#im sure he doesn’t mean it in a bad way like im suuuure he thinks he’s saying a nice thing but he’s not
releaseholiday · 2 years
@ Louis stop being so condescending towards your own (mostly female) fans🙂
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surveysofdayspast · 7 years
Survey from: May 3, 2010 @ 1:03am Today: May 3, 2017 – 4:54pm.
Your last ex finds out you've fallen in love with another person? 2010: no ex lol
2017: Technically the above answer is a lie—I once dated a boy for a day in grade 7 or something. So I DID, in fact, have an ex. Technically. But anyways, to answer the question, I imagine he would just be happy that I’m happy (the most recent ex, not the grade 7 one…).
Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed walked out of your life? 2010: oh yes.
2017: Well I’m pretty sure I’m standing here, in one piece, better and happier than ever. So…no.
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? 2010: wo-ta-ta (water) :)
2017: Literally just had a sip of water before typing this. Or “wo-ta-ta” as I apparently used to say.
Your mom finds used condoms in your room, you tell her? 2010: lmao she doesnt need to worry about that right now hahaha
2017: “Well, it looks like someone broke into our house and had sex in my room, because you KNOW it wasn’t me.”
Do you prefer pasta salad, or coleslaw? 2010: pasta salad im thinkinnn
2017: This feels like one of the more random questions I’ll encounter in this survey. I like pasta salad if it’s not the kind with tuna, and coleslaw is also great if it doesn’t have too much dressing. In terms of which one I prefer, the answer appears to be…neither. They are equally great under the conditions specified above.
Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? 2010: yeah probably, not like ive had it up to now, if i just kept not drinking..id be fine :p
2017: My naïve 16-year-old self doesn’t even know what she was missing. I definitely COULD live without alcohol, but I think my life would be much less interesting if I made that particular choice.
Who's bed were you on last? 2010: mine lmao 
2017: Same, younger me. Same.
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? 2010: lol no clue :p
2017: I just thought of old lady Rose from Titanic saying, “It’s been 84 years.” I’m gunna go with that, I think.
Last person you kissed, have you cried in front of them? 2010: yesss i haveee
2017: It feels REALLY early into that relationship for me to have cried (literally one month in), but hey, who am I to judge? Since we’re speaking of the same human, the answer is still yes.
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? 2010: yes :)
2017: Yes.
Does anyone call you babe? 2010: on occasion :p
2017: I spent some time trying to think of clever answer to this—but I couldn’t so the answer is no.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating? 2010: yes for sure
2017: Well, I managed for 12x that so I don’t think staying faithful is really a problem for me.
Do you think the last person you kissed is a player? 2010: nope hahaha
2017: No.
Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"? 2010: its possible, ive seen it :p
2017: So many spelling and grammatical errors…it’s so hard not to edit them all out... Yeah, it’s possible. I’ve seen it happen. I think it greatly depends on the circumstances of the break-up, however, and perhaps long they were together, etc.
Your ex wants you back? 2010: no ex :p
2017: I feel like this question could be received in two different ways. But no to both contexts.
Anyone say they want to be with you forever? 2010: nope
2017: Yes.
Ever dated someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited personality? 2010: nope
2017: No.
Last person you had a deep conversation with? 2010: twitter? hahahahaaaaa :p
2017: My conversations with Twitter are significantly less deep than they are ridiculous nowadays. But I used to have a REAL tweeting problem in high school. That’s why my tweet count is over 15k or something insane like that.
Anyways, I have pretty deep questions with my best gal pal Kelsey, because lives and personalities parallel each other in a lot of ways (and also because she’s awesome and easy to talk to).
Even more recently, my mom and I have spent a significant amount of time theorizing about who killed Jason Blossom on Riverdale because I guess we just think we’re Sherlock Holmes and John Watson or something. These conversations, while seemingly arbitrary, are actually SURPRISINGLY in depth.
(P.S. we think it was Hal Cooper). Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? 2010: yes, literally more than half the time :)
2017: Why didn’t I ever capitalize my sentences?
And sure, but only of the fictional and unattainable variety. Did you reject or accept your last friend request? 2010: accepttttt
2017: I’m not going to lie, I think I rejected? Because #strangerdanger. I really don’t remember, though. 
Would you prefer being locked in a room with your ex or your worst enemy? 2010: no ex, and i dont really have an enemy...unless its just someone i hate, which would be the penguin..and id rather shoot myself in the face then be locked in a room with her :p (not to be overly dramatic or anything :p)
2017: That was definitely dramatic. To clarify, the “penguin” I refer to in this answer and in some answers and surveys to follow probably, was my grade 11 English teacher. I did a weird thing where I nicknamed some of my least-favourite teachers after an animal I thought they looked like. At the end of the day, this is a pretty rude thing to do but I won’t pretend it never happened! This particular teacher was a genuinely bad one, however, so I only regret judging her by her appearance, but will never regret judging her lack of teaching abilities.
Moving on—I choose my ex, since I don’t have an “enemy” to speak of (probably because I’m a real person and not a fictional character archetype) and some potentially awkward conversation is significantly less awful than a possible duel to-the-death. Have you kissed someone in 2010 that means a lot to you? 2010: yes!!! <3
2017: Given that it is no longer 2010, I technically can’t answer this question in the here-and-now. I will, however, answer it for this year?
The answer is no. Do you want your ex to be happy, even if it means not being with you? 2010: lack of ex ahahaha
2017: Definitely.
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? 2010: OMG Juno?!
2017: That would be significantly awkward for a number of reasons.
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? 2010: ahahaha doesnt matter :p kinda depends i guess :p
2017: “kinda depends”—Oh boy.
They’re both nice. Would it hurt seeing the person you last kissed kissing someone else? 2010: oh yes
2017: Look how the times have changed. No, it wouldn’t.
If the last person you kissed bumped into you at school, what would you say? 2010: good morning! :) like usualll? lmao :p
2017: “Why are you at school? Why am I at school? Aren’t we adults now?”
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? 2010: yupp pretty much :)
2017: Yeah, I suppose I do.
Do you believe your latest ex thinks about you? 2010: lack.of.ex.
2017: I really couldn’t say, as I do not, in fact, live inside his brain. 
Has the last person you kissed, met your family? 2010: yes, yes he has :p
2017: You bet.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? 2010: lol i should hope so :)
2017: I was about to say no but then I realized that would probably be a lie. It just isn’t mutual.
I don’t want to talk about it… Youre insanely drunk stumbling through the streets, slurring songs, who are you with? 2010: this hasnt and probably wont be happening for a while now :p sooooooooooooo i have literally nooo idea :p
2017: I could see this happening with Rachael or Sasha to be honest.
Next time you will kiss someone? 2010: tomorrowwww :)
2017: Only Father Time knows the answer to this question.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? 2010: [name redacted] :)
2017: Kelsey! 
Do you like to cuddle? 2010: yes :)
2017: Yeah, my cat and I cuddle all the time.
If an ex said they hated you, you say? 2010: no ex! :p
2017: “That’s nice.”
I don’t know, it just isn’t something that would happen unless I manage to be a really terrible human being. Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? 2010: probably not hahaha :p
2017: Sure. Probably not “just to see me,” though. If I was in need for whatever reason I definitely have people.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? 2010: mehh probably :p obviously nothing crazy though? hahahaa
2017: You bet! Ah, life. 
Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don't talk to at all? 2010: yeah sort of
2017: Ah, life (once again). Adult life, in particular.
Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? 2010: mehhh wouldnt want to be lol
2017: I’m genuinely curious to know who I was speaking of in 2010.
The old answer holds true nonetheless. Although thankfully I can’t recall ever being hurt to a point where I thought I was beyond repair. Can you have more than one best friend? 2010: of course!
2017: “Sigh”
Yes. Has anyone said they love you in the last week? 2010: parents ahahaa
2017: Once again, the 7-year-old answer holds true.
Last compliment you received? 2010: not suuuure!
2017: I don’t fully remember but I think it had to do with my hair!
Are you starting to realize anything? 2010: i dont know? ahahaha :p
2017: What a vague question. I don’t even know how to answer it, to be honest. There are so many things that I could be “realizing” that I just feel really overwhelmed and confused while I try to figure it out.
Aren’t we constantly realizing and learning things? Isn’t that what life is?
This question might give me an existential crisis. Who was the first person you talked to today? 2010: [name redacted] technically, textinggggg! :)
2017: Kelsey via text, Dad via…real life.
Have you ever known someone that just creeped you out? 2010: who hasnt? :p
2017: Yes, unfortunately.
Do you hate it when people mispronounce your name? 2010: yeah, because you really think it wouldnt happen, oh but it haaasss :p
2017: My name card at my college grad had the pronunciation of my name (Jaime) as “HAY-may” and I kind of wish I didn’t make the correction.
I don’t hate it, it doesn’t happen often at all. Misspelling it, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Although that doesn’t bother me too much either because it happens almost every day of my life. I’m probably too chill for my own good.
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