#impeach and convict
qqueenofhades · 9 days
Petition to replace Samuel Alito and/or Clarence Thomas on SCOTUS with literally any one of the average New Yorkers who voted to convict Trump today.
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never-was-has-been · 13 hours
"SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas, in his latest financial disclosure form, amends his 2019 report to show he took trips paid for by a Republican megadonor." ~ Steve Herman - @[email protected] " ------------------------------------------------------------
FFS! So when are the phucking impeachment & "removal from the Supreme Court" proceedings going to start? What? They got a backlog of cases against OTHER Supreme Court Justices?? What The Actual Phuck is the hold up? Trump hasn't spent One Single Minute behind bars and the DOJ can't seem to lock up ANYONE? We're all screwed, blued, tattooed and hung up to dry rot! 😳 😟 😤 😠 😡 🤬 🫥
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danu2203 · 9 months
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robpegoraro · 8 days
Former area resident encounters belated accountability
Respect to a dozen New Yorkers who showed up and did the work that certain judges and senators seem incapable of doing.
Convicted felon Donald Trump. That factual description written into history Thursday by a jury of 12 New Yorkers interrupts a streak of people with far more power and privilege enabling the disgraced 45th president to evade accountability for far more serious offenses. This wasn’t the case I expected to see result in a guilty verdict first, or maybe ever. The conduct covered by those 34 felony…
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maxbegone · 19 days
Biden: “What’s happening in Gaza is not genocide.”
What a truly harrowing and remarkably misguided statement. I don’t understand how saying that can allow you to sleep well at night.
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
Tim Miller at The Bulwark looks at Donald Trump's third (and biggest) indictment.
There will probably be a fourth indictment related to Trump's famous January 2021 phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Stay tuned.
Tim also reminds us how Republicans had a chance to rid themselves of the burden of Trump at the second impeachment trial but blew it and are now stuck with him because of their cowardice in 2021.
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buckyschair · 4 months
i feel like people are forgetting that trump actually tried to ignore election results and disrupt the system for a peaceful exchange of power and claim it all for himself ??
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wilwheaton · 3 months
The notion that the United States is “polarized” into two conflicting, equally stubborn and extreme camps infects much of the mainstream news coverage and everyday chatter about politics. Washington is “broken.” “Gridlock” is a problem. “No one goes out to dinner with someone on the other side.” Such mealy-mouthed language masks a stark dichotomy: Democrats have to move to the center to get bipartisan support; Republicans have become radicalized and unmovable. This is not “polarization.” It is the authoritarian capture of much of the GOP by a right-wing movement bent on sowing chaos. Turkey, Hungary and other countries with autocratic strongmen are not polarized; democratic forces try their best to prevent their country’s ruin and collapse into total dictatorship. Our political scene, sadly, has come to resemble the global authoritarian assault on democracy. [...] The bipartisan border compromise ... was sunk by Republicans. Republicans in the House overwhelmingly opposed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, commonly known as the “Bipartisan” Infrastructure Bill (which President Biden modified to get bipartisan support); almost every Republican voted against the Chips Act, they all voted against the Inflation Reduction Act, and some even voted against the Pact Act, which would have helped veterans. House Republicans have launched phony, baseless impeachment hearings. Senate Republicans filibustered reenactment of a key part of the Voting Rights Act, blocked a bipartisan Jan. 6, 2021, commission and overwhelmingly refused to convict four-times-indicted former president Donald Trump. The assertion that hyper-partisanship, chaos and nihilism (e.g., threatening to shut down the government, egging on a default and refusing to even vote on Ukraine aide) is equally divided amounts to an outright fabrication — or utter cluelessness.
The radicalization of the Republican Party is not ‘polarization’
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Okay, everyone in the US needs to look at what's happening right now and analyze it like you would a list of events from a history textbook:
Children are stolen from their families, locked in "detention centers."
A president attempts a coup, but he is not impeached. The people who took part in the attempted coup are given sentences of anywhere from a few months to a few years. Nowhere near what one would expect for people who committed treason.
There are numerous laws put in place to limit voting even more than it was already limited.
There are laws passed to discriminate against entire groups of people, and a main political party calls human beings abominations.
The highest court rules that convicted criminals have no right to introduce new evidence, even if it proves the "criminal" innocent."
The highest court rules that police cannot be sued for not informing someone of their right.
The highest court says that they intend to take away bodily autonomy from women, children, trans men, nonbinary people, agender people, intersex people, gender fluid people, and other gender nonconforming people.
If I was reading this about a country in a history textbook, I would clearly be able to see that the country was losing any semblance to a democracy. If this was a novel, I would be shouting at the main character to wake up. What do you think?
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liberalsarecool · 4 months
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Republicans under investigations plead guilty. MAGA trials for Jan 6 are non-stop convictions.
Trump had 3500+ court cases and six bankruptcies before office, and two impeachments, four indictments, and 91 charges for crimes while in office.
Any Republican under oath ends up in prison.
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comeonamericawakeup · 1 month
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A running cliché in the mainstream media is that the U.S. is "polarized" into two "extreme camps," said Jennifer Rubin.
This is simply untrue. Democrats have some far-left elements, but President Biden and the party's congressional leaders have repeatedly proven they are willing "to move to the center to get bipartisan support." Not so the Republicans, who "have become radicalized and unmovable." Republicans recently buried a tough bipartisan border bill they helped forge because Donald Trump feared it would be effective. They overwhelmingly opposed the Infrastructure Bill and the Chips Act to help fund semiconductor factories in the U.S., and refused to convict an impeached Trump for inciting a violent insurrection.
They are denying military aid critical to Ukraine's survival, and siding with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson "is a Christian nationalist who thinks he was chosen by God and takes direction from the Bible, not the Constitution." Virtually every Republican official now is endorsing Donald Trump, "the most extreme, racist candidate since the Civil War," who warns that immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of the country. That's not polarization. That's "one party going off the deep end."
THE WEEK March 22, 2024
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"The gerrymandering alone undermines Wisconsin’s status as a democracy. If a majority of the people cannot, under any realistic circumstances, elect a legislative majority of their choosing, then it’s hard to say whether they actually govern themselves."
--Jamelle Bouie, Opinion Columnist, The New York Times
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Jamelle Bouie points out the disturbing way that Republicans in Wisconsin have basically destroyed democratic representative government on all levels by:
Creating an unbreakable gerrymander to ensure a Republican legislative majority, even if more people vote for Democrats.
Weakening the power of a Democratic governor,.
Targeting a liberal Wisconsin supreme court justice for removal or suspension so that the state SC won't have the power to rule against gerrymandered districting maps, and won't be able to prevent a 19th century ban on abortion from becoming law.
This is chilling. Below are some excerpts from the column:
For more than a decade, dating back to the Republican triumph in the 2010 midterm elections, Wisconsin Republicans have held their State Legislature in an iron lock, forged by a gerrymander so stark that nothing short of a supermajority of the voting public could break it. [...] In 2018, this gerrymander proved strong enough to allow Wisconsin Republicans to win a supermajority of seats in the Assembly despite losing the vote for every statewide office and the statewide legislative vote by 8 percentage points, 54 to 46. No matter how much Wisconsin voters might want to elect a Democratic Legislature, the Republican gerrymander won’t allow them to. [...] Using their gerrymandered majority, Wisconsin Republicans have done everything in their power to undermine, subvert or even nullify the public’s attempt to chart a course away from the Republican Party. In 2018, for example, Wisconsin voters put Tony Evers, a Democrat, in the governor’s mansion, sweeping the incumbent, Scott Walker, out of office. immediately, Wisconsin Republicans introduced legislation to weaken the state’s executive branch, curbing the authority that Walker had exercised as governor. Earlier this year, Wisconsin voters took another step toward ending a decade of Republican minority rule in the Legislature by electing Janet Protasiewicz, a liberal Milwaukee county judge, to the State Supreme Court, in one of the most high-profile and expensive judicial elections in American history. [...] “Republicans in Wisconsin are coalescing around the prospect of impeaching a newly seated liberal justice on the state’s Supreme Court,” my newsroom colleague Reid J. Epstein reports. “The push, just five weeks after Justice Janet Protasiewicz joined the court and before she has heard a single case, serves as a last-ditch effort to stop the new 4-to-3 liberal majority from throwing out Republican-drawn state legislative maps and legalizing abortion in Wisconsin.” Republicans have more than enough votes in the Wisconsin State Assembly to impeach Justice Protasiewicz and just enough votes in the State Senate — a two-thirds majority — to remove her. But removal would allow Governor Evers to appoint another liberal jurist, which is why Republicans don’t plan to convict and remove Protasiewicz. If, instead, the Republican-led State Senate chooses not to act on impeachment, Justice Protasiewicz is suspended but not removed. The court would then revert to a 3-3 deadlock, very likely preserving the Republican gerrymander and keeping a 19th-century abortion law, which bans the procedure, on the books. If successful, Wisconsin Republicans will have created, in effect, an unbreakable hold on state government. With their gerrymander in place, they have an almost permanent grip on the State Legislature, with supermajorities in both chambers. With these majorities, they can limit the reach and power of any Democrat elected to statewide office and remove — or neutralize — any justice who might rule against the gerrymander. [color/emphasis added[
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"It’s that breathtaking contempt for the people of Wisconsin — who have voted, since 2018, for a more liberal State Legislature and a more liberal State Supreme Court and a more liberal governor, with the full powers of his office available to him — that makes the Wisconsin Republican Party the most openly authoritarian in the country."
--Jamelle Bouie, Opinion Columnist, The New York Times
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Donald Trump has now been impeached twice, indicted twice, but remains the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. In a recent interview, he vowed to stay in the race even if he gets convicted for any of the crimes for which he’s been charged. "If [Trump] gets back into power, he'll never leave," says Ruth Ben-Ghiat. "He needs to get back into power because he's so corrupt and shut down all investigations.” And while a handful of Republicans have notably criticized Trump post-indictment, the majority of the GOP have come to his defense and echoed his talking points. “The GOP, as you know, I feel they’re an autocratic party operating in a democracy,” Ben-Ghiat tells Ali Velshi. “They have talking points just like the Kremlin does and we have seen everybody use the same language about the weaponization of government.”
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porterdavis · 1 year
Ryan Shead (The Villain)
Donald Trump was the first president…
In 28 years not to serve a second term. In 45 years not to release his tax returns.
In 89 years to lose the presidency, Senate, and House in one term.
To have zero public service before being elected.
To be taped detailing how he sexually assaulted women.
To have 26 sexual assault allegations.
To marry a porn model.
To be married three times
To be impeached twice
To begin their term with a negative approval rating.
To never reach an approval rating above 50%.
To ask for and receive election assistance from a known foreign enemy.
To refuse conceding after losing.
To tell Americans the election they lost was a fraud.
To incite an insurrection resulting in hundreds being charged and convicted.
To have 81 associates charged with crimes.
To lose their security clearance after leaving office.
To have home raided by FBI for espionage.
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1americanconservative · 3 months
We knew McConnell was dirty but we didn't know that McConnell threatened Trump with Impeachment conviction to stop him from giving Julian a Pardon.
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They've started the impeachment for Joe.
Good. We need to get this into the Senate. Even though they won't convict him, it will kill one of the Dem's favorite planned talking points for '24. Can't hit Trump for being impeached when your guy has also been impeached. They can cry foul and complain about a partisan congress playing politics with impeachment but that'll just undermine their own credibility because they did the same thing.
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