#instead of belittling those who refuse to sacrifice morals for a ‘lesser evil’
ohello0 · 8 months
“Vote blue 2024, down the ballot”
Don’t make me fucking laugh you silly little goober. Vote blue after all but a few democrats aligned themselves with a genocidal apartheid state and very few up to this point have walked back or edited previous statements approving the ethnic cleansing of Palestine???
The very first time I voted was in 2020 and I did it with full fucking contempt. Not only has nothing improved but everything has gotten worse because you’re senescent lesser of two evils is still just evil and useless on his own.
Half of congress should be beaten with sticks and that was before this past week of current events. How are you gonna mention queer, poc, and women’s rights being under attack and the only way to save them is to “vote blue no matter who” WHEN CONDITIONS FOR ALL THESE GROUPS AND MORE WORSENED UNDER BIDEN.
Roe v. Wade fell. Affirmative Action fell. Legislation demonizing and criminalizing queer and trans people has been passed across the country. The ADA is being undone. Healthcare is inaccessible. Housing is unaffordable. Groceries are too expensive. Public infrastructure is crumbling. The environment is more poisoned than ever. He’s done nothing but go back on promises and do the exact opposite of what the people want from him.
I’d appreciate it if every lib and centrist could just shut tf up and leave people alone because you’re not even helping your own cause.
If your answer to everything wrong with the world and country is to just vote I genuinely want you to tell me how I’m supposed to stand in community with dems and so called socialists after the behavior I’ve seen this past week.
Since you seem to know every mf thing
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