#incapable of understanding how my race is white while my ethnicity is french scottish welch blackfoet and how i am indigenous and white.
trans-axolotl · 8 months
may i ask if you're white and native? like ndn? or are you indig to somewhere else?
white and native yep! i've talked about it a few times but my mom's side of the family is from the Blackfeet Nation in montana. dad's side is completely white. so im Scottish/French/Welsh/Blackfeet. i feel like most of my followers r on the same page about like, the social construction of race and ethnicity and stuff but i want to be very clear that as a white native person i benefit from white privilege, i am always read in the world as white, i have a responsibility + obligation to actively confront and dismantle the ways i am complicit in systems of oppression, both within the larger world and when it comes to racism within native communities, and that me saying i'm native is not denying any of that. i am white and at the same time, i am native bc my mom is native and my grandpa is native and my great grandma was native etc etc and my connection to community + culture + generational trauma. sorry for typing out a paragraph in response to this but in the past many people on tumblr have been like, incapable of understanding what i mean when i say i am white and native and insist that i must just be "white passing"(which is a misuse and appropriation of language coming from the context of antiblack racism and Jim crow america). so yeah. i don't talk about being native a lot on here bc a lot of it is like, incredibly personal stuff that tumblr is NOT at all the audience for
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