#im too lazy to make & maintain a separate blog even though i should ahsjkfhsd
phantomqueen · 4 years
i haven’t done any book blogging™ in a while so here’s some books i read recently:
(included links to goodreads summaries so i dont have to struggle through summarizing plots myself and i can just give u Thoughts. ALSO does anyone remember the alternative to goodreads that was circulating around a while back? i didnt bookmark it at the time which was foolish of me)
- i finished the obelisk gate by nk jemisin which i’ve already talked about a few times. its good, its really really good but this is also the one that made me cry like REALLY made me cry towards the end bc GOD the main character just can’t catch a break. that being said i cannot recommend this trilogy enough. i love this fully realized science fantasy world & mythos and its magic(?) systems. and theres just smth i love so much about jemisin’s writing; its very grounded & fittingly cynical but she’s also good at getting across the vibe of grand larger powers. if that makes any sense. anyway its brutal but great and im diving right into the third book excited for the final showdown
- but before that i spent a weekend with meet cute club by jack harbon which is a very straightforward gay romcom--not in a bad way; it’s well-written and the characters are very likable, it’s just that u know what you’re getting. which, again, not a bad thing. the main character is a fan of romance novels so sometimes its almost self-aware which i thought was kinda cute. both characters had different “learning how to love” issues so rly their only obstacles were themselves. i normally don’t like Grand Romantic Gestures but i was okay with this one; it fit with the story and it was like, still an apology but also smth beneficial for the recipient outside of just fixing their relationship. anyway idk if that makes sense either but it was a good time
also rereading the raven boys for nostalgic comfort. no fresh new 24-year-old-me thoughts on it yet, just pure indulgence. all out queer anthology is on the backburner for now; i’ll finish it eventually but i don’t think i really vibed with it
next reads are probably will do magic for small change by andrea hairston and after the eclipse by fran dorricott
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