#interaction gaveedra
fatummortem · 10 months
@emmatriarchy continued from here
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ㅤㅤ" Is that a common issue you face? " It's the first thing that comes to mind when Shatterstar responds that way, not that Ryouta knew how the other man would react to the quote. " That type of assumption is boring & foolish. Those who make them are often stupid themselves. " Some assumptions could lead to fun, that wasn't one of them. He pauses thoughtfully before giving the other a shrug.
ㅤㅤ" I'm mostly self-taught, I use classic literature to teach myself languages. " He learned that trick when he was very young. " Last we spoke you mentioned plays you've seen & I was curious to see your reaction. " He had mentioned learning the other when they first met, he'd meant it. Course he'd been a bit crafty with his wording at the time.
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thewxnderer-arch · 5 years
Fuck, I can't believe they just shot at me! (Marrow maybe? idk who you want to play though)
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“ Don’t worry about it, they want a fight, kick their teeth out.”
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wits-writing · 6 years
Comic Power Picks of the Week (10/4/2018)
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Justice League #9 (Writer: Scott Snyder, Art: Jorge Jimenez, Colors: Alejandro Sanchez)
Scott Snyder’s Justice League is a book I have been waiting to have a good reason to highlight here since I started Power Picks. The main reason for that so far has been the way the story in this book has been structured so far. After its relaunch in June, Justice League has been a dense read. The first arc introducing the Justice League and Legion of Doom’s conflict over the guiding powers underlying the universe in the aftermath of Dark Nights: Metal features so many moving parts and cosmic ideas that the moon getting blown up at the start was barely a footnote. Villain motives within the Legion of Doom have gotten the most space to breath so far with the League as a reactive force to their grand scheme. It’s been helped along with the Legion’s two headlining issues by James Tynion IV going into Lex Luthor’s point of view especially.
Highlighting this issue feels appropriate in light of that, since the focus is entirely on the League dealing with the aftermath of the first arc, namely Superman working to put the moon back together. It’s the first indication we’ve been given since this series started of what daily operations are like for the League at the Hall of Justice. Snyder uses the League members’ conversation to find a way to naturally weave in exposition by having what the team discusses build up how they’re currently operating. Wonder Woman and Aquaman turning their discussion while repairing parts of the Hall to how the team have personalized on-site living quarters then using that to reflect on how Wonder Woman hasn’t finished her section yet. This example shows the friendship between these two and provides an opportunity for some visual story development from Jorge Jimenez’s art. My favorite example from the League’s personal quarters (or “domains” as they’re referred to) is Superman having a dog bed inside his section for Krypto.
How the League interacts with the public, as well as the rest of the hero community, through the museum and food hall section of the Hall gives the sense of this team working to be more approachable in times where they don’t know what’s coming next. It’s an appropriate touch since the Hall’s design is based on a real museum. That approachability creates a tone that goes through the entire issue, showing heroes as people prepared to stand together through whatever unexpected thing comes their way next.
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Shatterstar #1 (Writer: Tim Seeley, Pencils: Carlos Villa, Flashback Art: Gerard Sandoval, Inks: Juan Vlasco, Colors: Carlos Lopez)
Seeley starts this series with Ben Gaveedra, looking to leave his life as Shatterstar behind, working as a landlord for an apartment building catering to people who have been displaced from their native realities and need a fresh start. He’s built up a routine by this point in his life as he goes through the regular duties of his job and building as much of a personal life for himself as possible. The best part of this book comes from the narration describing something that has become a part of Ben’s weekly routine, going to plays. He’s using the plays to distance himself from his traumas on the entertainment obsessed Mojoworld. Reminding himself how far he’s come from there by focusing on the structured and plainly spelled out lives of characters in these plays and how it’s no different than the motions he got forced through in that dimension. His distance from his old life as a costumed fighter also appears to have distanced him from his ex-boyfriend and former teammate Rictor.
Gerardo Sandoval’s art in the flashbacks to Shatterstar’s life on Mojoworld is excellent at invoking the tone of the time the character was created in without dipping into parody. Mojoworld here gets presented as a bleak, violent world to be trapped in with harsher shadows and emphasizing Shatterstar’s musculature in contrast to the brighter present-day Earth segments with a more realistically proportioned Ben Gaveedra. Villa’s art, aside from providing that contrast, fits with the initial presented tone of the main story giving a lived-in and comedic tone to the sequence of Ben checking in on his reality displaced tenants. His body language communicating how he’s gotten used to dealing with their personal business in addition to his responsibilities as landlord, even if he’s more willing to put up with some of them than others.
The hook of this series comes into focus at the end as Shatterstar’s old life comes crashing back in on him and he’s forced to get the swords out once again as his tenants are threatened by characters I don’t want to spoil. As a place to begin the first solo journey for this character, it’s a great look into his mind. Definitely give it a look if you want to know something about the character beyond his appearance as a throwaway punchline for one of Deadpool 2’s weakest jokes.
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