, cool?
MIGUEL: We hear you, Carmen.
CARMEN: Cool. Come on, baby. Let's party.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 7 months
Fiesta (3)
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EMANNUEL: Hey - ask Carmen if she wants another beer.
LICHA: Aye yo Carmen! Beer?
Yeah! Thanks.
Tell him to bring the case.
You see? This ain't so bad, que no ?
EMMANUEL: No, this is cool.
( Isamar turns up the volume )
ISAMAR: Dance with us, Manny! The girls graduated!
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shesthespinstersimmer · 6 months
And then (2)
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( Isamar is asleep in her bed)
( Lupe & Esmeralda sit in awkward silence on theirs )
ESMERALDA: Everybody's asleep.
LIPE: Yep. That they are.
ESMERALDA: By the way, you look beautiful with your hair out.
LUPE: Oh yeah? I was about to put it up; I don't like to sleep with it out.
ESMERALDA: I was thinking... maybe we don't have to go to sleep just yet.
LUPE:(Whispering) My sister and Jude are across the hall.
ESMERALDA: So? We can put some music on.
LUPE: Grab your phone and pick something out.
( They agree with a kiss)
( Licha snores in her room )
ESMERALDA: You're shaking, babe. It's okay, I'm nervous too.
LUPE: My mind is blown, Es. Tell me what you want, baby.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 6 months
Fiesta (4)
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CARMEN: Baby... what else do you need me to do?
THALLI: Manny and Papi are looking after the horses... According to the flight schedule, all flights seem to be on time. If I were you, I'd get some rest before you and Licha have to go pick everybody up.
CARMEN: You sure? Last chance.
Go ahead, baby; me and Isamar are about to finish cooking.
Set an alarm, so you don't oversleep.
ISAMAR: You two decided to take a break and climb off of each other?
THALLI: Speaking of which, talk to Dani lately?? Hmm?
ISAMAR: Anyway... the cakes are chilled; we just have to frost them.
THALLI: Ok well, as soon as we get the stuff in the oven, I'll take two and you take two.
ISAMAR: We only have three; even for you, that's excessive.
THALLI: It's gonna be a lot of people, though. It's okay - I got that tres leches cake I made for extra.
ISAMAR: You're extra. But I love it.
ISAMAR: You want me to start carrying the trays out? They're covered; we can take the cling wrap off later.
Yeah - go get Manny if you need help.
Make sure he washes his hands!
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shesthespinstersimmer · 6 months
Fiesta (9)
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ISAMAR: You enjoying yourself, Jocelyn?
JOCELYN: Are you kidding?? If it wasn't for us having to go back and take care of the shop, I would stay here until y'all kicked me out!
THALLI: From what you told me, Esmeralda is a lot like Isamar. Interestingly enough, she's employed her to help with her garden and she has a real knack for it. What I'm trying to say is, Es is welcome to stay here as long as she likes, regardless of what happens with everything else.
VETTE: Yeah? Thanks - that's good to know.
LUPE: Oh my god - could you imagine all of us living here??
JOCELYN: That would be amazing! We could all be cowgirls!
JUDE: Uh oh.
CORA: Maybe we just take it one day at a time for now, huh?
LUPE: What? What's wrong with that?
Don't worry, Jocelyn. You're always welcome to visit.
I should probably turn in; me and Licha have to take y'all back to the airport by 10. I won't kid myself into thinking you girls will get any rest, though.
JUDE: Wise woman.
ISAMAR: As for the rest of us, Thalli will be making a big breakfast.
JUDE: Breakfast?? My stomach has enough food in it to last till I get home.
(Jocelyn snickers)
CORA: (To Lupe) I'm relying on you to make sure Jocelyn gets up; I know y'all are gonna be talking all night.
Y'all old heads can go to bed, but us youngsters have a lot of catching up to do.
We're gonna remember you said that when the alarm clock goes off.
Hi Mami - You enjoying the ranch? You good?
FERNANDA: I'm good baby. Just enjoying being here with all of y'all.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 6 months
Fiesta (8)
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THALLI: Not used to being around big families, are you?
Not really; it's just been me and Es. Luckily, my girl took pity on me and moved in with me.
By the way, thanks so much for letting Es come stay with y'all & Lupe. Your ranch is incredible.
THALLI: Are you kidding? You did us a favor; Lupe was miserable without her. I always root for love.
CORA: Where'd Abuela go?
ISAMAR: She's obsessed with my garden; probably stuffing cuttings in her pockets right now.
CORA: You're probably right.
ISAMAR: Are y'all going home with everyone else tomorrow?
CORA: No - Jude still want's to do the photo shoot with Thalli, Licha snd their horses. Figured we'd chill after that, then leave the next day.
ISAMAR: Hell, there's no rush; stay as long as you want.
Something's different about your energy, Cora... are you healing?
CORA: I hope so.
THALLI: Have you given any thought to what you want for Es now that she's a young adult?
VETTE: Yeah. We've been talking about it. I'm not gonna lie - I worry, sometimes. I just want her to find something she's comfortable with.
THALLI: What are you worried about? Es is wonderful.
VETTE: Of course she is, but she learns different; it's hard for her to grasp things right away. Then she gets embarrassed and discouraged. We just want her to find a job where she can use her strengths.
CARMEN: Y'all still wanna see the horses?
MAEVE: Are you sure? We don't want to disturb them.
CARMEN: Don't worry, they love people.
MAEVE: Lead the way!
THALLI: Just a sec, Vette.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
Bienvenida (6)
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TLALLI: Baby, I'm sure Esmeralda wants to settle in and catch up with Lupe.
CARMEN: What? What'd I say??
ISAMAR: Forgive your Tio, Lupe. Subtle, she is not.
VETTE: How's it going? U happy?
ES: Hell yeah, I got my girl back 💖 Thanks for this
LUPE: Uh... yeah. So we're gonna go...
LICHA: Pro tip - stay hydrated. I got some extra gatorade and protein bars in the laundry cabinet upstairs.
LUPE: Wow.
[ Later / upstairs ]
LUPE: You good? I hope my family didn't scare you too much.
Scare me off? From you? Please. This is the best day of my life.
I can't believe I'm actually touching you right now.
LUPE: Me either. Were you scared on the plane?
ESMERALDA: A little. Ok, a lot. But I wasn't gonna let nothing keep me away from you.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
Bienvenida (4)
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LUPE: They won't embarrass us - will they, Tia?
ISAMAR: You know big sisters; Tlalli's been in my business since I was born. But don't worry; you'll be fine.
ESMERALDA: I still can't get over this place! I don't know why, but I was expecting like a cowboy kind of thing. This place looks like the pictures Vette showed me of back home.
ISAMAR: Gracias, Esmeralda. That's exactly what we were going for. While you're here, it's your home too.
Don't be shy - come on, let's show you around.
We come from a long line of afromexicana championship horse riders and breeders.
Our Mami's familia had a large hand in keeping the Azteca and Galliceno breeds alive.
ESMERALDA: Your papi... is he a breeder too? What does he do?
Lupe: Hmm.
ISAMAR: He prefers to breed children. All over the worlds.
ESMERALDA: Damn. 'Nuff said.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
Bienvenida (3)
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Ok, listen y'all - Esmeralda will be here soon, and I really y'all to squash your beef. Don't embarrass me and act up like you did when Lupe got here.
I cut y'all some fresh prairie grass as a peace offering, Every day you're good, I'll bring you some more.
Remember, Tialoc, Mami ain't gonna be able to play with you as much like she usually do - Tia Licha's gonna check on you; Tio Manny too.
I ain't forget about you, La Llorona. I got some grass for you too, girl.
You welcome. You gonna be good, right?
ISAMAR: Here we are.
ESMERALDA: Are we walking from here? Where's your house?
ISAMAR: (Chuckles) This is the house. Don't worry about your bags; our ranch hand will bring them up to your room.
ESMERALDA: Man, nobody told me y'all were rich. I promise no tto break anything.
LUPE: Es?? ES!
ISAMAR: Aww... que linda; I love love. C'mon Lupe - everyone's dying to meet your girl.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
Bienvenida (1)
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CARMEN: Tlalli?? Babe, where you at?
ISAMAR: Bro, chill! She and Licha went in town to run some errands. You whipped, Hermane.
CARMEN: Man... ain't nobody whipped. When they comin' back?
LICHA: Hold up a second.
TLALLI: Why? So you can talk to your not-so-sneaky link?
LICHA: Stop being a hater, Hermana.
LICHA: (To La Llorona ) Now remember - I may talk to Sienna, but you my only girl. Ok?
LICHA: Hey girl... We got company coming tomorrow: You gonna let me slide through tonight?
SIENNA: Stop it... I gotta work.
LICHA: Shoot - I got some work right here for you, girl.
( Sienna giggles )
( Tlalli sighs )
TLALLI: Hate to break up the lovefest, but we gotta get home. Especially if you're gonna be out tonight.
SIENNA: * Laughs nervously * Tonight??
TLALLI: It's okay, sienna. I'm not gonna tell anyone your business.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
Isamar’s Garden
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ESMERALDA: Wow. Y'all weren't kidding when y'all said you grow most of your food.
Not just ours; I got a nice side hustle, growing for a few businesses around here.
If you want to help me with the garden, I don't mind cutting you two in while you're here.
ESMERALDA: I gotta warn you, I try to grow some peppers at my house and I'm not too successful.
LUPE: I'm in - my abuela taught me all about gardening, and I'd love to send my Mami some money.
ISAMAR: Good, so it's settled. And don't worry Esmeralda, I'll teach you a few tricks.
ESMERALDA: I gotta admit - this is pretty relaxing.
LUPE: It is, right?
ISAMAR: Getting close to mother earth is good for you. When you take care of her, she feeds you, heals you and provides for you.
LUPE: Hey tia - is it ok if we use the yoga mats later?
ISAMAR: Of course. Any time you want. I'm gonna go check my orders; just finish watering and you can go.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
Bienvenida (5)
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ESMERALDA: Dinner was amazing, Señora. And thank you so much for welcoming me into your beautiful home.
TLALLI: You're so welcome, Esmeralda. But you don't have to be so formal. Just call me Tia Tlalli.
LUPE: Y'all want me to put your plates away for later?
TLALLI: Si - gracias, Lupe.
ESMERALDA: I did my best, but I'm stuffed. Y'all always eat like this??
TLALLI: I'll admit, I may have gone a little overboard, but it's a special day.
ESMERALDA: You cook like Lupe's Tia Connie; so much food, but all delicious.
CARMEN: We work up an appetite around here; my baby make sure there's always something to eat.
ISAMAR: That's right. Whenever you're hungry, feel free to help yourself.
ESMERALDA: This isn't everyone, is it? Isn't there another tia?
CARMEN: Yeah, babe, where's Licha?
TLALLI: She's in the pool. Um... she has a long night.
Tsk. Them two. While we're on the subject, guess we should lay down the house rules, huh?
Look. Y'all are almost grown; we're gonna trust y'all to make smart choices. Help Isamar with the house, and above all, you gotta finish getting your diplomas. Fair enough?
LUPE: Yes, Tio.
CARMEN: And just so you know, we a sex positive household; we ain't gonna get up in your business. But if you have any questions, though - always feel safe to ask. No judgement.
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shesthespinstersimmer · 8 months
The Rojas - Mendez Ranch 🇲🇽🐎
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Now that Esmeralda is finally here, I thought it’d be cool to give y’all an exterior tour of the Rojas Mendez ranch. 🎩 tip to the beautiful build from (Origin ID: Bookdragon4ever) , it took me three weeks while I was waiting for the horse ranch pack to renovate it in the style of the Rojas Mendes family, but it was worth it.
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In my mind, I pictured what their ancestral home would look like and incorporated those features into the ranch.
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There’s a second house to the left of the main where the ranch hands stay  during the busy season. There are extra beds when they need to hire extra help, as well as extra room for storage.
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The ranch hand quarters lead straight into the courtyard, which lets them stay close to the horses.
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Behind the quarters are the stables where their horses, Tialoc & La Llorona live. On the other side is the training area where they can stretch their legs, play and train. 
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Definitely one of my favorite places; the back courtyard of the main house is perfect for barbecues, and a popular spot in the warmer weather. It leads right to Isamar’s garden, but you’ll see more of that pretty soon in the next Rojas - Mendez posts. 
I’ll be showing off more of the house soon; I don’t wanna show too much because I want you to enjoy it organically as the story unfolds.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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