#in case you're wondering marcy was with the resistance team because she happened to miss the broadcast
duckapus · 1 year
Fish Out of Water
So, the thing about the Boopkins species is, they’re fish. Even though they have legs and lungs and can stay on land for a good long while they’re still fish. They need to go in the water at least sometimes or they’ll dry out. And let’s be real, The Goomba is way too self-absorbed(despite what he may think) to notice that his “helpful buddy Fishy” is slowly dying of dehydration.
And this wouldn’t be such a problem, Boopkins probably could have told him, except The Goomba has a habit of grumbling under his breath about things he doesn’t like, and Boopkins Listens so he won’t do those things(because let’s be real, he’s a people pleaser and kind of a pushover, and those mixed with this particular brand of mind control are a match made in hell), and one of the things he doesn’t like is people who complain a lot which is a bit ironic all things considered but if Boopkins mentioned that it’d probably be complaining, so when his scales start itching and he remembers what that means he doesn’t say anything.
Working with The Goomba is…well, it’s Right, it has to be Right, even though Boopkins is tired and itchy and it’s a little awkward being called by his first name when he’s gotten so used to being Boopkins but that’s not really the biggest deal, Dad still calls him Fishy too he has a hard time remembering the last time he saw Dad, so Boopkins doesn’t say anything. Even when they’re asking other people to come help including kids why are we taking kids, and getting money for their projects he’s pretty sure it’s still robbery even if the bank tellers are "willing" participants, and borrowing the studio for The Goomba’s broadcast and every cell in his body is screaming at him to jump in the ocean he doesn’t say anything.
He’s so tired.
You’d think that with just about everyone listening to The Goomba now there would be less for Fishy to do. You’d be wrong, because he’s The Goomba’s Right Hand(and Left Hand. No arms, you know?) so now that he’s in charge of everything they both have so much more to deal with and so many more complaints to grumble and adapt to, especially with the hunt for Mario and his friends going longer than it should. And Fishy keeps slipping up because he’s always so tired and having trouble thinking through the headache and the rules and the itch and The Goomba’s urging him to get more rest but rest won’t help I NEED WATER I’M A FISH IT’S IN MY NAME IT’S IN THE NAME YOU INSIST ON USING YOU STUPID FUCKING MUSHROOM and the only small relief he gets is the sword armed man who he feels like he should remember and who keeps “accidentally” spilling drinks on him(because even brainwashed Bob is a bit of a rebel, and bound and determined to look after his best friend in what little way he can) and he’s
Fishy can’t think.
Fishy doesn’t know how he’s standing.
Fishy can barely hear.
Except Goomba. Fishy can always hear Goomba.
Goomba’s talking to new people, the ones on the Wanted Signs he can almost remember putting up. He’s angry.
And then Fishy’s somewhere else, trying to catch more monkeys than a block man. Fishy doesn’t know why.
And then Fishy’s in a staring contest with an angry robe sword girl. Fishy thinks she looks like the drink spilling guy.
And then there’s…singing? There’s bright lights and loud sounds all over and it hurts.
A green girl with a big sword and a purple man with a beard and three floating glowing people that Fishy doesn’t think were there before do Something to Goomba and the world
and Boopkins is falling, but somebody catches him, and he knows he’s safe now because there’s only One Person who could hold someone so gently with cold razor-sharp steel.
“Boopkins, you with me bro?”
And he wants to say yes so badly, doesn’t want Bob to worry more than absolutely necessary(and it’d be hard for anyone to tell with That Voice but he’s already absolutely frantic), but he’s still sorting between what’s real and what’s the dehydration headache and what’s The Goomba, and he remembers something important.
“was s’posed t’ pick up Jubjub…”
Bob chokes out something between a laugh, a sob and a scoff, which just sounds weird coming from him if you’re not used to it, “already handled it. C’mon, let’s get you fixed up before the dead fish smell sets off Karen’s instincts.”
And less than a minute later he’s in one of Steve’s cauldrons, and it’s cramped and Minecraft water’s always had a weird texture and he doesn’t care because in his state a swamp would feel like a hot spring and this is definitely better than a swamp. For the first time in weeks he can think and he’s wet and he’s happy and he’s Boopkins.
And he’s still tired
And that’s finally okay.
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