#incorrect botd quotes
writer-of-various · 1 year
An AU eh? This will be fun, tell me everything about it!
Well, I call it an AU, you guys can call it whatever, but anyways—
This is post-Cold War Zombies, the whole Season 6 Zombie Outro has me brewing up a plot line the devs should consider putting in a future game (THEY CANNOT LEAVE US ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT.)
I'm adding in my Zombies OC, Lilja Alekov-Roze.
So Eddie returns home after arresting his team, only to be confronted by Lilja, who reveals that none of them died and this is another dimension they are stuck in. The Aether is collapsing and all worlds/dimensions are at risk of being affected and colliding. Lilja –forces– convince Edward to join her in a new fight and they travel (by plane) to Volgograd to get Nikolai. Nikolai senses them coming and doesn't need convincing, the strange, memoir-like dreams he has been having are enough evidence.
They then fly to Tokyo to get Takeo, who takes a little more convincing but he's immediately loyal to Edward as always. They then take a boat to the US, docking at the California Coast of San Francisco, where Tommy (Tank) Dempsey is temporarily living due to deployment. Dempsey takes a lot of convincing but Lilja gets him, and they go to Nevada, to Groom Lake to use the teleporter there.
All the COD storylines would be connected, and our zombie warriors will encounter different teams and peoples and settings as they time travel to find key items to solving the issue at hand. Samantha, trapped in the Aether, leads Lilja (this AU is open to anyone to use, so Samantha will communicate with an OC or Dempsey) to these locations to find the items. Pieces of the summoning keys, the shards of the vials broken at BOTD, personal items dropped at each previous map (Der Eisendrache, The Giant, Classified, etc.)
Important figures/teams the crew (I'm still trying to find a name for them, I feel that Inter [Latin for in between/middle since they aren't necessarily their Primis or Ultimis selves, they're in between] isn't a good name, lmk what you think and ideas are always welcomed!) will encounter are TF141/Los Vaqueros [Zombie Outbreak in Las Almas during a joint mission], Ghosts [Outbreak in the US in a different dimension], BO Campaign Storyline [Woods, Alex, David, Hudson, etc.], and more.
This is all just a continuation of where the zombie storyline ended after CW Season 6 since I personally believe Vanguard didn't cover anything or reveal much.
So that's pretty much the outline, I am working on the draft and hopefully get started on the actual story. It's a lot, and ideas are always welcomed.
Feel free to ask more questions, because I gave the outline, there is so much more. Also, feel free to ask about the crew's interactions w/each other and maybe some incorrect quotes!
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