#is Shigaraki rewinding back to being Tenko really that much of a stretch after AFO was doing the same shit for an entire arc
bicheetopuff · 17 days
Y’all are getting annoying with all of this hate. This chapter didn’t go the way you wanted it to so you start calling hori a terrible writer? You start saying it’s disgraceful? Are you for real?
Why’re we acting like the story is over? Was there a “the end” somewhere that I missed? Was there a conformation that Shigaraki was completely dead that I also missed? You guys are right that there are some things that didn’t make sense and that it felt a little rushed and how Nanas connection with Shigaraki was off screened but, we still have chances to see all of that.
The thing with Nana might come up with All Might and Gran Torino incase y’all forgot that he’s apart of that whole thing. There could a flashback for Tomura Shigaraki: Rising. Shigaraki could manifest overhaul and put himself back together.
Here’s the thing though, Deku was never motivated to save Shigaraki, he wanted to save the crying child inside of him. AFO was rewinding his age every time he died for like 30 fucking chapters, are you really convinced that he didn’t make sure Shigaraki, his vessel/escape goat, didn’t have the same quirk just incase? Wouldn’t it come full circle for Shigaraki to come out of this as young Tenko? Wouldn’t that even make MORE sense than Deku trying to save someone that’s already too far gone physically? Shigaraki was literally falling apart, wtf was Deku gonna do? Glue him back together? Stop punching him while he was still possessed and trying to kill him and others?
Why is this fandom always mad when Deku does anything? Some people are saying he didn’t have any emotional investment in Shigaraki and that he didn’t show emotion when he died but, we haven’t even gotten the chance to see his reaction yet. The last page he’s super far away and facing away from the camera, how tf do you know he’s not upset? How do you know he’s not looking at Tenko right now?
All of this to say, can y’all just be patient for once? Wait a few chapters before you start literally wishing death on Hori for writing something that didn’t please you in a shonen manga. At this point, some of you need to just drop the series if it’s gonna get under your skin this much. I’m really tired of defending this fandom and being associated with it when y’all are being this outrageous. Some of you need to start thinking and reflecting after you read rather than just go straight to your keyboard and start throwing metaphorical rocks into Horikoshis metaphorically online window.
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barbiegirldream · 5 months
haven't seen the anime post season 2 so i'm only talking about the manga, but i feel like mha was initially paced pretty well after the early establishing chapters. and then it just lost the plot somewhere around when they put Shigaraki in the tank. speedrunning through that whole Deku does his own thing trying to master his quirks and doesn't accept the class's help goes by insanely fast, and then the final battle stretches for like 70 chapters and it's still not done. i mean final fights can get lengthy in manga sure, but having it make up almost 20% of your overall chapters is insane. (sure the chapters got shorter later on, but not That much) to me it always felt like they lost the plot towards the later chapters and didn't really know how to handle a final fight that has 4+ storylines happening simultaneously, with how detached the Shigaraki, Toga, Todoroki, AFO segments are
it's kind of crazy like Okay i can actually buy why they're so spread out. 1) Dabi does not give a shit about All For One or the League and wouldn't be going to help. 2) they actively spent most of the fight keeping All For One and Shigaraki split up. 3) the others are weak as hell and are just trying to get anywhere to help but are getting stopped by the heroes with ease like Toga went down like she lived a messy bisexual 😭
Anyways I think that it makes no sense that Shigaraki is now able to steal quirks from One For All that feels like it totally defeats the purpose of them being evenly matched. I saw a youtube comment that was like from two years ago saying "Shigaraki is gonna steal too many quirks and blow up" and well that's what happened to One For All... kinda. So idk would be a chump move I think. And I still can't figure out what Horikoshi wants to do with Shigaraki. Going back and forth on if Tenko Shimura is still in there wanting to be redeemed. And at this point idk if I'd buy it anyways.
Now that Dabi is dead? at least down for the count, Toga is dead, and All For One rewinded himself out of existence cause Bakugou blew him up a bunch. The fight can finally focus in on Shigaraki but how long that's gonna go on for idk I was hearing rumors season 7 was supposed to come out this spring and I will be pissed if the same fucking fight is stretched into more than one season. Esp since season 6 was like round one of this same fight
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