#im very endeared to ichimoji. he was very cutesies to me.
kideternity · 21 days
Watched Shin Kamen Rider today as somebody who’s never seen any Kamen Rider show before but always vaguely wanted to get into it and the main message I got from Shin Kamen Rider was that Grasshoppers are really cool and underrated
Okay I'll stop being silly now. I really liked it ^_^ it was a really fun movie. Im not sure how like, Faithful it is to any of the previous Kamen Rider shows or like how lore accurate it is Again Ive never watched Kamen Rider before so for all I know actual Kamen heads think it’s the worst most baby bitch taste thing ever but I really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the costume design- it was very fast paced / pacing and plot is not very I feel like. I suppose MEANT to be super linear or easily cohesive. It took me I think the first 30 minutes to like Truly Get into it / Get used to the pacing and plot, same with the cinematography, though once I got used to it I did really enjoy the sort of dramatic weird cinematography and plot etc it had going on. The soundtrack was very cool and in general the movie felt like very loving of the aesthetics etc it was based off, like a lot of the hamminess felt Explicitly Deliberate as a labour of affection idk I might be talking out of my ass here. The ending left me with a nice fuzzy warm feeling in my antly heart. Idk. I liked it!
Anyways. Grasshoppers are really cool.
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