#in reality it is highkey panic but she tries to play it super lowkey for the sake of not wanting to upset akira and all the wizards
shymaidxn · 2 years
“This is the third meal you’ve missed this week, are you okay?”  HELLO
noticing trauma sentence starters
Diantha wasn’t about to admit how unwell she felt. Not when she knew crying over unfavorable circumstances wouldn’t bring her any closer to her goal. Not when she knew she had to power through learning curves a foreign world presented her, and poured over any book or conversation that could help her along the way. Not when this sweet person suddenly gave her so much of their time to help ease her woes, when they should be taking care of their own friends, and especially when they were practically complete strangers until a short while ago. She wouldn’t let the negativity in her seep out…At least, she had promised herself that she wouldn’t, yet here Akira was pointing out her negative habits.
It was something - anxiety creeping into her heart, her stomach churning, and brain buzzing with so many thoughts it all turned to white noise - she swore no one would easily see, or at least no one here would; that she had gotten so good at hiding that no one would even see what there was to figure out. Though she had to suppose Akira wasn’t “no one” now, at least for outwardly circumstances. There were so many people coming and going from this place though, that she had just assumed their attention would be elsewhere, from business affairs to friendly encounters. Yet they had always made a point to greet her, ask her about her day, even offering a little snack or even a good meal. Sure, she was the new girl, but they seriously didn’t have to be this nice right off the bat. Even with the comforting report they now had, and even with this sense of trust she's started to feel from them with each conversation. Heartwarming as it was, Diantha just didn’t feel like she had…earned it, in a sense. She certainly didn’t deserve it, at least not in her mind. But it also begged the question: How close were they outside of calming and casual conversations they had every day to warrant even this level of concern and attention to detail? 
“I’m…” Hesitation in the form of broken eye contact and the fidgeting of her long ponytail. Combing through, twirling around, straightening then relaxing. For some reason, under their gaze, even if it was just pure concern, it felt like a stab to her heart when knowing she did something wrong. Guilt - that was hard to hide. “I’ve just…Been so busy that I’ve forgotten about it.” A truth mixed with a lie; she’s made herself too busy for her own good, and only thinks about food when it’s offered to her. “B-But it’s not like you see every meal I eat, so you haven’t been around when I’m actually eating, probably…Not that I’ve looked out to see where you are.” Yeah, none of that helps her case at all, not even with that forced sheepish laugh of hers. But all she really wants is Akira to drop this and move on, so she may stubbornly shoo him away so things could come back to the normalcy she was just getting used to.
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