#is gansey saying ‘thats all there is’ to a black screen
wander-wren · 2 years
with the graphic novels i’m being prompted again to consider trc tv show teaser trailer concept that has lived in my brain for?? over a year at this point??
just imagine. a sleepy virginian small town from above, a girl pedaling down the sidewalk on a bike. blue’s voice narrating as we slowly get closer.
“being the only normal one in a psychic family is bad enough.” cut to blue’s face as she rides. “what’s worse is being the one with a curse.”
a series of quick flashbacks of various women looking nervous, sad, and/or apologetic to blue at varying ages. maura’s voice. “if you kiss your true live, he will die.”
blue, on her bike, skids to a halt near aglionby academy. she watches the boys in their fancy uniforms and their arrogant smiles, their raven emblems. still narrating, she says, “so i have two rules. one, don’t talk to boys, because they’re trouble. and don’t talk to raven boys, because they’re bastards.”
she pushes off again. pan out to a darkening, cloudy sky. “you can’t outrun fate. but i didn’t expect it to find me so soon.”
the graveyard, st mark’s eve, with the dead marching past. then blue’s perspective, of only one lone boy, and neeve hisses, “take his name. he’ll die within the year.”
blue follows as the camera zeroes in on the boy’s face, his aglionby sweater, his rain-soaked shoulders. he stumbles to his knee, fingers splayed in the dirt. blue asks, “what’s your name?”
the screen goes black.
“is that all?”
“that’s all there is.”
music slams in alongside a montage of scenes, gansey, ronan, adam, noah. these have some dialogue and are long enough to establish their personalities and relationships with each other. mostly generic/immediately pre-canon things like the dolly/car dragging incident, but also a few early book one scenes. included near the beginning is gansey asking, “what do you know about welsh kings?” and explaining, “legend says he’s only sleeping, and whoever wakes him gets a favor.”
blue’s voice comes back near the middle of that: “i have my rules. we were never supposed to meet.”
half-second flashes of her meeting gansey in nino’s, adam outside in the parking lot, whenever she met ronan and noah officially.
“i guess i was never any good at following the rules.”
another montage like before, now showing all of them in various scenes from book one, getting faster, more jumbled, and soundless except for the music as we go. it culminates in flashes of the cabeswater scene, completely incomprehensible but full of fear. in the end, adam lands on his knees in the forest, hands splayed in the dirt. gansey’s voice screams, “adam!”
screen goes black again. blue says, “this is a year people die.”
[the raven cycle, coming 20XX]
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