oscconfessions · 3 months
I can't believe this has to be said.
NO, jacknjellify is not a greedy queerbaiting company that hates gay people.
NO, adam katz is not a zionist and even if he was don't fucking wish for his death.
NO, you're not "class traitors" for supporting both of them and still calling yourself a "leftist".
Just do what you like, keep watching your favorite shows and avoid people who are blatantly trolling and are just trying to make you question your choices.
Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be critical of your favorite media, nobody is perfect and media criticism is always accepted, but for the love of G-d PLEASE do not fall for ragebait.
have a good one
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oscconfessions · 26 days
someoscguy is literally what happens when osctwt accidentally drops some of their toxic waste
that's it we gotta gatekeep the osc from twitter
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oscconfessions · 2 months
Okay so uhh one time I was looking for someoscguy lore and I found a post vaugley saying "this account is someoscguy's friend" albiet it seemed like someoscguy just interacted with them no interactions back from the person. And like that account had 2 very funny takes
First one wasn't about directly about II, and it went "Why do all female characters need to become moms it's so sexists yada yada" and I know it was vauge posting abt II Test Tube, which... No?
Test Tube being a motherfigure was a part of her character since season 2 with the shimmer egg... Like the reason she treats Bot as her child isn't because they randomly decied to she was a mom, I personally see her treating Bot the way she feels like she should have treated shimmer. Again that dosen't mean that her and Fan have acctually good characters/characteraztion in season 3 but I'm not againts them trying to be parents again.
And then I saw a post being like "II bad! Unlike other indie animation shows such as a horrid henry" and It made me laugh my ass off. Not because they picked horrid henry that shows a banger but because they labeld it as a "Indie animation project"
Their blog dosen't exist anymore but I feel like I should share this with the rest of the class, And since I'm sharing it with the class I'll tell you all a secret
Not all media cirtisim for things you dislike/ things that have flaws is objective/Good. Not every single thing you dislike about III is writing flaw. Not every II neg post is a banger and should be trusted(I litterally saw a post once saying "II bad now because they don't have songs" and it was tagged as objective critism).
Also just because II neg has some bad Apple dosen't mean the full tag is full of people nitpicking flaws (Albiet I do have issues with the community of the II neg tag... As a person whose pretty critical of III espically) there's some rlly good critism on there
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oscconfessions · 25 days
what did someoscguy do and who are they 😭 /gen
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oscconfessions · 3 months
sorry to bring up someoscguy but he fr fascinates me. calling people “class traitors” for liking a YouTube web cartoon for children is EXTREMELY funny
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oscconfessions · 3 months
find me if you can, class traitors :)
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oscconfessions · 1 month
i had a pitch crush on someoscguy and got really sad when he deactivated
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oscconfessions · 3 months
Anon someoscguy and I had a polite discussion about Adam Katz on main and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm honestly very scared.
I posted something about how I felt really uncomfortable with how Adam was bribing the viewers and about his zionism and ablism and whatnot. Albeit, I was in a bad mood at the time and mentioned in the post that i was going to kill him. I regret this now, but thats besides the point.
I eventually got an anonymous ask saying "ADAM KATZ IS DEAD 🎉🎉🎉🎉" and whatnot. I replied, "if that were true the whole osc would be going nuts about it already, unfortunately I don't think this is true."
He replied, "I'm glad i met someone who is as against him as I am. Death upon Adam, death upon his family, death upon *etcetera*. Long live Palestine, long live anarchy, *etcetera.*"
I told him that wishing death upon Adam, as much as I hate the guy, is pretty extreme (but that i couldnt say I didnt agree a little bit, and long live Palestine), and that instead of answering his anons publicly that we should move the conversation to DMs for ease of conversation. He said, "I'm not moving shit anywhere, we're having this conversation here and now, are you on my side or are you a class traitor like everyone else"
I got flustered and after a few minutes deleted the asks and my responses. He hasn't asked again, but I still feel a little queasy. I'm not sure what just happened. I'm kind of scared. Was I in the wrong? Did I do something bad? Should I stay scared? This is the first time something like this has happened. Am I wrong to be nervous? Even as I type this my stomach is doing backflips :(
no you're fine. ive dealt with this guy before. he's a menace in this blog's askbox (*exhaustedly points to rule 2*) and while he has good points he is unwilling to spend his energy constructively (there are far better targets than an indie animation creator who doesnt even promote zionism) and does not respond to reasonable criticism. (i should know, i tried!) do not feel bad for not wanting to engage with him like that. -🫒
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oscconfessions · 3 months
hi I'm the person who said I don't think Loren was racist hi
Um ignore what I said I don't know the whole story because I found out about it a little late and I couldn't find the original tweets that started it so I wasn't able to find out the whole story I was just basing it off what I found out secondhand
and my uneducated ass contributing to the controversy was NOT helping. Um. So yeah sorry about that please continue
Also no I'm not someoscguy I don't even know who that is (and maybe it's best if I don't find out)
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oscconfessions · 3 months
This for ii hater.. Especially THAT one. since I'm not great at talking,tbh i don't even like iii that much too but man.
I just. Don't like death threats at all. Like sorry for not liking to keep up with the drama so I'm sure i would be lacking some information. But i just think it's wild to see a person as a super evil person because their parent is supporting something wild so therefore he is one too and that he pumped out merchandise like crazy so therefore he's just a super greedy man who only care about the money
Because even though you won't like it. it's still their series,it's something they had made. They have every right to do that and if you dislike it that's fine. If you like it that's fine too. We all are human,just because you like and support a silli little cartoon show doesn't mean you support the worst of the worst.
I just. I don't knowww,i don't have a strong opinion on this but i just. Felt like we should see popular people more as. human. Not a saint nor a satan spawn. One good nor bad fact about a person doesn't really meant you had now see their entire life time and can easily judge if they go to heaven nor hell.
I forgot what i was saying since i got distracted sorry so uh. Correct me if I'm wrong i guess???
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oscconfessions · 3 months
someoscguy is.... kinda right?
I honestly find it weird how none of you realize adam is CLEARLY a zionist..... the israeli flag, the social media disappearance, his mom, the fact they released an episode during a strike.....
someoscguy was a fucking idiot because they acted like some sort of passionate "proletariat warrior" of some sort but..... it's clear adam isn't a good person. come on.
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